Monday, May 09, 2005

The Local Scapegoat

I don't even know what to say anymore...I don't even know what's going on. What is with people and making horrible decisions lately? I really think that certain people need to take a look at themselves and the situations that they've put themself into and think for a while. Enough on that topic though, not that there's much else to talk about.

I miss Megan a lot, haven't talked to her in quite sometime, it seems as though our schedules are never matching up. Megan, if you're reading this we really need to do something soon.

I could really use someone to just sit down and talk with right now and I don't know where to find that person. I was hoping to see Tasha today but she was too tired and then I tried to get Phil to come over and hangout but he would rather sit at Tasha's while she sleeps and play on her computer. Andrea was off doing stuff all day and so I spent my day off doing nothing. I slept through most of the day because I took an antihistamine lastnight and it completely wacked me out. Now, I'm basically killing time until I can put my work clothes in the dryer and go to bed.

Yesterday I had a fun day at work and I'm hoping that tomorrow is atleast somewhat close to as good. I don't really wanna get into details cause I'm just too damn tired to even think, but I had fun and if you wanna know the stories I can tell you later.

I found out today that Alex still wants nothing to do with me because he basically blames me for everything that's ever gone wrong and any drama that has occured in our group of friends. How could I have caused it when all I did was sit there and listen when everyone came to me with their problems? Obviously the drama already existed if they constantly had something that they needed to talk to me about. I was the one that tried to help, listened when someone needed to talk and offered advice if warranted. Yet somehow someone always finds it necessary to blame me. I'm really tired of being everyone's scapegoat for their problems. I really think that people need to look at themselves and try to find the real cause of their pain.

Well, that's all I've got to say for now, bye all.


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