Tuesday, May 03, 2005



haha anyways, now that that is out of my system...I went to Sprott Shaw this morning to find out more about my course and such and I began the paperwork. I go back tomorrow morning to do an enrollment test that's English and Math apparently which should be pretty easy since you're not expected to have more than English 12 or Math 10. A lot of the course is biology which I like so I'm totally stoked. It's going to cost ALOT so I have to start trying to get scholarships and student loans and shit. Hopefully my Oma will help me out a bit. The totally awesome part is that the course is only 40 weeks and I can work on cruise ships! Wouldn't that be totally sweet?? Oh man, I'm excited.

As for the rest of my life, work was fun yesterday. Some people had more energy than others due to slight hangovers from the night before...did I mention how my staff party was in the last entry? I can't remember...oh well, it was totally awesome, I had a blast even though I was really quiet. I...observed I guess you can say...certain people more than others ;) Hmm after work I came home and Andrea phoned wanting to do something so I said she could come over. Then Crysta told me that Phil and Tasha had wanted to do something so I tracked them down. Andrea and I decided we wanted to go bowling and everyone else was up for it so we headed out. Andrew met us there cause he had to pick up a check from Phil and he stuck around for a surprisingly long time. Well longer than I expected since he hasn't spoken to us in months. He headed out cause he "had somewhere else to be" aka some more brain cells to fry. We finished our game, some sucked more than others *cough cough* "Gutter ball!" woot woot. We then headed off to MTM for some ice cream but Megan wasn't working and I was slightly disappointed but we endulged anyways. After that we moved on to Tasha's house where Phil got mad at me for burning him, Crysta, Tasha and Andrea watched Old School and I fell asleep on the couch after trying to make Phil not so angry. I'm not sure if I succeeded...I don't really remember. We got home just after 12 and I went straight to bed. Woke up, cleaned, went to Sprott Shaw and here I am sitting at home. That's about all. So, all I have to say now is "That's all folks!" (Said in Bugs Bunny voice)


At 11:28 PM, Blogger Megan said...

Come visit me for ice cream on Thursday! I'll be working starting just after 6:00, we close at 10:00 so come in BEFORE closing time so I can actually be a nice employee!


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