Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun...Mr. Golden Sun, Please Shine Down On Me!

Three days off!!!! Woot! I'm so stoked!!! I really hope that the sun decides to show itself a tonne so that maybe I can tan a little bit. I'm also really hoping that Tasha has Friday off so that we can go to Victoria to visit my sis and Tracy and the animals and then go shop our butts off!

As for the past couple days, nothing much really happened, I worked...alot. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and they all sucked. It was so slow and no one was in a good mood, including me. Yesterday was a little better but I was so burnt out that I didn't wanna do anything. Alayna accused Dave and I of flirting when all we were doing was standing there talking about credit cards lol she's so weird sometimes. You don't have to worry guys, he's totally not my type. Hmm what else happened, oh ya..Kevin came in and he asked me how swimming was on Saturday and I said good but that we only went in for like half an hour and then Tasha had to leave and he said that she'd probably had enough of water for one day and offered to drown Phil in the lake lol good times. He seemed pretty serious too. So ya, Phil's been calling me a lot, "needing someone to talk to" aka wanting me to spill whatever I know about the "situation" and I haven't given in. I don't plan on it either.

I really wanna get ahold of Tishi today to see if she wants to chill, I hope she doesn't have to work tonight, that would really suck. I wanna see Madagascar again lol I can't get the Lemur out of my head! "I like to move it move it, I like to move it move it, I like to.....MOVE IT!" I even downloaded the song and it's not helping me.

My sister gets back from Ladysmith this afternoon sometime and then she heads for Victoria AGAIN tomorrow, I feel like an only's interesting. The downside is that my mom and I are stuck taking care of her damn Sugar Gliders, Cats and Dog. Grr it's frustrating. Her one Glider has been so unhappy, she's only had him since the last time she went to Vic and the other 2 don't like him so he sleeps all by himself and stuff, I'm kinda worried about him.

Well, I should head into the shower and complete my wake up. I slept from like 7:30 lastnight till 9:45 this morning, I woke up a couple times in between but not for more than like 10 minutes at a time. I'll talk to you guys later, call me if you wanna do something during the next couple days. Buh bye.


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