Tuesday, June 07, 2005

My Brain Is Mush!

Lalalalalalala that's the contents of my brain right now, I swear I'm mush....I worked my ass off at work today....we had to rearrange practically the entire store. I started work at 9am and had cleaned the games cabinet by 9:45 (spent from 9-9:30 opening up the store) and then from there, Alayna and I began demolishing the current Car Audio display and making room for the new display unit which happens to be fucking huge. So, once we were done that, Igor brought the new unit in and we had to move the Knives cabinet which had to be emptied first. Then Igor had to cut it down cause it was too big. After that we began packing the many boxes of car speakers from the Buy Shop to the back of the store. I box containing 4 boxes of 6x9" speakers is quite a bit heavier than one would think. We also had to move all of the subs and sub boxes which can weigh up to like 50 or something pounds each. From there we began to move all of the computer monitors into a new area of the store and create more displays. This process continued until after 5 pm when I finally finished cleaning up the mess that had been created throughout the day. Dave was supposed to find somewhere for the house speakers but he never did so I ended up doing it because I couldn't stand to look at them anymore and by then I just couldn't stop working. I'd been going nonstop for so long that standing still felt wrong.

Tasha and Phil came into the store and I got like instantly tense. Not because of Tasha but because of Phil. Whenever he comes into my work I get tense and paranoid that he's going to do or say something to either embarrass me or get me in shit...I really don't like it when he comes in but I can't tell him that. Tasha, I know you're probably reading this...please don't tell him that I said that...maybe just avoid coming in when he's with you lol. Hmm what else is new...oh I went down to swyalana with Andrea, Chelsea, Alex, Caley and Jesslyn after spending the afternoon with Phil. We had a pretty good time downtown and I didn't feel quite as out of place having Chelsea and Alex there and actually being able to talk to them and stuff. Caley took some really cool pictures of all of us up on the tower thing and we went and had some food at Dot's Restaurant. After that we parted ways and Alex and Chelsea came over to my house for a little visit and I dunno where the others went.

Well that's about all for now, I work again tomorrow but only for 5 hours which is kinda nice. I have Thursday and Friday off and I'm hanging out with Tasha on Thursday. I'm thinking about asking her if she wants to go down to Victoria for a little bit cause that would be sweet. I will talk to you guys later, luv ya all. Bye bye.


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