Thursday, December 21, 2006

Ok Shayna Here's Your Update.

Well I've had a request that I update although I don't have much to update on really. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning that I'm slightly scared to go to and my mom's not really seeming willing to drive me to but hopefully it'll all work out in the morning. Then at about 1pm I'm going to transformations with Tasha to watch while she gets tattooed some more. That should prove to be good times with Dave while mocking Tasha for her obsession with a certain Australian Piercer. I'll also be getting my piercing checked out to make sure that it's not rejecting as of yet...and then hopefully HOPEFULLY going to finish my christmas shopping but I'm not too sure how that's going to go. I need to get my damn license.

Anyways, Jesey and Brenden have been in Victoria for a couple days now and it's been rather quiet. I kinda miss Jesey a lot but there's not much I can do about that. They should be back up here sometime tomorrow if they can get the money for the bus or convince someone to drive them. I don't really know how I feel about the whole situation but I like him a lot so we'll see how it goes. I was working today and I got so sick agian. It was like I was super drunk but not in a happy drunk way. In a miserable depressed drunkin state. All my body wanted was to lay on the floor and never get up again. I was so dizzy, I was seeing stars and couldn't concentrate on ANYTHING so after an hour of sitting in the backroom almost passed out Ashley ended up sending me home with strict instructions to rest and an offer to drive me to the doctors.

Part of me is really excited about Christmas but another part of me is seriously dreading it. I went to costco with my dad this evening and ran into my aunt Marilyn (aunt by marrage sorta) as well as my Uncle Brad who was married to my mom's sister Val before she passed away a few years ago. So that was all kinda hard on the emotions since we don't really have much to do with my family but it was really nice to see them none the less. I start really missing my family around this time of the year because old memories of family dinners start arrising and I start wondering what my cousin's are all up to and how they're celebrating Christmas. I also start to really miss my grandparents alot. I loved them so much and Christmas was always such a huge deal to them. As for the rest of my Opa's still really sick and so we're having Christmas brunch at my Oma and Opa's instead of my aunt's house because my Opa doesn't really get out of bed much and we don't want him to miss it.

Well that's all for now so I think I'm going to make a sappy cd and go listen to it while I attempt to fall asleep. It's hard for me to fall asleep the past two nights..I grew used to having another person sleeping in the room. Do you ever just get used to hearing someone else breathing? I find the sound so calming. Maybe tomorrow night. Anways yes. Bye!

PS. So addicted to Rascal Flatts - What Hurts The Most


At 10:59 PM, Blogger Shayna said...

You're such a

At 11:37 AM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

aww olly brought me some delicious... white chocolate truffle stuff. i smell AMAZING. then we got hungry so we went and got christmas pizza from 7-leven :) MERRY CHRISTMAS (except ours is next month!)


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