Thursday, June 23, 2005

So Many Tears, So Little Time

AHHHH! and no, that was not an excited or happy AHHHH! That was a frustrated, upset and angry AHHHHH! Lastnight I got home from a 9.5 hour long shift only to cook dinner for me, my dad and my sister and to be completely bitched out every 5 minutes by my mom. She got mad because my dad and I were going to go down to Ladysmith and see my grandparents, I hadn't been down in like 3 months. She was just miserable and I ended up in tears and just couldn't stop crying for the life of me. It didn't help that I was and still am completely exausted from working 6 days straight without a decent night's sleep and all this added stress.

So ya, once I got home I also found out that I have an appointment at Sprott Shaw this morning at 11am to find out if I can get student loans or not and to finish the paperwork for my schooling. Just so happens that both my parents have to's my mom's first day at her new job and my dad's working in courtney. So, I ask my sister nicely if she'd be willing to Bus downtown with me so that I didn't have to go by myself and she so kindly says "No, I have better things to do" and when I said please...she yelled at me and I once again began crying because I feel as though I'm never going to be able to go back to school. Nothing's going smoothly at all. My mom phoned her friend Leslie from down the street and she's going to give me a ride down there and I'll just bus back or something. I figure it won't be too far of a walk to the Port Theatre from there and that's where the main bus stops are. It's also day time so I couldn't get raped by any crack heads but I"m still nervous. Depending on how long it takes I may call Andrea and see if she's done her Ortho appointment by then but I feel really bad for asking stuff like this of her. I dunno what to do.

In other news I had a really good day at work yesterday, it was a lot of fun but got kinda ruined by my family once I got home. Now, I'm just waiting for my fucking sister to get out of the shower so that I can get on with my day. Hopefully Andrea won't be leaving for Victoria right away and we can hangout for a bit. I dunno what I'm gunna do with my two days off with two of my bestfriends out of town. :( It's gunna suck. Anyways...I should go, and if any of you feel up to calling me on my cell, go for it...atleast I think I have minutes. I'll turn it on once my appointment's over. I'll talk to ya'll later, buh bye.


At 12:37 PM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

I'm suffering from computer withdrawl! I can only go on at school and it's only open until five and my class doesn't even end until 4:30! But tonight we're coming in later to do some practicing! That should be cool. There is kinda hot guy in my class. He sorta reminds me of a blonde Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots, Velvet Revolver) He has a star tattoo on his neck which is tres sexay! But yea, lots of cops around, a really hot paramedic named Leo, etc. He TOUCHED me! Hahah, he was helping us out with one of our scene assessments. I'll try to take some puicture so you can see what it's like over here! Nathan left for camp this morning :( I'm sad, I love him soo much! I'm so glad I can finally say that now. Anyways, if someone could get Phil's house addy for me that'd be cool cause I'm sending out postcards! When I come back on one of the weekends, I want to go get a tattoo... Janelle, what are you working this weekend or next??
Talk to you later Sexies,


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