Monday, June 20, 2005

Due For A Little Revenge Mwhaha

4 down, 2 to go! Days of work that is. Today was better than I was expecting it to be but it was still pretty stressful. We had a tonne of returns and horrible customers but we managed to entertain ourselves fairly well. I'm pretty sure that Alayna gave me more nicknames today than I've had in my entire life. It was pretty amusing.

Back to yesterday however, I worked and then I came home and did nothing. I sat on the computer till 12am talking to Megan and a few other people. I was talking to Jason and Collin and I changed my display pic to a picture of me and Collin said that I looked very sexy and was complimenting me and such and I was laughing. He cheared me up a lot and I told Jason that Collin was bugging me about the pic cause he'd always wanted me to send him pics and I wouldn't and Jason said that maybe Collin likes me and I think he may have been jealous lol I feel evil for taking pleasure in messing with guy's minds. I'm due for a little revenge ok.

I got up this morning and did some cleaning and stuff and went to work for 1pm, nothing really exciting persay. Tomorrow shall prove to probably be about the same as today. Wednesday may be a little bit more exciting and then I have two days off! There's more that I should and will talk about but I'm going to head over to Andrea's for a little bit so I'll write later. Buh bye


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