Monday, January 15, 2007


And these are the days of our lives. I seriously feel as though I'm living my life in a soap opera. Right down to the screwed up romances, drug dealers and addicts, people dying...everything. For those who don't know already, my Opa passed away saturday morning at approximately 6am and my mom called me at my house at 8:30 to tell me. I came back here a couple hours later to suffer through massive family wide fights and everyone being an emotional mess. Including myself. I basically shut myself in the pool room, blasted Hedley as loud as humanly possible and cleaned. It took a while for everything to really sink in. I haven't really been out to do much of anything in a long time, kinda been avoiding everyone. Not intentionally really, just been fairly robotic.

As for boys, things are getting harder and harder...because we're getting closer and closer and I really need to stop spending the night at my parents before things really get out of hand. I care a lot about him and it bothers me because all that can happen is that people will get hurt. Whether its me, him or my family. I can't lose them over this but he makes me happy. Genuinely happy and that hasn't happened in a really long time. We're so open with eachother and really understand eachother. We connect in a way that I don't see very often at all.

I'm heading out in a little while with Tracy and the boys because I have a baby shower to go to tonight. I'm excited to buy baby stuff for Jesse, hopefully Liquidation World will be well stocked because I'm pretty poor. Speaking of poor, I'm supposed to be going to a leadership retreat on the weekend in Chemainis? I think that's where it is, I don't really know. I have more doctors appointments earlier on friday and then we're leaving in the late afternoon. I can't really afford it at all, but people seem to think that they might be able to help me out with that since Holly already signed me up.

Well that's about all for now, I should get going..Tracy and Brenden are having a fight which is upsetting my mom and therefore I have to go fix things. Call me if you wanna do something, I'm on medical leave so my schedule is wide open. Later Days.


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