Saturday, May 07, 2005

Paranoia, Carnies, Stoners and Stabbings...Just What Every Good Evening Needs.

Oh the humanity!

I dunno, just felt like saying that. Things have been kinda crazy lately. I went shopping yesterday with Tasha and had tonnes of fun. I retook my L test and passed! woot woot! Then I came home, then we decided to go to the fair. Phil was going to come with us but then when we picked him up I bugged him and he got all pissed off and got out of the car. So, we went without him and had a complete blast, then we ran into Phil, Andrew, Krista and a bunch of Krista's friends. Krista like stopped dead when she saw me, said "oohh" pointed, glared and then kept walking. It was pretty hillarious.

They were on their way to McDonalds and we just wanted to chill somewhere so we went inside too and sat at the other side of the restaurant. Phil went over to ask if I could go on the Tornado with him and Andrew and Krista completely freaked totally freaked about how he shouldn't even ask such a thing and blah blah blah. Tasha got really mad at her and called her a fucking bitch or something along those lines. I love you Tasha.

Each group could still see one another so when I pulled out my cell to play a game, she automatically assumed I was going to phone Andrew and started freaking again, trying to get him to give her his cell. I laughed my ass off and continued to make her paranoid. The 3 of us (me, Crysta and Tasha) then headed back up to the fair, enjoyed ourselves a bit more...too many people were stoned and or drunk...

Then the fun began...I got mad at Phil for something, don't even really remember what now and I walked away...I walked over to the grass and sat down and then all of a sudden like 100 teenage guys swarm onto the parking lot and before you know it a cop car is pulling in and then soon enough there were 7. Turns out it was like a massive Barsby, Woodlands, Dover gang war or some shit like that and some kid actually got stabbed. Brandon came over to Phil and I and was telling us that this kid got chased down, punched in the head four times and then a guy pulled a machedi (very large knife) on him and ended up slicing his arm all the way to the bone. I haven't heard anything about if they cought the guy or if the other guy is ok but I sure hope so. Why do retarded things like this happen? gay. We then all returned home, I went to bed...and got up at 7:30 to get ready for work.

Here's where today starts. I arrive at work at 9:10 or something and It's me, Kevin and Aaryn until about 12 when Dave began his shift. I kicked ass in the sales department, it was really sweet. I was really tired though and I kept dozing off and just like staring into space and at one point I happened to be like staring in the direction of the Buy Shop and Kevin was standing right there and when I came out of it he was looking at me and I was just like do do do do do and went back to pretending to work, then he phoned over from the Buy Shop and I thought that he was going to bug me about it or something but he was actually calling to comment on me kicking the guys' asses in sales and how I should tell "them two women" to get back to work lol it was really funny.

Anyways...he spent his entire day working on some car audio display thing which I should have apparently found more interesting and should have been less interested in the Disney movies lol But, I'm a girl and apparently he doesn't understand them. Hmm what else happened today..I didn't get to eat until like 3pm and even then I didn't get to eat in peace due to harrassment haha I bought the movie Up In Smoke today, it's Cheech and Chong and I'm so stoked about watching it. It was raining elastic bands in my store today...hehe they were flying one point Aaryn flung like 10 over a movie rack at Dave and I while we were trying to box up a computer system. We ended up needing the elastics but that's not the point. Well, I think that that is about all for today...


ps. Sorry about the previous blog entry...I was just having a really bad night and needed to vent. I'm sorry if I made anybody mad or hurt. I love you all and I hope that you know that.

Love Always, Nelle.


At 12:23 AM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

i'm still dizzy from the fair :(


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