Saturday, May 28, 2005

Would You Like To Play My Drum???

It's been a few days since I last updated and even though nothing majorly exciting has happened I thought I should write something.

I went and saw Star Wars with YL people on Thursday, I don't think that I mentioned that in my last post, I can't remember. It was pretty good, a lot better than I had expected it to be. I can't believe Hayden can get so ugly and burnt. He's so pretty...and going to be the father of my babies...well atleast some of them ;) I was one of 2 girls in the entire group of 11 people so that was interesting. It was Ian's birthday so I tried my best to help him have a good time.

As for yesterday, I had this huge fight with my mom in the morning...I left....walked down to Country Club but I couldn't find Tasha and I really wanted to talk to her. I ended up just walking around, back and forth from the mall to Wellington and such for like 2 hours, trying to phone Tasha and not having any luck. I ended up finding my dad outside his work and he insisted on driving me home and having a "family talk" which went lovely. I just kinda sat there and listened but didn't say much cause I knew it wouldn't do any good.

After all that, I went and layed down for like half an hour until Phil showed up and then I was forced to get up. We hungout for a while, Andrea came over and we went in the pool. Andrea went home at dinner time, Phil left a little later to meet Tasha as she was getting off of work. After dinner Andrea came back and we headed out to attempt to buy ourselves some freezies lol I had a craving ok. We found them and then we headed to Tasha's house to see if they wanted to go to Swyalana which they did, but Tasha had to finish cleaning first. We came back home and hungout here for a bit, got changed and put makeup on. We couldn't wait any longer so we just went over to Tasha's and entertained them with out lovely singing while they finished cleaning and then we left.

We ended up meeting Alex, Chelsea, Caley and Jesslyn at Swyalana and since none of them would play on the playground, they just stood there....Tasha, Crysta and I decided to go for a little walk down the sea wall without them. Some hot guy that goes to FC asked Tasha if she wanted to play his drum. That was pretty funny, they were all chearing because someone had just finished singing a song, but the guys continued chearing as the 3 of us walked past and the older people laughed at them. Good times. Especially since Jesse and Christian were there. Mmm Mmm Goodness.

We then met up with everyone except Phil and they told us that he'd gone to Tim Hortan's looking for us, but of course we weren't there so he met back up with us soon enough. We walked back past the group of people and this girl decided to tell us that apparently we were a group of very beautiful people and that we should keep on smiling lol. She wasn't drunk either. She ended up taking a picture of all of us with the drum guy with Caley's camera so that we could have a lasting memory. Apparently his name is Jeramiah so when that was discovered, certain members of the group began singing Joy To The Word (Jeramiah Was A Bullfrog) lol. These two hot guys came along and Alex knew one of them so they stopped and they had a Huskey with them so Andrea ran and hid in a bunch of trees lmao Andrea, you're a nerd but I love you anyways.

From there, we headed on over to Subway where we ate some delicious food, Other people discussed going to Victoria, which to me seemed rather pointless but if they had reason behind it, all the power to em. Hopefully they just don't end up like getting gang banged or something one of these days. Anyways...Tasha drove Crysta and I home at about 11:30 and I went quickly to bed. I slept...then I woke up and here I am writing in my blog at 8am. (It was 7:30 when I started...well a bit after)

Now I'm going to go and shower and find my outfit for the hotdog sale which Andrea never ended up helping me pick out :( Then I'm going to sell a shit load of hotdogs, probably get hit on my creepy old men and THEN I have a date with Megan! I'm so excited! Nothing like dinner and a movie to finish off the night ;) mwhaha well I'm off, talk to ya'll latas! Ta Ta


At 11:17 PM, Blogger Megan said...

I like to move-it move-it, I like to move-it move-it, I like to move-it move-it, you like to...



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