Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This Birthday Could Go One Of Two Ways. Horribly Or Amazing,

Although I feel the need to update, because I actually can...there really isn't too much to update on. I'm at my parent's house right now, bussed here after another crap ass day of work today. As for what I've been up to lately..I've been working and well that's about it. I missed about a week of work because of my back from falling down the stairs, it still hurts like a bitch. I went with Tasha to Transformations the other day cause she was getting tattooed and that was good times. I decided that I really really wanna get my cleavage pierced. Badly. It's such a cute piercing. Umm ya. So I have to work through Young Life this week...and then my birthday is on friday and I have to work through that too. I work 1-9:30 on my birthday isn't that awesome? Doesn't really matter cause my family doesn't want to have a family dinner or anything anyways..considering my mom's going to be in Victoria with Tracy for her Divorce hearing. Yay for that. I guess. Umm I finally actually managed to get Saturday off for my birthday because one of my coworkers phoned in sick yesterday and I had to work her shift so now she has to work mine. For anyone who doesn't know my party is this Saturday night, bowling at 7pm at splitsville, then dinner at mgm at about 8:30 and then we're hitting up 70 below for some good times.

Sunday night was my staff Christmas party at the Cactus Club. It kinda sucked...luckily Cara was there so that we could entertain ourselves. The entire night pretty much consisted of my coworkers making fun of me for being a cluts and me wishing I could afford to get drunk. I won some shooters in our secret santa game and Cara got a tick tack toe shot glass set which she must bring on saturday.

I've been having a really hard time staying happy lately and I don't know why. One minute I'll be really hyper and happy, the next i'm miserable. I'm sick of the weather and sick of being stressed out about money. If we don't find another roommate before Heather moves out on the 15th i'm going to end up having to move back home because I just can't afford the extra rent money. I can barely afford to eat but I don't want to hear "I told you so" any more than I already do. As it is my family's constantly trying to guilt me into moving back..my sister is planning on taking my chinchilla's to the spca because she no longer wishes to look after them for me like she promised she would. My dad sold my fish without even telling me. What's next, my cats? I'm losing patience with people so easily lately and just getting so angry. I also hate the fact that I'm always wanting to go drinking and I don't want to become an alcoholic but it's the only time that I actually feel like I can relax and just be myself. Tasha and I went out to 70 this saturday night and drank way too much and just partied it up with the dj...who scared the crap out of me at work yesterday but that's another story. Luckily Josh came and picked us up cause if he hadn't we would have been screwed with no way home haha. Oh man Tasha...that was an interesting night.

So yes, my next day off is Satuday...and I have Sunday off too! So I'm getting my hair done and such for my party and I believe that Tasha is going to come with me, should be fun. I'm very excited about my party and no one else better cancel on me. I've had enough of that lately and I have this huge horrible feeling that no one's going to show up and I'm going to be sitting there bymyself crying all night. Please come, I'll be sad if you don't. That's all I've got to say for now, if anyone wants to hangout this week I'm off at 5:30 tomorrow, work 1-9:30 thursday and friday. Could really use some time to just hangout with someone. Just give me a call. C ya.


At 12:52 AM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

emerson showed up at your work? WTF, can you say creepy? i don't want to ever run into him outside of saturday nights.

-"where's my slurpee!?"

At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hun
Sorry I sorta freaked out last night, got a lot on my mind (which I will tell you about later)
I'm going to do everything in my power to get there on Saturday, I promise.
Love you

At 1:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy birthday.


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