Monday, May 16, 2005

Transvestites, Racists, Monkey's and White Guys ;)

Fuck Yes! That describes lastnight so well lol Fun was had by...well almost everyone lol I think the only exception was Phil but that's ok. So many good times to account for! Hmm lets see if I can remember all of them haha for those of you that weren't there, we danced our fucking asses off to the best songs personal favorites were the Time Warp and Pretty Fly For A White Guy (Give it to me Erin, uh huh uh huh, Give it to me Erin, uh huh uh huh) lmao girls, we rule. We established early on that everyone was racist lol Phil hates white people and everyone else hates black people. Haha just kidding, we were actually talking about music and everyone was against anything sang by black people like rap/R&B/Hip Hop and Phil was against anything sang by white people lol That issue was quickly resolved by my wonderful party cd's.

Erin was by far the star of the night and we elected him hottest boy there, and there was some stiff competition from the ass holes. They were pretty...but that's about it. Oh, and they had nice bodies. Erin got way to much action lastnight but at the same time he didn't really seem to want it, no offense to anyone lol since you're all probably reading this...maybe he's just..less straight than we though haha *shrugs* I'm still puzzled by him appologizing to me at the end of the night, he had no reason to but it was nice of him anyways. And hot.

Umm what ya, Phil was evil and angry and punched some walls, I ignored him as much as humanly possible and had a grand time. Everyone got pretty smashed, Erin got molested and had his shirt removed for him. He also got licked...and bitten...umm I dunno what else. Tasha tried to "knee board" backwards across the floor going "Candace look at my bum" That was hilarious. Geoff was the most drunk, and puked everywhere. He was also very affectionate, there was some boob grabbing, lots of hugging, lots of hitting on and attempted kissing on his part to various girls lol oh poor Geoff. Drew, Tasha and I sang Sweet Transvestite which is always fun.

Once people like Alex, Chelsea, Caley, Alyssa, Tim and them all left, us remaining girls decided we had to dispose of ANY remaining alcohol by drinking it. We put the shot glass set that Andrea bought Tasha to good use by shooting the last of the coolers and such. We toasted to freedom and being able to have a great time. We made Erin come dance with us some more, Geoff tried but didn't really succeed. When Erin left, Tasha, Andrea and Jessy ended up chasing him up the street yelling "Erin I love you, I want to have your babies" not realizing at the time that Phil was with him...then Tasha ran home and hid...and drank more lol.

Apparently at one point Tasha thought she was a monkey and tried to pee in the sink...but I'm not too sure. Andrea and Jesslyn started talking to some guys on msn and had Tasha's web cam on so we were all dancing for them and then Tasha ran in and flashed the web cam...she didn't remember that one this morning. She also happened to flip over two different chairs while sitting in them. After all the partaying fun was over we all ended up crashing in various bedrooms in Tasha's house and then Crysta and I woke up at 6:40 when Drew needed his keys back so that he could go home. Then Tasha's stupid clock wouldn't stop chiming every 15 fucking minutes and it woke me back up every single time till I finally gave up and got up at 10.

Once everyone was up, Crysta, Andrea and I decided to cook breakfast for lunch and we made hash browns, or hash brownies as we were wishing they were actually called...we also made bacon, saucages, bagels and pancakes and chowed down. After that we went out in the pouring rain to look for Tasha's cat that got freaked out and must have gotten outside when the guys left the door open. We got completely soked while Phil and Geoff sat inside in the warmth on the computer..grr. Boys. We decided that she probably wouldn't come out while it was raining anyways and went back inside. Then we called my dad to pick us up and here I am now. Sitting on my comp thinking about having a nap. I think I may just do that. Peace out dudes.


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