Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Good Ol' Sexual Harrassment ;)

Here I am...updating my blog. I'm so's not even body is so bloody tired, I can't move. Ugh. On another note...I had a really great day at work today. Dave and his lemon...certain "sexual harrassment" lmao oh man good times. I'll fill ya'll in later with more stories, they just take too long to type out. Umm what else. Oh after another breakup, Andrew and Krista are back together again...big surprise there hey? About 24 hours tops, I so called that one. I can't even think of what else I was going to talk about in here....I want ______ soooo badly it's not even funny lol.

Lastnight I went to Bewitched with Andrea, Chelsea, Alex, Caley and Jesslyn. I thought that it was really good but I had to listen to Caley and Jesslyn bitch the entire time about how much they hate Will Farrell. How can you hate him?! He's so hillarious! The movie was so cute and their romance made me wanna cry because it's what I want...I want a guy to totally sweep me off of my feet and to dance like an idiot with me while singing "If you like pina coladas and getting cought in the rain...if you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain etc etc". *Sigh* If only....

Anyways. Megan grads tomorrow! I'm so happy for her and I really wish that I could be there to see it. I have the next two days off, hopefully chillin with Andrea tomorrow and I dunno what I'm doing Friday. Definately not buying the guys at work pizza, that's for sure lol. Or ice cream for that matter.

Well I'm gunna stop rambling now, I'm so beat. I'll talk to ya'll later. Peace out.

Monday, June 27, 2005 ARE a retard! lmao

In a really fucking bad mood. I'm so pissed off. My sister's such a bitch and I can't stand it anymore. She went off on me about how I don't have a real job and how she's the one that holds this fucking family up and shit and I wanna kick her ass. She does nothing. She does some of the cleaning and sits around having a grand old time. I work my ass off, pretty much full time to help pay the fucking bill and I work my ass off to clean and maintain this house. I'm so pissed off. Omg I can't handle this. Now I'm crying cause I'm so fucking stressed out and this is the last thing I needed.

Atleast I had a good night lastnight out with Andrea. We drove to Victoria to drop off her letter at The Department Of Motor Vehicles...which being the genius she is...thought was at the Parlement Buildings. She also didn't realize that there was no fucking address on the letter just a PO box so we had to ask all these people where it was, and they suggested the ICBC building so after another 30-40 minutes of going the wrong way we finally found it. We met some interesting people and had some good times. Many laughs at Andrea's expense and then finally headed home. Slight detour once we got back into Nanaimo and then we arrived home at about 11:30. Needless to say I'm still pretty tired but I have to work in two house so I need to wake up. I also need to apply my face and get dressed so I'll talk to ya'll later. Later Days.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Pointless Quizes Of Awesomeness

find your elementat

Is that not totally me?!?! Omg, I loved that quiz lol I was tempted to answer with all the evil questions but it wouldn't have been me. I also did Megan's other quiz about the ice cream and it told me that I'd be Mint Chocolate Chip which is totally awesome but the description didn't really sound like me much at all *shrugs*. Well there's nothing else for me to talk about, I work in a few hours so I should go get some house work done and get ready. Blah. I didn't sleep very well lastnight...damn cats. Anyways..I'll talk to ya'll later, Andrea give me a call tonight if you're not working or whatever. Buh bye!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Another Update For Another Boring Day

Yes I know that I already updated once today but I'm bored ok. It was a pretty boring day around here...I woke up...I asked my sister if she would bus downtown with me so that I wouldn't have to miss my appointment and she said no, she absolutely refused so I ended up in tears because I'm so worried about not being able to go and stressed out about getting all this paper work finished. My mom phoned her friend and she was able to give me a ride, so we left at about 20 to 11. I got there on time and had my appointment, everything went really well and then I headed for the bus stops which was a bit of a walk. After waiting about 25 minutes the bus finally arrive and after another 40 minutes I arrived home. My sister had been in a better mood by time I had left but after about an hour of being home she got really miserable again and I wanted to kill something.

I went outside for a while to tan in the sun on our new tanning bed mwhaha but it was so comfortable and I was so tired that I fell asleep only to be woken by some bug attacking me. I was lucky that it woke me up though, otherwise I'd be completely fried right now. I then came inside and had a short nap on my parent's bed until my mom got home from her first day of work.

She seems to have really enjoyed her day but is really tired and pretty sore. She met a really nice girl named Chelsea that's in her early twenties. They got told today that over 500 people applied for these jobs...there were 8 of them there today and more people joining them on monday. I really hope that it keeps going well for her and that maybe one of these days my sister will be able to get out and find a job herself.

There's not really much else for me to talk about other than that I miss a lot of people right now. Tasha's in New West...Andrea's in Victoria...Meagan's in Duncan and certain other people are still in town, yet seem so far away. I am talking about more than one person for all ya'll reading this right now. Megan I miss you like crazy too. Hopefully I'll get to see Alex and Chelsea tonight, that would be cool. For now I'm out....Later Days!

So Many Tears, So Little Time

AHHHH! and no, that was not an excited or happy AHHHH! That was a frustrated, upset and angry AHHHHH! Lastnight I got home from a 9.5 hour long shift only to cook dinner for me, my dad and my sister and to be completely bitched out every 5 minutes by my mom. She got mad because my dad and I were going to go down to Ladysmith and see my grandparents, I hadn't been down in like 3 months. She was just miserable and I ended up in tears and just couldn't stop crying for the life of me. It didn't help that I was and still am completely exausted from working 6 days straight without a decent night's sleep and all this added stress.

So ya, once I got home I also found out that I have an appointment at Sprott Shaw this morning at 11am to find out if I can get student loans or not and to finish the paperwork for my schooling. Just so happens that both my parents have to's my mom's first day at her new job and my dad's working in courtney. So, I ask my sister nicely if she'd be willing to Bus downtown with me so that I didn't have to go by myself and she so kindly says "No, I have better things to do" and when I said please...she yelled at me and I once again began crying because I feel as though I'm never going to be able to go back to school. Nothing's going smoothly at all. My mom phoned her friend Leslie from down the street and she's going to give me a ride down there and I'll just bus back or something. I figure it won't be too far of a walk to the Port Theatre from there and that's where the main bus stops are. It's also day time so I couldn't get raped by any crack heads but I"m still nervous. Depending on how long it takes I may call Andrea and see if she's done her Ortho appointment by then but I feel really bad for asking stuff like this of her. I dunno what to do.

In other news I had a really good day at work yesterday, it was a lot of fun but got kinda ruined by my family once I got home. Now, I'm just waiting for my fucking sister to get out of the shower so that I can get on with my day. Hopefully Andrea won't be leaving for Victoria right away and we can hangout for a bit. I dunno what I'm gunna do with my two days off with two of my bestfriends out of town. :( It's gunna suck. Anyways...I should go, and if any of you feel up to calling me on my cell, go for it...atleast I think I have minutes. I'll turn it on once my appointment's over. I'll talk to ya'll later, buh bye.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Due For A Little Revenge Mwhaha

4 down, 2 to go! Days of work that is. Today was better than I was expecting it to be but it was still pretty stressful. We had a tonne of returns and horrible customers but we managed to entertain ourselves fairly well. I'm pretty sure that Alayna gave me more nicknames today than I've had in my entire life. It was pretty amusing.

Back to yesterday however, I worked and then I came home and did nothing. I sat on the computer till 12am talking to Megan and a few other people. I was talking to Jason and Collin and I changed my display pic to a picture of me and Collin said that I looked very sexy and was complimenting me and such and I was laughing. He cheared me up a lot and I told Jason that Collin was bugging me about the pic cause he'd always wanted me to send him pics and I wouldn't and Jason said that maybe Collin likes me and I think he may have been jealous lol I feel evil for taking pleasure in messing with guy's minds. I'm due for a little revenge ok.

I got up this morning and did some cleaning and stuff and went to work for 1pm, nothing really exciting persay. Tomorrow shall prove to probably be about the same as today. Wednesday may be a little bit more exciting and then I have two days off! There's more that I should and will talk about but I'm going to head over to Andrea's for a little bit so I'll write later. Buh bye

Saturday, June 18, 2005

I'm Gumbie!

I've got a bit of time to kill before I head off to work...well two and a half hour to be exact. I thought I'd spend a little time updating this thing even though there's not too much to talk about. Things with friends have been getting a lot better, spending some time with Andrea has been really nice cause we can just chill and talk and have a good time without running out of things to say or laugh about. Tasha leaves for New West today which makes me really sad cause I'm going to miss her a lot. Her and Phil came over for a bit lastnight and chilled with my family but Tasha was exausted so she wasn't too talkative.

I had a really good day at work yesterday for the most part. It was kinda dead and somehow Aaryn and Kevin were getting all of the sales. Rob and I kept getting stuck with the dvd's and video games and such while the other two were selling PS2's and entire home stereo systems. So, with no surprise, Rob and I received a lot of harrassment about being the "newbies" and not being able to keep up :P pfft we'll show them today...hopefully lol. When I got there Kevin was in the back and he seemed kinda down or something, I dunno he was really quiet for quite a while. Aaryn went to the Sarah McGloclin concert (wow I can't spell her name today)....and he said that it was really good. Rob showed me his tattoo and what happened when he scratched it. My back was so itchy all day and he was bugging me so much.

As for my tattoo and the guys at work hahaha I didn't show them but I told them all and the only one who didn't think it was cool was Kevin. Rob's got one and Aaryn's getting one so they thought it was pretty sweet that I got one done. Kevin's exact words were that tattoos are even hotter than smoking lol Meh whatever, I like it :P. Rob tried to scare me by telling me that it's going to end up like on my ass by time I get old haha not gunna happen.

Some girl brought Kevin some random siamese fighting fish yesterday, she'd already brought him one before and then she brought 2 more yesterday. The one was kinda evil and liked to bite it you put your finger in the bowl. Certain people found that more entertaining than others. It was pretty dead for most of the day so off couse, there was a lot of flying elastic bands around the store. I think Rob hit Aaryn in the back of the head like 5 times while he was setting something up across the store and he didn't even flinch, just picked em up and went on with what he was doing haha. When Kevin went to fling one at me from like 3 feet away, I turned sideways and dodged out of the way and he said that I was like gumby and was 2D. I think it was just a reflex from dodgeball the previous night lol. Anyways..I don't think that anything else really happened yesterday, nothing too exciting, just the usual. I got kinda down and really quiet at one point near the end of the day and I wasn't sure why...I just kinda stood in the middle of the jewelry department and drew a picture of either hewie, dewie or louie, whichever one is red. It wasn't very good cause I didn't have to patience for detail and it was almost closing time so I just threw it away.

I do believe that's all folks...I work again today from 12:15-6:15, my dad has to come home from work to drive me cause my mom and sister are on their way to Machosin...woot. I also work tomorrow...monday...tuesday...and wednesday. 6 friggen days straight. Tuesday and Wednesday are 9 hour shifts too...I'm gunna be soooo burnt out by my days off! So, we better party it up on one of those days off.

Oooh I forgot something from yesterday. When my mom and sister picked me up, they informed me that Andrew had been over to my house in the afternoon, after he got off of work. Apparently he was looking for Phil and Tasha and since they were in Victoria he stayed for about an hour and a half or something. When Phil and Tasha came over after dinner Phil call him and was like "why don't you come over now, you obviously came here earlier to start something...why don't you come finish it" and he was all trying to get Andrew to end things with Krista for good because she was out at some party with all these guys that she'd like cheated on Andrew with and shit. He didn't end up coming back over, he got stoned instead and who knows what he did. Typical huh? Has a fight with the gf, comes crawling back to me for sympathy...seem ALL too familiar in so many ways, so many different guys. What is with guys and me?! Am I ALWAYS going to be the girl/friend that's just there to fall back on. Grr I hate guys. On that note, I'm outtie. Peace dudettes.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Mmm tattooed and pierced boys are yummy

I have officially had two pretty kick ass days off. Yesterday was kinda boring until I went over to Andrea's for dinner. Tracy's house in Victoria (where Crysta was staying at) was broken into yesterday evening, all of her jewelry was stolen, the lizards were moved around and kittens where missing. There was also a large knife from the kitchen stabbed into a table in the basement where the chinchilla's are. So, at about 5pm my parents took off down to Machosin to pick up Crysta and help Tracy out, by time my parents left there at 9pm, the cops still hadn't arrived. They found out where the kittens were but the jewelry was never found. I went over and had dinner with Andrea, her mom and her sister, then we headed out for a drive.

Chelsea phoned to see if we wanted to hangout with all of them but we didn't really feel like it so we just kept driving and eventually ended up in Nanoose where we stopped at the Petro-Can and bought some candy. There was a really hot guy working there which we enjoyed. From there we drove to the Parksville beach where there just so happened to be a whole lot of Beach Volleyball going on and some people playing baseball. Aka, there was a lot of hot guys around. Someone hit a home run and the ball went over the fence to where Andrea and I were walking so I grabbed it and ran over and tossed it to the really hot guy standing at the fence. Mmm Mmm good. After that we headed back to town and stopped at her house to drop off her sister's back pack before heading out to do some stalking.

As we were about to leave Marc (Andrea's step dad) pulled in and happened to notice no N on the back of her car (It must have gotten stolen at the beach) and he told us we couldn't leave with out one. We then headed over to my house and called Tasha to see if she had a spare. She did, so we rocked out to some New Kids On The Block, MC Hammer, etc as we waited for her and Phil to come over. We then danced some more and chilled for a while, talking and looking at pictures of male piercings on the internet. My parents got home while we were doing so and it was slightly amusing lol. Everyone then headed home and I went to bed.

My day today started with going to Black and Blue with Tasha where I got my tattoo done by Russ, the extremely sexy Irishman. It took a long time to draw it all out and a lot less time to actually tattoo. It ended up being a fair bit bigger than I had initially wanted but I still really like it and it didn't hurt near as much as I was expecting. We then headed to Transformations because the piercer at B&B had forgot about Tasha's appointment and it was his day off so he didn't show up and wasn't at home. Just to our luck the pierce at Transformations and also very sexy and his name was Roland. Tasha drooled all over herself while attempting to spit out mouth wash and he said it was very hot. The needle going through her lip was really nasty and Kayley and I twinged greatly.

I came home to find a message on my phone saying that I won some pizza from the radio station and we were really hungry so Tasha went and picked up Phil from school at 3pm and then came and got me and we went and got the pizza and pigged out at Tasha's place. I came home after unintentionally pissing Phil off by mentioning that Kayley went with us this morning...I didn't know he didn't know. Now I'm killing a bit of time before YL and waiting for the welts on my back to go down. I completely forgot about my alergy to adhesive when Russ masking taped the bandage to my back and now I must pay the price. As for my tattoo, I love it...Tasha loves mom hates it. She says that it's huge and that my dad's going to hate it and blah blah blah. I don't think it's that big and I think it's really pretty. I hope that everyone else does too...otherwise I'd be sad and have to find new friends :P.

Well I'm gunna go find a sweatshirt and shiznit because it looks cold outside and I'm going to either be playing Football or Capture The Flag out there tonight. I'll talk to you all later and maybe I'll post some pics of my tat sometime so you can tell me what you think. Or, you can just see it for yourselves. Love ya all, peace out and don't forget to "Let It Be!"

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Whisper Words Of Wisdom....Let It Be

I just finished two really crappy days at work. They were very long and boring and annoying and exausting. Everyone was getting mad at everyone else, everyone was bitchy because we had miserable customers and ass holes and just horrible people coming into our store. The only good part was that we got to put out a bunch of new jewelry which was fun. I've fallen in love with a $1500 pink saphire ring with bagette diamonds all around it. I'll draw it for you guys later if you really wanna know what it looks like.

I now have 2 days off which is totally awesome...Tasha and I are going to go get tattooed and pierced on Thursday. We have appointments at 11am if anyone wants to watch. I'm so stoked. I told Alayna today and she like freaked out lol she went off about how disgusting it is and stuff and I just laughed. Maybe she'll change her mind when she sees how cute it is! Hopefully other people like it too hehe. Anyways...ya I'm excited, I'm still worried that it's not going to happen.

So, I got home from a long, stressful day at work to an even more stressful home environment. My mom wasn't speaking to anyone, my dad had to go back to work and my sister is still in Victoria. She's apparently coming home tomorrow before 6, but only because my mom got mad and told her that there's no point in her coming home. Umm what else...oh ya I'm really not looking forward to Crysta coming home, only because my mom and I always end up having horrible fights either the day, or the day after Crysta gets back from Vic. I dunno why. I'm really tired, but not in the go to bed and sleep way, I'm just emotionally and physically exausted. My foot hurts like hell...major pressure point issues or something, I dunno what's going on there.

I'm really hoping to get to spend some time with just Andrea one of these days...I hardly feel like we're even friends anymore...we have like 5 minute phone convos and only see eachother when we're in a group. I haven't seen Tasha in a while either. Well I saw her this afternoon but that was just for two secs while I was at work and she was finding out tattoo info for our appointments.

I'm really starting to lose some respect for certain people around me and it's really bothering me. I just dunno what to do anymore, I feel kinda lost when it comes to my friends. I feel as though I have to just sit back and watch them make all these big mistakes and watch them get hurt without being able to do anything about it. Well I do believe that that's all I wanted to talk about for this evening so I will cya lata. Ttfn!

Saturday, June 11, 2005

I'm A Giggly Little Girl

I feel kinda pukey. I'm not too sure why, but I do. Maybe it was the pizza. I have a question for all of you though, how do you get over a crush on the world's greatest guy? You're probably all saying "why would you want to" but ohhh there are reasons, that most of you should already know.

I feel as though certain people close to me are really heading down bad paths in life and I'm really worried about them. I don't wanna see them get hurt but I can't help but see it happening.

In other news...I work 37 hours this week which is kinda cool but also kinda really sucks at the same time. I only have two days off...wednesday and thursday...I'm hopefully going to go get tattooed with Tasha on Thursday, but I'm thinking that we should probably make appointments, hopefully for the morning so that I'm not in too much pain for YL. I get 3 boy shifts this week though! Aka me and the guys. They're always so much fun and full of so much...making fun of. Today was such a good day, I had a lot of fun for several different reasons that will remain unsaid. Stories are so much better over the phone so just call me!

Mwhaha well I'm kinda bored, Tasha left the comp to go get chips lol atleast I have Chelsea and Alex to talkith to. I'm gunna stop writing aimlessly in here though, my hands are starting to hurt. Oh, which reminds me, today at work I had all these random spazmings throughout my body. It started with my neck, then my back, then my wrists and then my hips and ankles. It sucked major ass! I think I might be having a really bad reaction to my meds so I stopped taking them lastnight. Hopefully it'll go away. I'll update more later. Bye

My Cell's Not Lost Forever!

Well I'm just kinda killing a little bit of time before I have to go to work, and hoping that Tasha remembered to set an alarm clock or something lol. Phil has ALREADY phoned me this morning, but I told him I had to get ready for work. Yesterday was a pretty boring day off, but I got to see Meagan and Sam for about an hour and a half, missed Megan's play which made me really disappointed in myself...and then I went out with Tasha for a little while after dinner. We ended up stopping in at MGM and Alex and Chelsea were already there, meeting Andrea and Caley to go to Crystal's birthday party. Chelsea tried to get us to go but neither of us really wanted to so we went home instead. I found out that Jesslyn has my cell phone so it's not lost for good! I should probably have it back by the end of the day. I'm missing a YL fundraiser for work today but I'm not too disappointed since it's the damn garbathon mwhaha. Poor poor people out picking up garbage. I don't think I'm going to be able to go to camp in the summer cause I can't afford to take that week off of work. I hope that everyone understands, even though I'm pretty sure they won't and Alastair will try to convince me to go. Well I should go and try to phone Tasha again and then put my pants and dress shirt on and attempt to avoid cat hair. I'll cya'll latas.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Pissed Off At This Day

Why must plans always get fucked up?! Meagan and Sam and them still aren't's 10 after 5 and I'm still sitting waiting. I'm not going to make it to Megan's play and even if I could get there in time I'd have no one to go with and I don't even have my bank card with me. I feel so bad, I didn't even get the chance to tell her I can't make it. I called and she was already gone and she doesn't have her cell turned on. On top of all of this I lost my cell phone somewhere and I have no clue where. Right about now I just feel like not going anywhere, staying at home alone all evening and not talking to anyone. That could be difficult however since Phil keeps finding it necessary to phone me and bitch. I guess I could just not answer the phone. That's really what I feel like doing right now. I can't wait to go back to work tomorrow, isn't that sad? Atleast someone there can chear me up, doesn't expect to much out of me, doesn't bitch at me about everything wrong in their life and act as though it's all my fault. This is me like hyperventalating now, I'm totally stressing out. I need to go down to Sprott Shaw and hand in the rest of my papers so that that's atleast dealt with. I need to do it before I change my mind about going, before I get guilted into continueing to work to pay for my sister to go off to who the fuck knows where and do whatever she fucking pleases. I can't do it anymore, I need to live my own life!

I want to hit him lightly....with my car.

Shit! I just wrote out this whole long entry and the only part that worked was the title! What's up with that?!?! So now it's trying to force me to write it all out again and for some reason I don't see that happening. Here's the short version.

Yesterday I went over to Andrea's and we chilled and watched cartoons for a bit while Andrea procrastinated and refused to get dressed. Once she finally did that we went to the bank and then went and picked up Tasha. We drove around aimlessly for like 2 hours, bitching mostly about guys and other events in our lives right now. That was fun. We then went down to swylana in a search for hot guys and failed horrible. We then drove around some more and then Andrea dropped us off at out homes. Andrea picked me up after dinner to go to YL and Alastair had failed to tell us that we were supposed to meet at Mnt. Benson school so after waiting at Pinnacle Fitness for 20 we finally got ahold of them and found out the truth. I stayed there and waited for others while Andrea went and picked up more people.

We began to play Walleyball, Jason accused me of "blowing him off" to hangout with Andrea and Tasha when I had already told him that I had previous plans with them and couldn't hangout with him. So ya, Phil came to YL which was interesting and Tyler Blake was there too so I felt bad for Andrea. After Walleyball we all headed across the street to the field where people played Ultimate Frisbee and I kinda helped Jesslyn study her biology. Tasha came and picked me up and she gave people rides home and then we came back here to watch Team America which was really funny but kinda disturbing in parts. It was so bad that it was great. I then went to bed.

I got up at 10am and Meagan called at 11am to say that her, Trevor and Sam are coming into town later and want me to go to the mall with them and to see Sam get a tattoo. I'm also hoping to go and see Megan's play tonight, it's going to be awesome. I'm really looking forward to it, I just need to find someone to go with me. Maybe Tasha will, I hope. Phil called me this morning to bitch and I kinda just ignored him for the most part and went "uh huh...ya...oh...I dunno..ok" haha it was not so wonderful. But anyways, I must depart. Bye!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

You Don't Even

I feel battered and bruised from the past two days of intense lifting at work. My wrists hurt like hell but for some reason it's alllllll worth it lol. I had THE best day at work today mwhahaha it was so good, I still can't stop smiling. It was me, Alayna, Kevin and Dave and we were all in really good moods so it provided for a really entertaining day. There were many jokes about Dave's generalizations about girls from various backgrounds. Apparently Dutch girls are easy lmao oh man the conversations. He said that Norweigen girls are either REALLY hot or Viking ugly and Kevin was like "so which category does Alayna fall into" and you could litteraly see Dave swallow his foot lol that one kept going for a little while, we couldn't let it go, it was too much fun. Oh man you just don't understand the day I had lol I'll have to explain more later. My neck's kinda sore like the rest of me and it's probably because I had to tear down the entire home audio department and put it back up again, that wasn't so much fun and I ended up REALLY dirty.

Besides my totally awesome day at work, nothing much is really new I have tomorrow and thursday off and I really wanna go to Victoria tomorrow but I haven't even had a chance to talk to Tasha about it! Craziness. There's nothing really else for me to say, oh except that one of the Moffits is on Canadian Idol lmfao. It amuses me, but he's made it into the top 32 which is pretty crazy. Anyways, bed time soon, I'll talk to ya'll later. Goo'night!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

My Brain Is Mush!

Lalalalalalala that's the contents of my brain right now, I swear I'm mush....I worked my ass off at work today....we had to rearrange practically the entire store. I started work at 9am and had cleaned the games cabinet by 9:45 (spent from 9-9:30 opening up the store) and then from there, Alayna and I began demolishing the current Car Audio display and making room for the new display unit which happens to be fucking huge. So, once we were done that, Igor brought the new unit in and we had to move the Knives cabinet which had to be emptied first. Then Igor had to cut it down cause it was too big. After that we began packing the many boxes of car speakers from the Buy Shop to the back of the store. I box containing 4 boxes of 6x9" speakers is quite a bit heavier than one would think. We also had to move all of the subs and sub boxes which can weigh up to like 50 or something pounds each. From there we began to move all of the computer monitors into a new area of the store and create more displays. This process continued until after 5 pm when I finally finished cleaning up the mess that had been created throughout the day. Dave was supposed to find somewhere for the house speakers but he never did so I ended up doing it because I couldn't stand to look at them anymore and by then I just couldn't stop working. I'd been going nonstop for so long that standing still felt wrong.

Tasha and Phil came into the store and I got like instantly tense. Not because of Tasha but because of Phil. Whenever he comes into my work I get tense and paranoid that he's going to do or say something to either embarrass me or get me in shit...I really don't like it when he comes in but I can't tell him that. Tasha, I know you're probably reading this...please don't tell him that I said that...maybe just avoid coming in when he's with you lol. Hmm what else is new...oh I went down to swyalana with Andrea, Chelsea, Alex, Caley and Jesslyn after spending the afternoon with Phil. We had a pretty good time downtown and I didn't feel quite as out of place having Chelsea and Alex there and actually being able to talk to them and stuff. Caley took some really cool pictures of all of us up on the tower thing and we went and had some food at Dot's Restaurant. After that we parted ways and Alex and Chelsea came over to my house for a little visit and I dunno where the others went.

Well that's about all for now, I work again tomorrow but only for 5 hours which is kinda nice. I have Thursday and Friday off and I'm hanging out with Tasha on Thursday. I'm thinking about asking her if she wants to go down to Victoria for a little bit cause that would be sweet. I will talk to you guys later, luv ya all. Bye bye.

Sunday, June 05, 2005


I've worked for the past two days...there's been some good times had by all and some rather bad times. I keep having this really bad reaction to the medication my doctor put me on, where my entire upper back and neck starts seizing up for about half an hour at a time and hurts like hell. I realized how bad it was yesterday when I was standing in the store and Kevin fake punched me in the arm and I actually almost fell over. He asked if I was alright and I just said no that I wasn't feeling well and he told me to go take a break and to get something to eat so I did. I started feeling a bit better a while after that which was good and I finished off the day pretty well. I worked again today and it was pretty fun. I bought a few SNES games and a sweet 80's mix cd. When I got home Alex and Chelsea were here which made me really happy and we hungout for a while, then they went to Chelsea's for dinner and came back afterwords. We just kinda chilled, ate lots of popcorn and watched tv. They left a few minutes ago and here I am, thinking about my new found knowledge of the day and wondering why every second freaking car that parked infront of my store today was a grey, hatchback beater that looked exactly like a certain someone's. Kids don't scary me...the concept of guys that have kids...doesn't scare me. Am I weird? I feel as though I'm not meant to be 18, that I'm meant to be a lot older because I don't think and feel like most of the people my age. It's like I'm an older person stuck in an 18 year old's body. Ugh but I can't concentrate right now, so many things going on in my head. I'll write more later, till then peace out.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Hair Dying Partay With My Mommy!

Today is my last day off and it has definately been the best. I spent the entire morning and afternoon out doing errand with my mom, we did some shopping and I found some new clothes for work and a new bathing suit top that I needed really badly. My mom and I went out for lunch and had some really good food at Ricki's and we picked up the stuff for the hotdog sale at the spca tomorrow. I got some sweet board shorts at Superstore for $8.98 or something like that which made me happy and I was able to get my prescription. I read the sheet that came with my pills and it said that they can cause some fatal intestinal disorder and that really scared me...but I guess my doctor prescribed them for a reason right? My mom went to the shelter to start setting up so I've had the house to myself for a little while and now I'm headed out to the mall for a little bit with Tasha, Phil and Kaley and then I'm going to come home and have a hair dying party with my mom. Should be grand, hopefully my hair looks good after since I have to work at 9am. Well I'm off, talk to ya'll later...oh and thanks Tasha...I owe you a tonne, you're the best friend ever...

Thursday, June 02, 2005

I Know This Much Is True...God Blessed The Broken Road That Lead Me Straight To You...

I'm sitting here...crying, wondering what's next. My mom seems to have slipped into a depression and I feel asthough I'm next. Nothing's going right for our family right now...things keep breaking and having to be replaced, my mom can't find a job. My sister's constantly off in Victoria or who knows where, doing what, having a grand old time. I'm stuck here, working my ass off to try and help my family to stay afloat and now my mom's talking about sending all of my cats to be adopted and having my dog put down. My dad works all day, has no clue anything that's been going on and I'm finally breaking down.

Yesterday was my first actual day off in 5 days and I spent it doing absolutely nothing, thinking about someone I definately shouldn't be thinking about. And no, it's probably not who you're thinking of. Everything's falling appart, I'm really sick and I've had a prescription for antibiotics for the several infections running through my body right now for about a week and can't afford to get it. I feel guilty for needing to get new work clothes with my paycheck tomorrow and for having to pay my $100 enrollment fee for school. Maybe I should wait another year...I don't know if I can do this.

For now, I guess I'll just sit here and continue to cry while listening to The Broken Road by Rascal Flatts. I'll leave some lyrics for you guys so that you can understand a little. I guess I'll talk to you guys later, maybe I won't...knowing what's to come and waiting is so fucking hard and I dunno if I can do it.

"I set out on a narrow way, many years ago, hoping I would find true love along the broken road. I got lost a time or two, wipped my brow, kept pushing through. I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you. Every long lost dream, led me to where you are. Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars, pointing me on my way into your loving arms. This much I know is true, that god blessed the broken road that led me straight to you, yes he did. I think about the years I've spent just passing through. I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you. But you just smile and take my hand, you've been there, you understand. It's just part of a grander plan that's coming true. Every long lost dream, led me to where you are. Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars, pointing me on my way into your loving arms."

Ok that's all I'm going to type out cause I can't keep up with the song and really don't feel like trying anymore. That's all I've got to say.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun...Mr. Golden Sun, Please Shine Down On Me!

Three days off!!!! Woot! I'm so stoked!!! I really hope that the sun decides to show itself a tonne so that maybe I can tan a little bit. I'm also really hoping that Tasha has Friday off so that we can go to Victoria to visit my sis and Tracy and the animals and then go shop our butts off!

As for the past couple days, nothing much really happened, I worked...alot. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and they all sucked. It was so slow and no one was in a good mood, including me. Yesterday was a little better but I was so burnt out that I didn't wanna do anything. Alayna accused Dave and I of flirting when all we were doing was standing there talking about credit cards lol she's so weird sometimes. You don't have to worry guys, he's totally not my type. Hmm what else happened, oh ya..Kevin came in and he asked me how swimming was on Saturday and I said good but that we only went in for like half an hour and then Tasha had to leave and he said that she'd probably had enough of water for one day and offered to drown Phil in the lake lol good times. He seemed pretty serious too. So ya, Phil's been calling me a lot, "needing someone to talk to" aka wanting me to spill whatever I know about the "situation" and I haven't given in. I don't plan on it either.

I really wanna get ahold of Tishi today to see if she wants to chill, I hope she doesn't have to work tonight, that would really suck. I wanna see Madagascar again lol I can't get the Lemur out of my head! "I like to move it move it, I like to move it move it, I like to.....MOVE IT!" I even downloaded the song and it's not helping me.

My sister gets back from Ladysmith this afternoon sometime and then she heads for Victoria AGAIN tomorrow, I feel like an only's interesting. The downside is that my mom and I are stuck taking care of her damn Sugar Gliders, Cats and Dog. Grr it's frustrating. Her one Glider has been so unhappy, she's only had him since the last time she went to Vic and the other 2 don't like him so he sleeps all by himself and stuff, I'm kinda worried about him.

Well, I should head into the shower and complete my wake up. I slept from like 7:30 lastnight till 9:45 this morning, I woke up a couple times in between but not for more than like 10 minutes at a time. I'll talk to you guys later, call me if you wanna do something during the next couple days. Buh bye.