Friday, May 20, 2005

Gah! My Face!

Gah! My stupid sister took my foundation to Victoria with her and I'm supposed to be going shopping! I tried using my old darker foundation with lots of powder on top which seemed to work but I ended up poking myself in the eye and it really hurts. The pain people. I'm sitting here waiting for Andrea and Tasha to get their asses out of the shower so that we can go! come on people, there is shopping to be done. I also have to drop off my $100 and essay at Sprott Shaw today. Woot.

Lastnight's YL was awesome. There was Ketchup, Mustard, Relish and Corn Syrup everywhere. I was Captain Condament and Andrea was the Condament Cruisader mwhaha we had awesome costumes too, it was pretty sweet. Music was good, although...they never played Everything by Lifehouse like Jason said they were going to. He told me that he was going to play it just for me because he knew how much I like it. You may all be saying "Awww" but don't. It's not aww worthy. Anyways....ya not much else happened really, hungout with Hendsbee and a few other people at McD's for a while, while we waited for Andrea to return from driving some girls to the other end of town. I then came home and Tracy and Mattie were here to pick up Crysta so we chatted for a bit. They made fun of my sward but Tracy thought it was really cool and she really wants Mattie to get involved in YL which would be cool and also really good for him.

Well I should go attempt to finish applying my face, I'll talk to ya'll later, peace out yo.


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