Sunday, May 29, 2005

Hey Tasha, Are Those Handles?? Are You Calling Me Fat?!

Craziness! So yesterday was the hotdog sale for the spca outside of my work right, it was well interesting hahaha some good times were definately had. Kevin and Rob visited for most of the day, Tasha came and saw me but then she had to go pick up Phil. They came back for a few minutes and then headed to the lake and that's where things got bad. Phil tried to like drown Tasha and she had a really bad asthma she left him there and came back to find me and my peeps. Phil showed up a few minutes later and my mom told him to leave, so he did and Kevin looked like he wanted to kill him. He probably would have if Phil had stuck around. Umm what else happened, I don't remember...oh well basically everyone got burned throughout the day, in more ways than one. There was muchum laughing at eachother and joking around and way too much sun for our own goods. After the sale was over, Tasha and I came back here and we went for a quick swim before Tasha had to leave for work.

I then proceeded to clean my room and rock out to some old school S Club 7 and such lol. Crysta almost killed me for that. At about 6pm I headed over to Megan's where our fathers talked for what felt like forever and then we headed to White Spot. Megan got to take my White Spot virginity because I'd never been there before haha. We considered paying Petcetera a quick visit but went straight to our movie. MADAGASCAR IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!! omg it was soooo hilarious you have no idea. The Lemur King was hilarious "I like to move it move it, I like to move it move it" and Melman was great "Nature! it's all over me!"..."Why Canada?"..."Cheap medications..." hahaha oh man, it was great, a definate must buy pour moi.

I came home after the movie and that was basically the end of my night. I went to bed and then woke up this morning and got ready for work. I went to work...had some good times with Alayna and Aaryn, but it doesn't look like we're going to make our goal for the month unless tomorrow and tuesday are crazy freaking busy. I work again at 9 am and it's only me, Alayna and Aaryn all day so it may be kinda crazy. I should go and eat some dinner now though, peace out homies.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Would You Like To Play My Drum???

It's been a few days since I last updated and even though nothing majorly exciting has happened I thought I should write something.

I went and saw Star Wars with YL people on Thursday, I don't think that I mentioned that in my last post, I can't remember. It was pretty good, a lot better than I had expected it to be. I can't believe Hayden can get so ugly and burnt. He's so pretty...and going to be the father of my babies...well atleast some of them ;) I was one of 2 girls in the entire group of 11 people so that was interesting. It was Ian's birthday so I tried my best to help him have a good time.

As for yesterday, I had this huge fight with my mom in the morning...I left....walked down to Country Club but I couldn't find Tasha and I really wanted to talk to her. I ended up just walking around, back and forth from the mall to Wellington and such for like 2 hours, trying to phone Tasha and not having any luck. I ended up finding my dad outside his work and he insisted on driving me home and having a "family talk" which went lovely. I just kinda sat there and listened but didn't say much cause I knew it wouldn't do any good.

After all that, I went and layed down for like half an hour until Phil showed up and then I was forced to get up. We hungout for a while, Andrea came over and we went in the pool. Andrea went home at dinner time, Phil left a little later to meet Tasha as she was getting off of work. After dinner Andrea came back and we headed out to attempt to buy ourselves some freezies lol I had a craving ok. We found them and then we headed to Tasha's house to see if they wanted to go to Swyalana which they did, but Tasha had to finish cleaning first. We came back home and hungout here for a bit, got changed and put makeup on. We couldn't wait any longer so we just went over to Tasha's and entertained them with out lovely singing while they finished cleaning and then we left.

We ended up meeting Alex, Chelsea, Caley and Jesslyn at Swyalana and since none of them would play on the playground, they just stood there....Tasha, Crysta and I decided to go for a little walk down the sea wall without them. Some hot guy that goes to FC asked Tasha if she wanted to play his drum. That was pretty funny, they were all chearing because someone had just finished singing a song, but the guys continued chearing as the 3 of us walked past and the older people laughed at them. Good times. Especially since Jesse and Christian were there. Mmm Mmm Goodness.

We then met up with everyone except Phil and they told us that he'd gone to Tim Hortan's looking for us, but of course we weren't there so he met back up with us soon enough. We walked back past the group of people and this girl decided to tell us that apparently we were a group of very beautiful people and that we should keep on smiling lol. She wasn't drunk either. She ended up taking a picture of all of us with the drum guy with Caley's camera so that we could have a lasting memory. Apparently his name is Jeramiah so when that was discovered, certain members of the group began singing Joy To The Word (Jeramiah Was A Bullfrog) lol. These two hot guys came along and Alex knew one of them so they stopped and they had a Huskey with them so Andrea ran and hid in a bunch of trees lmao Andrea, you're a nerd but I love you anyways.

From there, we headed on over to Subway where we ate some delicious food, Other people discussed going to Victoria, which to me seemed rather pointless but if they had reason behind it, all the power to em. Hopefully they just don't end up like getting gang banged or something one of these days. Anyways...Tasha drove Crysta and I home at about 11:30 and I went quickly to bed. I slept...then I woke up and here I am writing in my blog at 8am. (It was 7:30 when I started...well a bit after)

Now I'm going to go and shower and find my outfit for the hotdog sale which Andrea never ended up helping me pick out :( Then I'm going to sell a shit load of hotdogs, probably get hit on my creepy old men and THEN I have a date with Megan! I'm so excited! Nothing like dinner and a movie to finish off the night ;) mwhaha well I'm off, talk to ya'll latas! Ta Ta

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Oh...the me...

Oh...the hottness. That's all I'm going to say about that, know what I'm talking about lol. Well, it's 9:39 in the morning, I have yet to have my shower or get dressed or do anything like that. My current favorite song just came on the radio. If you haven't heard Old School Love by Divine Brown, you must do so. The first time I heard it I was sitting outside on the patio at my boss' house during our staff party. Craziness. It really makes me think about a lot of things but we're not going to get into that at the moment.

In other news, my sister comes home tomorrow..but she's only here for two days and then gone again for the weekend! It's insane. I have to work at 1:15, it's my weekly shift with all of my bosses. Proves to be grand. Saturday is our 1 year anniversary sale so you guys all better go buy stuff! $1 from every cd and movie goes to the spca and the spca will be cookin up some hotdogs. Aka I'll probably be cooking hotdogs. I don't mind too much, should be pretty fun.

My dad forgot to pick me up from work lastnight, awesome huh? I definately didn't think so as I was sitting outside in the blistering sun wearing black pants and two shirts for half an hour. My mom ended up coming and getting me, I arrived home at 6:55, while needing to be at Alastair's for 7 for our leader's meeting. It ended up only being me, Andrea, Jason and Alastair so we sat on his deck and chatted it up for a bit. One of Alastair's neighbor's cat came and visited me and I fell in love with it. It was maincoon, which if any of you remember my cats Spike or Santana, he basically looked like Santana but was the size of Spike and I've decided I need one. My dad said we'd discuss it when I'm not hyped up on cold meds lol. The meeting ended up being really short so we decided to play some Settlers which is byfar the best game ever. After that, Andrea and I went to Wendy's where we mistook like 6, 17 year old ugly guys for hot....we realized it once they got out of the car they were in.

I got home feeling really sick and went to bed quickly after. I didn't sleep all too well cause my damn cats were fighting under my bed again. Coop has some serious attitude problems that need to be adjusted. Umm so ya, that's about all. I'm off to shave my legs, shower, get dressed, apply makeup, eat something and go to work. Oh ya, I'll brush my teeth in there somewhere as well, don't ya'll worry. Talk to you guys later, bye dudettes.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

I have the measles and the mumps..a gash, a rash and purple bumps.

Well, I'm still kinda sick but getting better. Either that or I just have so many cold meds in my system that I don't know any better. I worked 7 hours today without a single break...I didn't eat breakfast so that means I'm really fucking hungry. My dad went to the store to pick me up some soup which was nice of him. Kevin told me to go home, get lots of rest and eat lots of soup so I do believe I will listen to him this time.

Atleast I had fun at work today, it was just me, Aaryn and Kevin, Aaryn seemed to not be in the best mood this morning but I was really doped up so it totally could have been me. Things seemed fine by the end of the day. I spent most of the day on the sales floor by myself or with the assistance of Kevin once in a while. Aaryn was really busy painting this sweet car audio display which is going to rock when it's done. My "little friend" as everyone likes to call him decided to come in first thing this morning. It's so "great" how he got a job intown so that he can pop in more often. Dude...he creeps me out so much. It was like not even half an hour into the shift and Kevin was asking if I wanted a break so that I didn't have to be around him lol but I, being the tough girl that I am, sucked it up and kept working.

Kevin made jokes about how Rob probably went home lastnight and tried to find the pics of us at Tasha's birthday party on the internet lol good times. I think that Kevin wants to see em a little too much haha and he never will. Well, I should go and try to relax a bit, maybe watch a movie. Give me a call or something if you guys wanna just chill tomorrow. Bye bye

ps. I leave you with a quote from my favorite poem. It'd be the whole thing if I could remember the whole thing, but I can't.

Sick by Shell Silverstein

I can not go to school today,
said little peggy anne mckay.
I have the measles
and the mumps.
A gash, a rash,
and purples bumps.
My mouth is wet, my throat is dry,
I'm going blind in my right eye.
My tonsils are as big as rocks,
I've counted sixteen chicken pocks.
And there's one more that's seventeen,
and don't you think my face looks green?

pps. I was actually going to put the whole thing since I found it on the internet but it's too damn long and I'm too damn lazy so there! bye!

Friday, May 20, 2005

Gah! My Face!

Gah! My stupid sister took my foundation to Victoria with her and I'm supposed to be going shopping! I tried using my old darker foundation with lots of powder on top which seemed to work but I ended up poking myself in the eye and it really hurts. The pain people. I'm sitting here waiting for Andrea and Tasha to get their asses out of the shower so that we can go! come on people, there is shopping to be done. I also have to drop off my $100 and essay at Sprott Shaw today. Woot.

Lastnight's YL was awesome. There was Ketchup, Mustard, Relish and Corn Syrup everywhere. I was Captain Condament and Andrea was the Condament Cruisader mwhaha we had awesome costumes too, it was pretty sweet. Music was good, although...they never played Everything by Lifehouse like Jason said they were going to. He told me that he was going to play it just for me because he knew how much I like it. You may all be saying "Awww" but don't. It's not aww worthy. Anyways....ya not much else happened really, hungout with Hendsbee and a few other people at McD's for a while, while we waited for Andrea to return from driving some girls to the other end of town. I then came home and Tracy and Mattie were here to pick up Crysta so we chatted for a bit. They made fun of my sward but Tracy thought it was really cool and she really wants Mattie to get involved in YL which would be cool and also really good for him.

Well I should go attempt to finish applying my face, I'll talk to ya'll later, peace out yo.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Purple Game Boys and Gay Guys.

Awesome day! I kicked some major butt in sales today and it was just me, Alayna and Dave on the sales floor. I can't even remember what all I sold but I know I sold a bike, a ring, an air compressor and a purple Game Boy to a gay guy. He debated between the solid purple one and the see-through purple one. He eventually decided that the see-through one was cooler and grabbed a Pokemon game to go with it. Mwhaha so much fun was had by all present, I got a 25 cent and hour raise! That's right 8.25/hour biatches lol I'm pretty happy about that, especially with my average of 30 hours a week now :D.

The SPCA is having a hot dog sale at my work not this saturday but the saturday after and I'll be volunteering since I'm not working and you all better come get hot dogs but not embarrass me infront of certain people hehe. This old guy called me "a very attractive young lady" today haha he was bugging Dave cause he didn't think we had any mirrors for a truck and I went and looked and found some and so the guy told Alayna that she should give me a bonus for going out of my way to go and look rather than brushing him off. I was pretty proud of myself. I was also proud of myself for testing out two subwoofers for a guy this morning without needing assistance and not blowing anything up. It was alltogether a good day at work.

I got home from work and then I went and voted for my first time which was cool and made me feel important. I've been trying to get ahold of Tasha cause apparently she wanted to watch Team America tonight but she's not answering her phones. Phil called me asking where she is cause he wants his stereo back or some shit like that and I was totally cold to him, just told him I didn't know and basically that it was his problem. Hehe yay me. Anyways...that's about all I've got to talk about, Tasha's party rocked my socks off and I can't wait until the next party. I'm off to find something to do peace out dawgs.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Transvestites, Racists, Monkey's and White Guys ;)

Fuck Yes! That describes lastnight so well lol Fun was had by...well almost everyone lol I think the only exception was Phil but that's ok. So many good times to account for! Hmm lets see if I can remember all of them haha for those of you that weren't there, we danced our fucking asses off to the best songs personal favorites were the Time Warp and Pretty Fly For A White Guy (Give it to me Erin, uh huh uh huh, Give it to me Erin, uh huh uh huh) lmao girls, we rule. We established early on that everyone was racist lol Phil hates white people and everyone else hates black people. Haha just kidding, we were actually talking about music and everyone was against anything sang by black people like rap/R&B/Hip Hop and Phil was against anything sang by white people lol That issue was quickly resolved by my wonderful party cd's.

Erin was by far the star of the night and we elected him hottest boy there, and there was some stiff competition from the ass holes. They were pretty...but that's about it. Oh, and they had nice bodies. Erin got way to much action lastnight but at the same time he didn't really seem to want it, no offense to anyone lol since you're all probably reading this...maybe he's just..less straight than we though haha *shrugs* I'm still puzzled by him appologizing to me at the end of the night, he had no reason to but it was nice of him anyways. And hot.

Umm what ya, Phil was evil and angry and punched some walls, I ignored him as much as humanly possible and had a grand time. Everyone got pretty smashed, Erin got molested and had his shirt removed for him. He also got licked...and bitten...umm I dunno what else. Tasha tried to "knee board" backwards across the floor going "Candace look at my bum" That was hilarious. Geoff was the most drunk, and puked everywhere. He was also very affectionate, there was some boob grabbing, lots of hugging, lots of hitting on and attempted kissing on his part to various girls lol oh poor Geoff. Drew, Tasha and I sang Sweet Transvestite which is always fun.

Once people like Alex, Chelsea, Caley, Alyssa, Tim and them all left, us remaining girls decided we had to dispose of ANY remaining alcohol by drinking it. We put the shot glass set that Andrea bought Tasha to good use by shooting the last of the coolers and such. We toasted to freedom and being able to have a great time. We made Erin come dance with us some more, Geoff tried but didn't really succeed. When Erin left, Tasha, Andrea and Jessy ended up chasing him up the street yelling "Erin I love you, I want to have your babies" not realizing at the time that Phil was with him...then Tasha ran home and hid...and drank more lol.

Apparently at one point Tasha thought she was a monkey and tried to pee in the sink...but I'm not too sure. Andrea and Jesslyn started talking to some guys on msn and had Tasha's web cam on so we were all dancing for them and then Tasha ran in and flashed the web cam...she didn't remember that one this morning. She also happened to flip over two different chairs while sitting in them. After all the partaying fun was over we all ended up crashing in various bedrooms in Tasha's house and then Crysta and I woke up at 6:40 when Drew needed his keys back so that he could go home. Then Tasha's stupid clock wouldn't stop chiming every 15 fucking minutes and it woke me back up every single time till I finally gave up and got up at 10.

Once everyone was up, Crysta, Andrea and I decided to cook breakfast for lunch and we made hash browns, or hash brownies as we were wishing they were actually called...we also made bacon, saucages, bagels and pancakes and chowed down. After that we went out in the pouring rain to look for Tasha's cat that got freaked out and must have gotten outside when the guys left the door open. We got completely soked while Phil and Geoff sat inside in the warmth on the computer..grr. Boys. We decided that she probably wouldn't come out while it was raining anyways and went back inside. Then we called my dad to pick us up and here I am now. Sitting on my comp thinking about having a nap. I think I may just do that. Peace out dudes.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Yabba Dabba Doooo

Well, ya see, I'm basically just trying to kill some times until Tasha gets here to give me a ride to work. I work in about 45 minutes, and she should be here in about 20. I spent most of my morning cleaning my house, which took about 2 hours. I got woken up at about 7 by my mom and sister getting ready to leave, then again at 7:20 by my mom's friend phoning to see if they were picking her up. Then, the phone rang again at 9 and I gave up trying to sleep and came upstairs only to find a note requesting that the house be very clean when they get home because my mom has people coming over. Wonderful. So, I got my shower, then I began cleaning and then I began dancing lol. I danced my ass off for quite a while which is always fun, but I looked out my dinning room window and my neighbor was giving me a really strange look hehe good old rap music, it's loved by everyone. I think I've just about perfected a dance for Lick You by Ludacris ;) You guys will have to see it. After I finished dancing I came on the comp for a bit and talked to Cara, then I started getting ready for work and here I am. Sitting here, half dressed lol I have my work shirts on and a pair of flannel boxers. It's great. Perfect outfit if I do say so myself. I'm so incredibly stoked for Tasha's birthday party, I'm going to dance my freaking ass off and make everyone else join me. Oh, they will dance. I'm going to make Erin dance with me *shifty eyes* mwhaha but shhh that's a secret! Anyways...I need to shave my legs...and yes I know that that was random, but also very true. I think I'm going to wear my pink stripey tank top and jeans tomorrow night, if you guys have any better suggestions let me know. Until then, I am off, that's all folks, see ya later, yabba dabba doooo.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Just Leave Me Alone Already!

I got home from YL a little while ago, went to my room for a bit and listened to music and now I'm sitting here, not wanting to talk to anyone or do anything. I don't feel like talking at all, I kinda just feel like crying. I felt very out of place tonight, Andrea, Caley and Jesslyn were all doing their own thing and are so close now and I don't feel like I have anything in common with them anymore, well atleast when they're in a group. Things are so different when people are away from certain people...I'm really hoping to actually be able to hangout with just Andrea one of these days but for some reason I have a feeling that's not going to happen.

At YL tonight this 12 year old girl was all over Jason and I really hope that he knows how young she is cause he's 9 years older than her. I had so little patience tonight, I wanted to strangle so many people...mostly the immature girls and the whole evening really just made me wonder if I'm meant to be there.

I hungout with Tasha for a while today which was cool but I had to leave early cause I hadn't been home much and didn't want my mom to be mad cause I also had to go to YL soon. I got home and no one was home anyways, so I cooked dinner and then once I got home from YL I had to clean up from dinner. Great huh? Now my mom's getting mad at me cause I'm not in a good mood and I don't wanna talk to anyone. Can't people just leave me alone already, I'm so sick of it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Ghostbuster's, Drunkards and Goodtimes.

Oh my god...weirdest fucking day ever. You don't even know. It was a really fun day at work for the most part. I dunno why but I was being pretty cold towards Kevin for while, not really talking to him much or anything and then Alayna was like "so Kevin told me that you need monday off" and I was like "well I was kinda hoping but it's not majorly important" and her response was "not important?! it's your bestfriend's 19th birthday!" and so, she gave me the day off lol Dave came in for the afternoon shift and Kevin came over to me later in the day and was like "I finally figured it out" and I said "figured what out" and he was like "who Dave reminds me of, Rick Maranis from Ghostbusters" and it just totally clicked, I'd been trying to figure out who he remind me of since the day I met him and that was it! All I could say was "wow that's freaky" and Kevin's response was "What, that it's true or that you and I actually agreed haha" lol man it was good, the joke kinda proceeded till the end of the day.

As for the bad part of my day, I was in the store by myself and I was dealing with this guy that always comes in and is usually really nice...he was looking for a new pocket knife and he kept getting kinda close to me and reaked of booze so I was keeping my distance. Then as we're standing at the cash register he dropped a whole wack of cash on the counter and makes some sort of joke about paying me to take of my clothes. I was like in shock. I hardly said another 2 words to him till he left and then I told Alayna. She was like "omg are you serious!?!" and then Kevin walked in and asked what was going on and he said that I should have told him because he wouldn't have put up with that. Dave was pretty shocked too but we were all kinda joking about it by the end of the day. Kevin asked jokingly how much he offered and Alayna said that atleast if he was cute I would have considered it, Kevin told her to speak for herself, she asked me if I would have considered it if he was cute, I said no, Kevin said "see, she's not like that" and we laughed some more.

Hmm what else happened today, I dunno...oh ya, Dave and I told Alayna that if she were to hire people with no work experience she could pay them $6.50 an hour, but she said that she can't hire 16 year old girls with Kevin around and Dave was like "ya, that's a lawsuite waiting to happen" lol oh man, everyone was so mean to everyone else today it was great.

I just got back from my leader's meeting at Alastair's a few minutes ago, it was a pretty intense meeting, well it felt that way to me. There was a lot of really serious questions and not just about ourselves this time, more about ourselves and our faith. Becca's and my answers were pretty much all the same, we really do seem to have a lot in common. The only people there were me, Alastair, Becca, Jason and Terry. It was really weird without Steven and Andrea there. Steven's not coming back till September and even Becca's moving back to Port Alberni at the beginning of next month. Atleast she's still going to come down to go to club and stuff. Anyways...I really don't feel well right now and I have to work at 9am so I should probably go chill, maybe eat something and then go to bed. I'll talk to ya'll later, bye bye.

Monday, May 09, 2005

The Local Scapegoat

I don't even know what to say anymore...I don't even know what's going on. What is with people and making horrible decisions lately? I really think that certain people need to take a look at themselves and the situations that they've put themself into and think for a while. Enough on that topic though, not that there's much else to talk about.

I miss Megan a lot, haven't talked to her in quite sometime, it seems as though our schedules are never matching up. Megan, if you're reading this we really need to do something soon.

I could really use someone to just sit down and talk with right now and I don't know where to find that person. I was hoping to see Tasha today but she was too tired and then I tried to get Phil to come over and hangout but he would rather sit at Tasha's while she sleeps and play on her computer. Andrea was off doing stuff all day and so I spent my day off doing nothing. I slept through most of the day because I took an antihistamine lastnight and it completely wacked me out. Now, I'm basically killing time until I can put my work clothes in the dryer and go to bed.

Yesterday I had a fun day at work and I'm hoping that tomorrow is atleast somewhat close to as good. I don't really wanna get into details cause I'm just too damn tired to even think, but I had fun and if you wanna know the stories I can tell you later.

I found out today that Alex still wants nothing to do with me because he basically blames me for everything that's ever gone wrong and any drama that has occured in our group of friends. How could I have caused it when all I did was sit there and listen when everyone came to me with their problems? Obviously the drama already existed if they constantly had something that they needed to talk to me about. I was the one that tried to help, listened when someone needed to talk and offered advice if warranted. Yet somehow someone always finds it necessary to blame me. I'm really tired of being everyone's scapegoat for their problems. I really think that people need to look at themselves and try to find the real cause of their pain.

Well, that's all I've got to say for now, bye all.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Paranoia, Carnies, Stoners and Stabbings...Just What Every Good Evening Needs.

Oh the humanity!

I dunno, just felt like saying that. Things have been kinda crazy lately. I went shopping yesterday with Tasha and had tonnes of fun. I retook my L test and passed! woot woot! Then I came home, then we decided to go to the fair. Phil was going to come with us but then when we picked him up I bugged him and he got all pissed off and got out of the car. So, we went without him and had a complete blast, then we ran into Phil, Andrew, Krista and a bunch of Krista's friends. Krista like stopped dead when she saw me, said "oohh" pointed, glared and then kept walking. It was pretty hillarious.

They were on their way to McDonalds and we just wanted to chill somewhere so we went inside too and sat at the other side of the restaurant. Phil went over to ask if I could go on the Tornado with him and Andrew and Krista completely freaked totally freaked about how he shouldn't even ask such a thing and blah blah blah. Tasha got really mad at her and called her a fucking bitch or something along those lines. I love you Tasha.

Each group could still see one another so when I pulled out my cell to play a game, she automatically assumed I was going to phone Andrew and started freaking again, trying to get him to give her his cell. I laughed my ass off and continued to make her paranoid. The 3 of us (me, Crysta and Tasha) then headed back up to the fair, enjoyed ourselves a bit more...too many people were stoned and or drunk...

Then the fun began...I got mad at Phil for something, don't even really remember what now and I walked away...I walked over to the grass and sat down and then all of a sudden like 100 teenage guys swarm onto the parking lot and before you know it a cop car is pulling in and then soon enough there were 7. Turns out it was like a massive Barsby, Woodlands, Dover gang war or some shit like that and some kid actually got stabbed. Brandon came over to Phil and I and was telling us that this kid got chased down, punched in the head four times and then a guy pulled a machedi (very large knife) on him and ended up slicing his arm all the way to the bone. I haven't heard anything about if they cought the guy or if the other guy is ok but I sure hope so. Why do retarded things like this happen? gay. We then all returned home, I went to bed...and got up at 7:30 to get ready for work.

Here's where today starts. I arrive at work at 9:10 or something and It's me, Kevin and Aaryn until about 12 when Dave began his shift. I kicked ass in the sales department, it was really sweet. I was really tired though and I kept dozing off and just like staring into space and at one point I happened to be like staring in the direction of the Buy Shop and Kevin was standing right there and when I came out of it he was looking at me and I was just like do do do do do and went back to pretending to work, then he phoned over from the Buy Shop and I thought that he was going to bug me about it or something but he was actually calling to comment on me kicking the guys' asses in sales and how I should tell "them two women" to get back to work lol it was really funny.

Anyways...he spent his entire day working on some car audio display thing which I should have apparently found more interesting and should have been less interested in the Disney movies lol But, I'm a girl and apparently he doesn't understand them. Hmm what else happened today..I didn't get to eat until like 3pm and even then I didn't get to eat in peace due to harrassment haha I bought the movie Up In Smoke today, it's Cheech and Chong and I'm so stoked about watching it. It was raining elastic bands in my store today...hehe they were flying one point Aaryn flung like 10 over a movie rack at Dave and I while we were trying to box up a computer system. We ended up needing the elastics but that's not the point. Well, I think that that is about all for today...


ps. Sorry about the previous blog entry...I was just having a really bad night and needed to vent. I'm sorry if I made anybody mad or hurt. I love you all and I hope that you know that.

Love Always, Nelle.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

I Can't Help You Fix Yourself, But Atleast I Can Say I Tried.

I can't help you fix yourself, but atleast I can say I tried. I'm sorry but I gotta go on with my own life! I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut. My weakness is that I care too much. The scars remind us that the past is real, I tear my heart open just to feal.

Fuck. Why can't people just grow the fuck up. That's basically all this blog entry is here to talk about. Today, I went to work. Then I came home. Then Andrea picked me up for YL. Everything went really well until the end. Alex and Chelsea showed up and Andrea completely bailed. I know that you're reading this hun, but ya did. Alastair and I ended up getting the entire portable back into order while Jason carried the tarp and such out to the cars. We then headed to McDonalds where I was in a really bad mood and just sat a ways away and let people come sit with me if they wished. Alex looked at me, then walked away, I received a few glares from Chelsea and then they basically completely ignored my existance. Jason and Jason came over and sat with me for quite a while and then Josh came over and was like "ooh let's keep Janelle company!" and I just said "Since when do you want to keep me company?" and his response was "Hey, you're a chick, you've got two legs, why not?" I wanted to slap him. Then, everyone decided to go off to the fair, I was not invited, nor was I wanted...So, even when Jason tried to convince me to go, I said no. I went outside and phoned home to get a ride and ended up sitting on the sidewalk, in the grass, crying. I'm so sick of people...I'm sick of the immaturity of people and the thoughtlessness. I'm sick of people taking on responsibilities and not fullfilling them. I'm sick of watching people who are supposed to be being good roll models, doing the complete opposite and making huge mistakes and not even caring. I'm sick of always being expected to appologize when I did nothing wrong, or not having my appology accepted when I try to give it for something stupid that was said. I'm sick of people not being able to let the past go and forgive, I'm sick of people preaching forgiveness, only to not be able to forgive themselves. I'm sick of retarded teenage relationships that are unhealthy and are meaningless and watching my "friends" suffer through them thinking that they're normal.

I say "friends" because I don't know what that word means right now.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Blahness At It's Finest.

Hey dudettes, as for an update...I've had the past two days off...I really haven't done much. I went to Sprott Shaw yesterday, I went back this morning and took the entrance test thing which was really easy. Andrea picked me up which was very nice of her...then we went to Wellington cause Caley was supposed to measure her for the fashion show but they weren't even there so we left. I came home and Tasha told me that Phil's still pissed at me for burning him so I called her house to talk to him but he was a bit of an ass and wouldn't talk to me. Although, he did however find it necessary to inform me that yesterday was Andrew and Krista's one year anniversary...great huh? Totally needed to know that. It made me realize "wow...I've been like battling against her for an entire year and putting up with her constant insults and hating me and trying to get Andrew to realize that he deserves better than that for a whole fucking year" Makes me feel kinda pathetic really. Umm what else...oh, then I came on the computer to discover that Phil has me blocked so I went onto my sister's accound to talk to him and while doing so I also realized that Alex once again has me blocked. I'm so fucking sick of the immaturity of people these days...why can't they just grow the fuck up. So, instead of enjoying my day off, I ended up going to my room and crying my eyes out for half an hour and then falling asleep, only to wake up even more tired and to realize that I completely missed floor hockey which I had told Jason I'd probably go to...I got up, had a bath, watched some tv and here I am. I just dunno what to do about anything. I just found out that Steven, one of the leaders at YL has moved back to Ucuelet (can't spell it) and won't be back to YL until September...this makes me very sad...for more reasons than one lol Wow I just got very sidetracked by Megan's prom pictures...but tomorrow, always Friday, hanging out with Tasha, work all weekend...Yay. Anyways, I'm off. Peace out yo. Bye.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005



haha anyways, now that that is out of my system...I went to Sprott Shaw this morning to find out more about my course and such and I began the paperwork. I go back tomorrow morning to do an enrollment test that's English and Math apparently which should be pretty easy since you're not expected to have more than English 12 or Math 10. A lot of the course is biology which I like so I'm totally stoked. It's going to cost ALOT so I have to start trying to get scholarships and student loans and shit. Hopefully my Oma will help me out a bit. The totally awesome part is that the course is only 40 weeks and I can work on cruise ships! Wouldn't that be totally sweet?? Oh man, I'm excited.

As for the rest of my life, work was fun yesterday. Some people had more energy than others due to slight hangovers from the night before...did I mention how my staff party was in the last entry? I can't remember...oh well, it was totally awesome, I had a blast even though I was really quiet. I...observed I guess you can say...certain people more than others ;) Hmm after work I came home and Andrea phoned wanting to do something so I said she could come over. Then Crysta told me that Phil and Tasha had wanted to do something so I tracked them down. Andrea and I decided we wanted to go bowling and everyone else was up for it so we headed out. Andrew met us there cause he had to pick up a check from Phil and he stuck around for a surprisingly long time. Well longer than I expected since he hasn't spoken to us in months. He headed out cause he "had somewhere else to be" aka some more brain cells to fry. We finished our game, some sucked more than others *cough cough* "Gutter ball!" woot woot. We then headed off to MTM for some ice cream but Megan wasn't working and I was slightly disappointed but we endulged anyways. After that we moved on to Tasha's house where Phil got mad at me for burning him, Crysta, Tasha and Andrea watched Old School and I fell asleep on the couch after trying to make Phil not so angry. I'm not sure if I succeeded...I don't really remember. We got home just after 12 and I went straight to bed. Woke up, cleaned, went to Sprott Shaw and here I am sitting at home. That's about all. So, all I have to say now is "That's all folks!" (Said in Bugs Bunny voice)