Thursday, June 16, 2005

Mmm tattooed and pierced boys are yummy

I have officially had two pretty kick ass days off. Yesterday was kinda boring until I went over to Andrea's for dinner. Tracy's house in Victoria (where Crysta was staying at) was broken into yesterday evening, all of her jewelry was stolen, the lizards were moved around and kittens where missing. There was also a large knife from the kitchen stabbed into a table in the basement where the chinchilla's are. So, at about 5pm my parents took off down to Machosin to pick up Crysta and help Tracy out, by time my parents left there at 9pm, the cops still hadn't arrived. They found out where the kittens were but the jewelry was never found. I went over and had dinner with Andrea, her mom and her sister, then we headed out for a drive.

Chelsea phoned to see if we wanted to hangout with all of them but we didn't really feel like it so we just kept driving and eventually ended up in Nanoose where we stopped at the Petro-Can and bought some candy. There was a really hot guy working there which we enjoyed. From there we drove to the Parksville beach where there just so happened to be a whole lot of Beach Volleyball going on and some people playing baseball. Aka, there was a lot of hot guys around. Someone hit a home run and the ball went over the fence to where Andrea and I were walking so I grabbed it and ran over and tossed it to the really hot guy standing at the fence. Mmm Mmm good. After that we headed back to town and stopped at her house to drop off her sister's back pack before heading out to do some stalking.

As we were about to leave Marc (Andrea's step dad) pulled in and happened to notice no N on the back of her car (It must have gotten stolen at the beach) and he told us we couldn't leave with out one. We then headed over to my house and called Tasha to see if she had a spare. She did, so we rocked out to some New Kids On The Block, MC Hammer, etc as we waited for her and Phil to come over. We then danced some more and chilled for a while, talking and looking at pictures of male piercings on the internet. My parents got home while we were doing so and it was slightly amusing lol. Everyone then headed home and I went to bed.

My day today started with going to Black and Blue with Tasha where I got my tattoo done by Russ, the extremely sexy Irishman. It took a long time to draw it all out and a lot less time to actually tattoo. It ended up being a fair bit bigger than I had initially wanted but I still really like it and it didn't hurt near as much as I was expecting. We then headed to Transformations because the piercer at B&B had forgot about Tasha's appointment and it was his day off so he didn't show up and wasn't at home. Just to our luck the pierce at Transformations and also very sexy and his name was Roland. Tasha drooled all over herself while attempting to spit out mouth wash and he said it was very hot. The needle going through her lip was really nasty and Kayley and I twinged greatly.

I came home to find a message on my phone saying that I won some pizza from the radio station and we were really hungry so Tasha went and picked up Phil from school at 3pm and then came and got me and we went and got the pizza and pigged out at Tasha's place. I came home after unintentionally pissing Phil off by mentioning that Kayley went with us this morning...I didn't know he didn't know. Now I'm killing a bit of time before YL and waiting for the welts on my back to go down. I completely forgot about my alergy to adhesive when Russ masking taped the bandage to my back and now I must pay the price. As for my tattoo, I love it...Tasha loves mom hates it. She says that it's huge and that my dad's going to hate it and blah blah blah. I don't think it's that big and I think it's really pretty. I hope that everyone else does too...otherwise I'd be sad and have to find new friends :P.

Well I'm gunna go find a sweatshirt and shiznit because it looks cold outside and I'm going to either be playing Football or Capture The Flag out there tonight. I'll talk to you all later and maybe I'll post some pics of my tat sometime so you can tell me what you think. Or, you can just see it for yourselves. Love ya all, peace out and don't forget to "Let It Be!"


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