Friday, February 16, 2007

Happiness It's A Wonderful Feeling

It's been an awfully long time since I updated this thing so I guess I should probably do that! When DID I update this thing the last time? I don't really know so I guess I'll start with the fact that for the first time in as long as I can remember I am genuinely happy. I have an amazing boyfriend who loves me to death and whether everyone likes it or not I also love in return. He treats me amazingly..he's so afraid to upset me or cross boundries and just do anything wrong heh it's pretty cute. My parents really like him, my mom actually pulled him aside the other night and told him that she's really proud of him for the person that he's become and how he's turned his life around. For those who don't know, yes he is a recovering addict and hasn't used in months and is looking for a good job and helping my parents out so much.

My mom recently got diagnosed with Degenerative Spine Disorder and in the past week or so they also detected a defect with her heart. She got a CT scan done and it showed fluid around her heart and some abnormalities so I've been helping her out a lot around the house. I still haven't been feeling great myself, had a few dizzy spells lately and may have a fractured wrist but i'm not letting it get me down or stop me from doing stuff. I'm still off work however, but apparently my boss is going to be leaving in the near future so I may be going back sooner than previously expected.

I'm looking to move out of where I'm living right now, mostly because it's just sooo far away from my family and everything and since I don't drive it's really hard for me to get places. Even if there was a bus stop near by it would be easier. If anyone knows of anywhere please let me know, I need cheap rent cause EI doesn't pay much.

So as you all know Valentine's day was the other day, didn't really have a whole lot planned. Brenden, Sam, Jesey, Crysta, Shawn and I all went skating at Beban...Brenden and Shawn had a bit of an accident which lead to Shawn having an injured nose and sent Brenden and I to the emergency to find out that he had a concussion. So I was up pretty much all night taking care of him, waking him up periodically to make sure he was ok. That was fun..haha right. Although after skating Sam and I did go crash the Valentine's Dance in the rec centre and ended up teaching some kids how to line dance to Achy Breaky Heart and we got a standing ovation and free pop lol. Then we danced to Grease Lightning and left.

Yesterday I don't really remember what I did during the the evening we spent a few house switching bedrooms around because oh YES! Tracy moved out. That's now Jesey's got her room and Brenden's got my old bedroom which is pretty sweet. My mom and I are setting up his aquarium in there for him tonight and tomorrow while he's in victoria as a bit of a surprise which I'm excited about.

I do believe that that's pretty much all I've got to update for you guys. I'm happy and I don't know what else to say. Life is good :)


At 12:25 AM, Blogger Shayna said...

I'm so bored right now, I may melt into a giant pile of boredem...


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