Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Who really reads this anyways?

I suppose that I'm a little overdue for an update...but since I'm not really sure who reads this anymore I'm slightly hesitant to divulge certain information. Therefor meaning that Tasha, if you wanna know what's going on...we need to talk haha. Things have been awkward none the less..but really good at the same time. Things with my mom have been kinda rocky..I know she wants me to move home, especially since I've been here so much but I know that as soon as I get better I'd totally regret it if i did. I like being here right now because I'm so sick and don't wanna be alone but if I completely move home I'll just be right back in the hell i was in before I moved out. Plus extra drama with Tracy and the boys being here. Which is another reason why I can't, it would be bad and we'll leave it at that. My will power isn't THAT good haha. Umm I'm pretty sure I'm going to take leave from YL because well...I need to get healthy. I just can't do it right now...I'm too stressed out and they just keep adding more and more to my plate that I can't handle. It's at the point where there's 3 mornings that I have to be at meetings at either 6:30, 7 or 8am and then thursday nights for club and atleast 2 days a week for contact work. That's like a part time job that I don't get payed for. People seem to forget that although most of the leaders are on staff now, there are still us few VOLUNTEERS that don't get payed and have other lives that aren't based around ministry with YL. I'm kinda bitter and resentful towards YL right now which is another reason why I should not be trying to lead kids to god through it right now. Well it's my sister's birthday today and so I'm at my parents..I should probably go and do something productive. Call me if you wanna chat, I may or may not have strep or mono..not too sure yet...so you might not wanna come too close but phone conversations or texts are always apprechiated. later days. (yes I know i'm a dork)


At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

pfft, I still read this...
even though you're totally emo


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