Friday, June 10, 2005

I want to hit him lightly....with my car.

Shit! I just wrote out this whole long entry and the only part that worked was the title! What's up with that?!?! So now it's trying to force me to write it all out again and for some reason I don't see that happening. Here's the short version.

Yesterday I went over to Andrea's and we chilled and watched cartoons for a bit while Andrea procrastinated and refused to get dressed. Once she finally did that we went to the bank and then went and picked up Tasha. We drove around aimlessly for like 2 hours, bitching mostly about guys and other events in our lives right now. That was fun. We then went down to swylana in a search for hot guys and failed horrible. We then drove around some more and then Andrea dropped us off at out homes. Andrea picked me up after dinner to go to YL and Alastair had failed to tell us that we were supposed to meet at Mnt. Benson school so after waiting at Pinnacle Fitness for 20 we finally got ahold of them and found out the truth. I stayed there and waited for others while Andrea went and picked up more people.

We began to play Walleyball, Jason accused me of "blowing him off" to hangout with Andrea and Tasha when I had already told him that I had previous plans with them and couldn't hangout with him. So ya, Phil came to YL which was interesting and Tyler Blake was there too so I felt bad for Andrea. After Walleyball we all headed across the street to the field where people played Ultimate Frisbee and I kinda helped Jesslyn study her biology. Tasha came and picked me up and she gave people rides home and then we came back here to watch Team America which was really funny but kinda disturbing in parts. It was so bad that it was great. I then went to bed.

I got up at 10am and Meagan called at 11am to say that her, Trevor and Sam are coming into town later and want me to go to the mall with them and to see Sam get a tattoo. I'm also hoping to go and see Megan's play tonight, it's going to be awesome. I'm really looking forward to it, I just need to find someone to go with me. Maybe Tasha will, I hope. Phil called me this morning to bitch and I kinda just ignored him for the most part and went "uh huh...ya...oh...I dunno..ok" haha it was not so wonderful. But anyways, I must depart. Bye!


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