Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Purple Game Boys and Gay Guys.

Awesome day! I kicked some major butt in sales today and it was just me, Alayna and Dave on the sales floor. I can't even remember what all I sold but I know I sold a bike, a ring, an air compressor and a purple Game Boy to a gay guy. He debated between the solid purple one and the see-through purple one. He eventually decided that the see-through one was cooler and grabbed a Pokemon game to go with it. Mwhaha so much fun was had by all present, I got a 25 cent and hour raise! That's right 8.25/hour biatches lol I'm pretty happy about that, especially with my average of 30 hours a week now :D.

The SPCA is having a hot dog sale at my work not this saturday but the saturday after and I'll be volunteering since I'm not working and you all better come get hot dogs but not embarrass me infront of certain people hehe. This old guy called me "a very attractive young lady" today haha he was bugging Dave cause he didn't think we had any mirrors for a truck and I went and looked and found some and so the guy told Alayna that she should give me a bonus for going out of my way to go and look rather than brushing him off. I was pretty proud of myself. I was also proud of myself for testing out two subwoofers for a guy this morning without needing assistance and not blowing anything up. It was alltogether a good day at work.

I got home from work and then I went and voted for my first time which was cool and made me feel important. I've been trying to get ahold of Tasha cause apparently she wanted to watch Team America tonight but she's not answering her phones. Phil called me asking where she is cause he wants his stereo back or some shit like that and I was totally cold to him, just told him I didn't know and basically that it was his problem. Hehe yay me. Anyways...that's about all I've got to talk about, Tasha's party rocked my socks off and I can't wait until the next party. I'm off to find something to do peace out dawgs.


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