Saturday, June 11, 2005

I'm A Giggly Little Girl

I feel kinda pukey. I'm not too sure why, but I do. Maybe it was the pizza. I have a question for all of you though, how do you get over a crush on the world's greatest guy? You're probably all saying "why would you want to" but ohhh there are reasons, that most of you should already know.

I feel as though certain people close to me are really heading down bad paths in life and I'm really worried about them. I don't wanna see them get hurt but I can't help but see it happening.

In other news...I work 37 hours this week which is kinda cool but also kinda really sucks at the same time. I only have two days off...wednesday and thursday...I'm hopefully going to go get tattooed with Tasha on Thursday, but I'm thinking that we should probably make appointments, hopefully for the morning so that I'm not in too much pain for YL. I get 3 boy shifts this week though! Aka me and the guys. They're always so much fun and full of so much...making fun of. Today was such a good day, I had a lot of fun for several different reasons that will remain unsaid. Stories are so much better over the phone so just call me!

Mwhaha well I'm kinda bored, Tasha left the comp to go get chips lol atleast I have Chelsea and Alex to talkith to. I'm gunna stop writing aimlessly in here though, my hands are starting to hurt. Oh, which reminds me, today at work I had all these random spazmings throughout my body. It started with my neck, then my back, then my wrists and then my hips and ankles. It sucked major ass! I think I might be having a really bad reaction to my meds so I stopped taking them lastnight. Hopefully it'll go away. I'll update more later. Bye


At 11:48 PM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

i want to be pierced asap. wednesday... or now... maybe earlier if you don't work in the morning early this week? we should make appointments soon. ttyl sexy

le tasha


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