Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Ever Heard The Saying "It can only get better" ??? They Lied!

Apparently I need to update in order to appease Shayna's boredom...even though she knows basically every aspect of my life anyways. I'm actually rather depressed at the moment, I guess all the events of the past..year are just kinda hitting me all at once. I thought that maybe...just maybe things would get better with the new year but honestly they're only getting worse. My Opa is very painfully close to dying. His kidneys and liver and just everything are shutting down and there's nothing that can be done. We basically have to sit back and just wait for the phone call. My Oma's been really depressed cause she can't leave the house because he can't go anywhere and she doesn't wanna leave him alone. They should really be living in a retirement home but they refuse. I'm pretty sure that once my Opa's gone my Oma's going to be right behind him. She seems to be giving up and I think that without him to take care of she's not really going to feel as though she has a purpose anymore.

On the other home front...I finally got the official ultimatem yesterday. I was talking to Brenden on the phone when my mom beeped in to inform me that "if I continue to have contact with Brenden I will no longer be able to have contact with her" aka I'd no longer be part of this family. So great. I care about Brenden a lot but I can't lose my family over him. He's not good for me and I realize that. I came over to my parent's lastnight to talk to my mom and we eventually came to an agreement that I can talk to him but not see him until he begins to prove himself more trustworthy and honestly and not too disappointed about this. Not seeing him, especially not seeing him alone is probably definately for the better in light of the situation. I don't wanna fall in love with him and I see myself heading down that path rather quickly. Right now he's in Victoria because he has a court appearance tomorrow..I tried calling him because I needed to talk to him about something and he was a jerk and said he didn't wanna talk right now and would call me after the hearing. I've decided that if he doesn't call me after the hearing, I'm walking away. I'm getting emotionally attached and I don't want him to hurt me. So we'll see how tomorrow goes and go from there I guess? Ya.

My health. has been crap. I'm averaging atleast 2 collaspings a day now, it's getting worse...I'm too nausious to really eat much of anything...I have a concussion from a certain event at Brenden's motel room the other night. And no people it's nothing like that. Him, Sam and I were watching TV and Sam pushed me off the bed and I hit my head on the corner of the side table. I ended up having Shayna and Eric take me to the ER yesterday afternoon to get it checked and the doctor gave me T3's which although they have made me slightly high for the past 24 hours I think they may be aiding in said depressive state. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning to talk to my dr. about applying for medical EI so that I can take leave from work until they find out what's wrong with me or the stress goes away or whatever it takes to get healthy again. I also have an eye doctor appointment on friday because I'm pretty sure I need glasses. Although I can neither afford them or really want to have to wear them..but I may need them.

One good thing has come out of the events of the past few weeks. I've become pretty good friends with Jesey, there's been ups and downs but I know that it was all out of concern for me and I thanked him for that. I've actually been talking to him about Young Life a fair bit and I think he may be considering becoming a leader which would be awesome. Speaking of which, it looks as though Sacha, Joanna and I may be starting up a South End club at some point this year, nothing's really official but I think it would be a blast and an awesome idea. I'll miss a lot of the North End kids but this way our focus isn't so spread out and 70 someodd kids all at once ya know?

Well this has been kinda a long entry after all but I'm going to head off...watch a little 40 Year Old Virgin and then go to bed. Well probably hang with Jesey a bit. If anyone wants to hangout and just chill or something let me know..I'm not very good company but I could definately use some. Seeya


At 11:01 PM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

seriously. i want the truth. are you dying? because you missed lots of school and then you were fine for a long few years and now you're all bad on me again. get better, i need a party buddy (that's you!)


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