Saturday, June 11, 2005

My Cell's Not Lost Forever!

Well I'm just kinda killing a little bit of time before I have to go to work, and hoping that Tasha remembered to set an alarm clock or something lol. Phil has ALREADY phoned me this morning, but I told him I had to get ready for work. Yesterday was a pretty boring day off, but I got to see Meagan and Sam for about an hour and a half, missed Megan's play which made me really disappointed in myself...and then I went out with Tasha for a little while after dinner. We ended up stopping in at MGM and Alex and Chelsea were already there, meeting Andrea and Caley to go to Crystal's birthday party. Chelsea tried to get us to go but neither of us really wanted to so we went home instead. I found out that Jesslyn has my cell phone so it's not lost for good! I should probably have it back by the end of the day. I'm missing a YL fundraiser for work today but I'm not too disappointed since it's the damn garbathon mwhaha. Poor poor people out picking up garbage. I don't think I'm going to be able to go to camp in the summer cause I can't afford to take that week off of work. I hope that everyone understands, even though I'm pretty sure they won't and Alastair will try to convince me to go. Well I should go and try to phone Tasha again and then put my pants and dress shirt on and attempt to avoid cat hair. I'll cya'll latas.


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