Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Ghostbuster's, Drunkards and Goodtimes.

Oh my god...weirdest fucking day ever. You don't even know. It was a really fun day at work for the most part. I dunno why but I was being pretty cold towards Kevin for while, not really talking to him much or anything and then Alayna was like "so Kevin told me that you need monday off" and I was like "well I was kinda hoping but it's not majorly important" and her response was "not important?! it's your bestfriend's 19th birthday!" and so, she gave me the day off lol Dave came in for the afternoon shift and Kevin came over to me later in the day and was like "I finally figured it out" and I said "figured what out" and he was like "who Dave reminds me of, Rick Maranis from Ghostbusters" and it just totally clicked, I'd been trying to figure out who he remind me of since the day I met him and that was it! All I could say was "wow that's freaky" and Kevin's response was "What, that it's true or that you and I actually agreed haha" lol man it was good, the joke kinda proceeded till the end of the day.

As for the bad part of my day, I was in the store by myself and I was dealing with this guy that always comes in and is usually really nice...he was looking for a new pocket knife and he kept getting kinda close to me and reaked of booze so I was keeping my distance. Then as we're standing at the cash register he dropped a whole wack of cash on the counter and makes some sort of joke about paying me to take of my clothes. I was like in shock. I hardly said another 2 words to him till he left and then I told Alayna. She was like "omg are you serious!?!" and then Kevin walked in and asked what was going on and he said that I should have told him because he wouldn't have put up with that. Dave was pretty shocked too but we were all kinda joking about it by the end of the day. Kevin asked jokingly how much he offered and Alayna said that atleast if he was cute I would have considered it, Kevin told her to speak for herself, she asked me if I would have considered it if he was cute, I said no, Kevin said "see, she's not like that" and we laughed some more.

Hmm what else happened today, I dunno...oh ya, Dave and I told Alayna that if she were to hire people with no work experience she could pay them $6.50 an hour, but she said that she can't hire 16 year old girls with Kevin around and Dave was like "ya, that's a lawsuite waiting to happen" lol oh man, everyone was so mean to everyone else today it was great.

I just got back from my leader's meeting at Alastair's a few minutes ago, it was a pretty intense meeting, well it felt that way to me. There was a lot of really serious questions and not just about ourselves this time, more about ourselves and our faith. Becca's and my answers were pretty much all the same, we really do seem to have a lot in common. The only people there were me, Alastair, Becca, Jason and Terry. It was really weird without Steven and Andrea there. Steven's not coming back till September and even Becca's moving back to Port Alberni at the beginning of next month. Atleast she's still going to come down to go to club and stuff. Anyways...I really don't feel well right now and I have to work at 9am so I should probably go chill, maybe eat something and then go to bed. I'll talk to ya'll later, bye bye.


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