Saturday, May 14, 2005

Yabba Dabba Doooo

Well, ya see, I'm basically just trying to kill some times until Tasha gets here to give me a ride to work. I work in about 45 minutes, and she should be here in about 20. I spent most of my morning cleaning my house, which took about 2 hours. I got woken up at about 7 by my mom and sister getting ready to leave, then again at 7:20 by my mom's friend phoning to see if they were picking her up. Then, the phone rang again at 9 and I gave up trying to sleep and came upstairs only to find a note requesting that the house be very clean when they get home because my mom has people coming over. Wonderful. So, I got my shower, then I began cleaning and then I began dancing lol. I danced my ass off for quite a while which is always fun, but I looked out my dinning room window and my neighbor was giving me a really strange look hehe good old rap music, it's loved by everyone. I think I've just about perfected a dance for Lick You by Ludacris ;) You guys will have to see it. After I finished dancing I came on the comp for a bit and talked to Cara, then I started getting ready for work and here I am. Sitting here, half dressed lol I have my work shirts on and a pair of flannel boxers. It's great. Perfect outfit if I do say so myself. I'm so incredibly stoked for Tasha's birthday party, I'm going to dance my freaking ass off and make everyone else join me. Oh, they will dance. I'm going to make Erin dance with me *shifty eyes* mwhaha but shhh that's a secret! Anyways...I need to shave my legs...and yes I know that that was random, but also very true. I think I'm going to wear my pink stripey tank top and jeans tomorrow night, if you guys have any better suggestions let me know. Until then, I am off, that's all folks, see ya later, yabba dabba doooo.


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