Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Woot for not walking. So ya, yesterday sucked major ass. I was babysitting Savannah for a bit while Heather shoveled the driveway and she started crying so I went to take her to the door so she could see that her mom was still there but as I stepped off of the first step I lost my footing and ended up falling on my back all the way down the stairs. I was doing everything I possibly could to make sure that Savannah was ok (which she was) but in the mean time I really hurt myself. Virginia got to my house about 10 minutes later cause we were supposed to hangout and instead she insisted on us phoning Jason to take us to the ER. We get there and about 4.5 hours later, after about a hundred x-rays of my neck and lower back, being put in a neck brace and almost passing out about 10 times they finally let me go home. My dad had shown up about half way through and so he took me to my house to get some clothes and then made me come back here to my parent's house to spend the night so that I wouldn't be alone. I also hadn't heard back about the liver test and such which my parents were slightly concerned about. There's no breaks or internal damage as far as we know. The doctor thinks that I've bruised the bones and done soft tissue damage to the base of my neck, my lower lumbar and tailbone as well as my ribs. My hips feel like I was run over by a semi truck and I can barely walk. So if anyone wants to come visit me I would definately be up for a friendly face amongst all the drama that has ensued around Tracy and Brenden since i got here. Oh ya...I payed for Brenden's bus ticket to his court hearing in Courtney but apparently he just had to send his lawyer so him and his buddy Jesse decided to use the bus ticket to come to Nanaimo and crash at my parent's house for the past three days. Woot woot.

So in good new, there's only 9 days till my birthday and I'm pretty stoked about my birthday party. I better damn well be able to party by then. Well this chair is killing me slowly so i must depart. Please come visit me...I'm at my parents, I need sanity. See ya.


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