Saturday, June 18, 2005

I'm Gumbie!

I've got a bit of time to kill before I head off to work...well two and a half hour to be exact. I thought I'd spend a little time updating this thing even though there's not too much to talk about. Things with friends have been getting a lot better, spending some time with Andrea has been really nice cause we can just chill and talk and have a good time without running out of things to say or laugh about. Tasha leaves for New West today which makes me really sad cause I'm going to miss her a lot. Her and Phil came over for a bit lastnight and chilled with my family but Tasha was exausted so she wasn't too talkative.

I had a really good day at work yesterday for the most part. It was kinda dead and somehow Aaryn and Kevin were getting all of the sales. Rob and I kept getting stuck with the dvd's and video games and such while the other two were selling PS2's and entire home stereo systems. So, with no surprise, Rob and I received a lot of harrassment about being the "newbies" and not being able to keep up :P pfft we'll show them today...hopefully lol. When I got there Kevin was in the back and he seemed kinda down or something, I dunno he was really quiet for quite a while. Aaryn went to the Sarah McGloclin concert (wow I can't spell her name today)....and he said that it was really good. Rob showed me his tattoo and what happened when he scratched it. My back was so itchy all day and he was bugging me so much.

As for my tattoo and the guys at work hahaha I didn't show them but I told them all and the only one who didn't think it was cool was Kevin. Rob's got one and Aaryn's getting one so they thought it was pretty sweet that I got one done. Kevin's exact words were that tattoos are even hotter than smoking lol Meh whatever, I like it :P. Rob tried to scare me by telling me that it's going to end up like on my ass by time I get old haha not gunna happen.

Some girl brought Kevin some random siamese fighting fish yesterday, she'd already brought him one before and then she brought 2 more yesterday. The one was kinda evil and liked to bite it you put your finger in the bowl. Certain people found that more entertaining than others. It was pretty dead for most of the day so off couse, there was a lot of flying elastic bands around the store. I think Rob hit Aaryn in the back of the head like 5 times while he was setting something up across the store and he didn't even flinch, just picked em up and went on with what he was doing haha. When Kevin went to fling one at me from like 3 feet away, I turned sideways and dodged out of the way and he said that I was like gumby and was 2D. I think it was just a reflex from dodgeball the previous night lol. Anyways..I don't think that anything else really happened yesterday, nothing too exciting, just the usual. I got kinda down and really quiet at one point near the end of the day and I wasn't sure why...I just kinda stood in the middle of the jewelry department and drew a picture of either hewie, dewie or louie, whichever one is red. It wasn't very good cause I didn't have to patience for detail and it was almost closing time so I just threw it away.

I do believe that's all folks...I work again today from 12:15-6:15, my dad has to come home from work to drive me cause my mom and sister are on their way to Machosin...woot. I also work tomorrow...monday...tuesday...and wednesday. 6 friggen days straight. Tuesday and Wednesday are 9 hour shifts too...I'm gunna be soooo burnt out by my days off! So, we better party it up on one of those days off.

Oooh I forgot something from yesterday. When my mom and sister picked me up, they informed me that Andrew had been over to my house in the afternoon, after he got off of work. Apparently he was looking for Phil and Tasha and since they were in Victoria he stayed for about an hour and a half or something. When Phil and Tasha came over after dinner Phil call him and was like "why don't you come over now, you obviously came here earlier to start something...why don't you come finish it" and he was all trying to get Andrew to end things with Krista for good because she was out at some party with all these guys that she'd like cheated on Andrew with and shit. He didn't end up coming back over, he got stoned instead and who knows what he did. Typical huh? Has a fight with the gf, comes crawling back to me for sympathy...seem ALL too familiar in so many ways, so many different guys. What is with guys and me?! Am I ALWAYS going to be the girl/friend that's just there to fall back on. Grr I hate guys. On that note, I'm outtie. Peace dudettes.


At 4:41 PM, Blogger tashalaughs said...



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