Sunday, July 31, 2005

Shooting Stars & Stupid Boys

It's been...and interesting couple of days. I don't even feel like writing this right now but I have nothing better to do. I'm gunna keep it short however because I'm barely awake. Yes, I do know that it's 12:30 in the afternoon.

So Tasha's friend Brody came over from New West the other day and so we all (Me, Crysta, Tasha, Brody, Chelsea, Alex and Phil) went to hangout and we ended up laying on the field of Pleasant Valley school. Brody was kinda drunk and Phil was drinking. It was a rather amusing time, lots of conversation involving same sex kissing and such. Tasha almost puked several times. I got used as a pillow by I believe EVERYONE there. There were a lot of shooting stars which was cool. We went to Tim Hortan's shortly after and finally returned home at about 1am.

Chelsea and Alex both spent the night at my house that night and then Alex went to work in the morning so Chelsea hungout with Crysta and I. Andrew showed up sometime in the morning, I don't even know when. He hungout for a bit and then ditched us to go get stoned. He left his msn open so the 3 of us had a little bit of innocent fun. Once everyone got home from work, Chelsea and Alex went home and the rest of us (Me, Crysta, Tasha, Brody and Phil) headed to Parksville to play mini golf and go bumper boating. Phil was a real downer and was pretty miserable for most of the night. Good thing the rest of us know how to enjoy ourselves. We drove back to Nanaimo for 10pm or something like that, got some Timmy's and then went home. I actually got to bed at a half decent hour lastnight! Amazing hey?

So that's all for now, my parents both actually have the day off today. I'll probably go do errands with my mom. I'll talk to you guys all later, buh bye.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Everyone Together Now!

I just realized that I hadn't updated in a couple days and since I'm sitting here, wishing this pain in my stomach would go away and that I didn't still have to vacuum, what better a time to update?

We'll start with Wednesday, that's where the fun begins. It all started at about 10:30 in the morning when the phone rang. My sister answered and it was Andrew. He asked if she knew where Phil was and she told him that he was at work and they hung up. Approximately a half hour later there was a knock on the door (so I pressume, I was still in the shower). Crysta actually came in and told me that it was him and asked if I wanted her to slam the door in his face lol I said no, to let him in. So I get out of the shower, run downstairs to get dressed and then come upstairs and say hi. We end up hanging out for a while and about an hour later Andrea arrived. The 4 of us partied it up for a bit (aka played pool, listened to music and danced to the Time Warp on top of the sofa bed hehe).

A while later Tasha came over and we decided to go to the Mac's for candy and such. Andrew then departed us and we headed for the Liquidation World VIP opening. Tasha had to drop Me and Crysta off and go pick up Chelsea, Krystal and Kelly (Chelsea's cousins from Sask.). Once they all got back, like an hour later! we all headed inside to start shopping. Andrea bought an awesome disco ball and a shit load of other stuff and eventually Andrew showed back up to hangout again. We departed the store at about 7:30 and headed to Westwood Lake. Tasha went swimming, and Andrea and I waided in the water, but the two of them ganged up and got me completely soked.

As we were leaving Tasha discovered that she locked her keys in her car and after 20 of attempting to solve the problem ourselves we had to call a towtruck (sp?) to get them to unlock it for us. As we were backing out of the parking lot this ass hole decided to do 70km/h through the parking lot right behind Andrew and before we even saw him, there was a collision. The guy was a total jack ass and really ugly for that matter lol His gf wasn't much better...there was like no damage to his car, way more to Andrew's, but still not much.

Once we finally got to leave we went to A&W and Cyber City and Andrea and I did the dance game which is awesome, then she did it with Andrew and he kicked her ass. We also all played the Adams Family game and electricuted ourself lol it was awesome. Andrew dropped Andrea and I off at my house and headed to pick up the devil from work. Tasha and them drove Kelly back to Lantzville and then met us back at Andrea's where we had some pizza and chatted it up for a while. Krystal's really nice and I wish she wasn't going back to Sask. today! A certain couple began what ended up being a very long, drawn out fight that continued once we all went to Swyalana. The rest of us played on the playground and there was much humpage of the purple dinosaur. I threatened to beat Phil on the head with my purse, that was fun! Hehe it was pretty emotional though do to the certain fight and conversations that that lead to. At about 12 we all ended up heading home for a good night's sleep.

Now, as for yesterday...I went with Andrea to her ortho appointment at 9:30 in the morning and then we went and investigated the Christian Book Store which we both love. Andrea bought some stuff for herself and this really cute poster for me which is now on my bedroom wall. After that we went over to the used book store where Andrea bought a shit load of Harlequin Romance novels. I called my dad on a pay phone that looked like it had been puked on....lovely huh? Then we sat and read until he arrived to drive us home. Andrea went home and I sat and read some more.

At 12 I went and had a nap that lasted 3 hours lol and then I read some more and just chilled with my sister. Tracy and Junes (From Victoria Humane Society) showed up at about 4:30 and kidnapped us to go shopping and such. We went to Paws & Jaws and rescued one of the bunnies, I think Tracy's going to make a complaint about the animal conditions in there. (Yay for Tracy!) Then we headed to Petcetera where saddly we did not run into satin. We looked around for a bit and then went to Michael's Craft store and bought a shit load of beads and purse making stuff. After that we headed to Montana's where we enjoyed a lovely meal served by the exceptionally hot waiter named Chris and we talked about boys lol It was so great.

We went to Liquidation World afterwords and Tracy harrassed Phil. She also bought a hell of a lot of stuff, pretty much anything cat related that was in the store. I talk to Alex for a bit while he "showed me the wicker baskets" lol and I was really bitchy to Phil once again. Once the store closed we came back here and Crysta tried to burn Tracy a CD but it wouldn't work and Junes was getting angry cause it was getting late. Andrea came over and met them and we chilled and then they left and Andrea and I hungout for a while longer. I went to bed and then got woken up by the phone once again this morning...guess who...PHIL! That kid's gunna die I swear. Anyways, I should go vacuum now and make a grocery list hehe I'll talk to ya'll later, buh bye.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


The Sacred Faha Cake lmao omg girls lastnight was so awesome. Now to explain for those who weren't there and for those who want to relive the events.

It all started in the afternoon when Tasha and I decided to go to Value Village. We didn't really find anything there so we traveled over to the Dollar Store. The entire store was like our childhood wrapped into one little area. After looking around for a while we discovered this massive rack of toy guys. Tasha was just like "Look at the selection of weaponry!!!" and I just turned to her and said
"Tasha...that's because we're in Harewood" oh man I crack myself up sometimes. But anyways...Tasha bought a "Special Police" kit which included badge, ID, a cap gun, a holdster and hand cuffs. This proved quite entertaining later on. I bought a GIANT colouring book and crayons...oh and water wings for Alex, I thought that he could use them. We then ventured back home and Chelsea came over a little while later. Tasha had to go home for dinner so Crysta, Chelsea and I started beading and Crysta made Lasagna. Andrea came over a short while later and then Tasha promptly returned. We all beaded until my mom got home at like 7:30. We then traveled to Dairy Queen where we picked out an ice cream cake with Martini Glasses on it and requested the word "Faha" printed in bright pink.

Now, where to eat the ice cream cake...we had five plastic spoons and nowhere to where better than a picnic bench outside of Liquidation World?! The boys were working overtime so we sat at the table and pigged our guts out while listening to awesome music from Tasha's car. My spoon broke so I got a little messy...then Tasha went and got plastic forks and knives from the gas station. We danced on the table and ate merrily until the boys finished work. Tasha shot off her cap gun many a times and the security guard just laughed at her. She also pole danced on a light pole and then proceeded to climb a third of the way up it. The boys then showed up and we came back to my house to get towels and then went to the lake.

Tasha and I were the only ones brave enough to even attempt the water and we didn't get much past our knees. We sat and watched the water for a little while, I identified the big dipper and Phil called me a retard. We then headed back home and parted our seperate ways. Andrea came over for a bit and the 3 of us had a mini vent session about our current pieves. I then went to bed and woke several times before I finally got up at 11...ya that's right, 11..I never sleep in! Even Tasha was up before me! Hehe anyways...I now have my house to myself for the majority of the day. My mother and father are both working all day and my sister has left for Parksville Beach with Katherine without even asking if I'd like to come along. Oh well...maybe I just won't ask next time we all go out...wait, I never ask, she just comes...Hmm well I'm off to eat something and then relax here on my own. I hope that the phone doesn't ring all day and that I can just relax. I'll talk to ya'll later, buh bye.

Quotes of Yesterday: "Look at the selection of weaponry" "Tasha...we're in Harewood" (Shortened slightly hehe)

"What's a Moomoo?" "Who the hell would wear a moomoo???" "Meagan's wearing a moomoo" and finally Andrea:"I want a moomoo!"

Words Of The Day: Moomoo and Faha

Everyone: "Phil's gay"

And last but definately NOT least...what may just be the quote of the entire summer..."Don'tcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?!"

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Rarr I'm A Dinosaur! Andrea: There's no point in getting buffett unless you're going to get seconds!

Type your name with your:

Fingers: Janelle Vanden Boer
Chin: jaekler vandrn boer
One finger with eyes closed: janrllr bsmdrm bort
Cheek: ooiiuj54erp[;lpkm ws54ecfgy34wbi hjnuewsk3w3e6yb75t6yhgb953243
Elbow: janelle vandxdenjnbloredfrt
Palm: uyjhan bew3kl,lkewcv 12w bne4nbv bi4e5r
Back of hand: hjan brdewlklkrevca jj bhxdfrem nnbpo9rdetf
Nose: janelle vanden boer

Lol ok well that was fun, I must however say that I'm much better at it than Megan. I also decided that if I lost both my hands I could still type with my nose! It's just kinda hard on the eyes. Anyways...Lastnight was a blast! Went to the fireworks and actually managed to find EVERYONE! I guess it helped that we all had cell phones. After the fireworks it took about an hour to drive back to Andrea's because of traffic. I'm not complaining however because Sam, Andrea and I had a complete blast. We were listening to ganster rap and Sam was singing to the people on the side of the road lol. We were blasting Get Low as we pulled out of the parking lot and this random guy walking started singing along and it was great. We were listening to Can't Touch This and Sam yelled "Hammertime!" at a group of guys and they laughed. She also told a guy to "shake that healthy butt" as we drove past him listening to Baby Got Back by Sir Mixalot...the catch is that he ACTUALLY shook his ass lmao.

Things went downhill when we got back to Andrea's and ended up just going home. Things got resolved this morning however. Andrea, Sam and I went to Church and then to ABC Country restaurant where we saw Chelsea. The 3 of us got the buffett and ate like piggies. Oh man was it good though. After that we made a little trip into Petcetera cause Andrea "had" to buy dog food. Hehe our arch nemesis was working and she glared at us. Then she had to ring Andrea's dog food through and Sam made certain jokes about a certain someone being bent lol Once we got into the car Sam called that certain someone to see what he was up to since we knew his gf was work. He was on a boat though so he couldn't do anything. We then drove Sam to Rick's and then came home. The End. Hope you enjoyed the show.

Well I gtg finish some stuff and wait for Chelsea to get off of work. We're going to see Megan's play tonight, so excited! Dr. Seuss...can't get much better than that!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Finally Finished!

That's right...I'm a geek and I stayed up till 3am lastnight just so that I could finish Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince hehe I'm so addicted to those books! And yes, I do know that I'm not 5 thank you very much...they're actually VERY good books if you guys would give them a chance. This one was so much darker than the rest but at the same time so good! I can't wait till the next movie comes out. Shut up..I told you I was a geek. other news Janelle's world of happiness (which I was beginning to enjoy) died yesterday. Fucking guys...they suck lol no offense to anyone who may be reading this that is of the male gender but I'm not having the greatest of luck in the love department. Grrr. You know who is back together with you know who and it pisses me off royally! He doesn't even say anything...just shows up for a couple weeks, makes it very clear that he's single blah blah blah and then gets back together with her with no word. I probably won't hear anything from him for weeks was his 19th birthday yesterday and I couldn't even call him to wish him a happy birthday because of the bitch.

I hungout with my sister, Phil, Chelsea and Alex yesterday, we went to Coombs and I bought everyone lunch and Phil, Crysta and I ice cream. It was delicious but half of mine fell off of my cone, rolled down my arm and fell to the ground. It was sad. After dinner everyone played tonnes of Nintendo and then at about 11pm I went over to Andrea's and hungout with her and Caley for a while. Caley was being psycho and rather bitchy so I didn't hang around for too long. So, instead of partying it up with them I came back across the street and went and finished reading my book.

That's all for now folks, don't forget to come to the fireworks tonight, ya Bathtub Weekend!

PS Megan Call Me ASAP I need to know if I have to prebuy the tickets for Suessical!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

"Hands Go Up, Runs Like A Girl!" (Bryan Talking About Phil hehe)

This is gunna be a pretty quick update, I don't have TOO much time to spare. Things have been going pretty well lately...Andrea, Caley and Jesslyn are all back from Princeton which is pretty sweet. They're having a welcome back party tonight or something but I doubt I'm gunna go. I think I'm gunna spend most of the day just relaxing on my own...maybe read my book outside for a while, spend some time in the pool. Oh how I do love days like this. The guys might come around at some point, Phil said he'd probably stop by. I can't believe that he actually went to hangout with everyone lastnight without Crysta or I there...he probably lost his mind...or got really drunk haha.

We all went to Swyalana lastnight which was fun, ran into Bryan and he decided that Phil could not possibly be straight and harrassed the hell out of him. It was pretty damn hillarious. Then Phil decided to say that I looked like a man in my prom pictures...apparently he was joking but I got really mad anyways. I hit him with my purse several times and he grabbed me and wouldn't stop "hugging" me until I laughed and wasn't mad at him anymore. Umm other than that, it was just a typical evening.

I'm being attacked by kittens and it's starting to really piss me, I'm gunna go and get my chores done so I'll talk to you guys later...don't forget to comment, even if there's not much to comment on. I like having something to read, and since you guys never update YOUR blogs, comments will have to do haha buh bye.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Build Me Up Buttercup Baby

Build Me Up..Buttercup Baby...
Why do you build me up...buttercup baby just to let me down and mess me around and worst of all you never call baby, when you say you will...but I love you still. I need you, I need you more than anyone darling and I have since the very start.

Hehe I'm annoying Phil with my music, it's great. to my update for what's been going on lately. For the most part we've all just been chillaxin and relaxin in the pool. Gone to the river once, played lots of pool, went to Swyalana yesterday. We've officially gotten outselves a little gang goin on here lol Me, Tasha, Phil, Chelsea, Alex and Andrew. It's been so awesome except for the fighting going on between two certain members of the group. My sister got home from Mission lastnight and Phil, Andrew, Chelsea and Alex all came over and we had a blast in the pool. There are lots of bruises to prove it. It was grand, so was Swyalana yesterday for that matter *blushes* hehe no explanation needed.

In other news...nothing's new lol everyone except for Chelsea is jobless and we're enjoying it so much. Tracy was here for a bit yesterday evening and she was burning Phil so badly, it was great. We all decided that we wanna go to the races in Port Alberni in the middle of August and it will be sweet! I'm so excited it's not even funny. Hehehehe I think a certain someone that I used to work with might be there...but oddly enough, I haven't been thinking about him too much lately, maybe cause a certain someone else has been around. Ugh, I'm so stupid lol Well I should get probably get going, people are annoying and getting annoyed so I'll talk to you peeps lata. Buh bye

Friday, July 15, 2005

"Chelsea Look At My Marshmallow!" - Crysta

So..It's been a little while since I last updated. I guess I'm a bit better in a sense, but in another I'm also worse. I dunno...I've been finding myself getting really depressed lately. I surround myself with lots of people thinking that it will keep me from getting upset but sometimes it just makes it worse. Only difference is that I can't break down and cry when they're around. I'm glad that Tasha's back from New West..I just wish that we could hangout one of these days, just the two of us so that we could talk about stuff cause she's one of few people that understands.

Phil's been around a lot lately...bleck, he told my sister that nothing will happen between them or whatever, I don't quite know how that went, she's been pretty bitter towards him. Crysta leaves this afternoon for the weekend in Mission. Woot. I've been hanging out with Alex and Chelsea a fair bit lately but I kinda wonder if it's just because Andrea, Caley and Jesslyn are in Princeton and if they're going to disappear again once the others get back.

Umm what else...oh ya, Andrew's been coming around a fair bit. Showed up the other morning for a while and then again the day before yesterday for the afternoon. We all chilled in the backyard (Me, Crysta, Alex, Chelsea, Phil and Andrew) that was pretty fun, but Andrew seemed to get really down at one point and Phil clames that he was just bored but I dunno..he looked genuinely upset. Everytime he comes around I can't help but get upset...I try to hide it but it's hard. Sometimes seeing him is way harder than not seeing him at all. He just does stuff that totally contradict what he says. He frustrates me, I talked with Phil about this for a while but didn't get much out of him. All he said is that Andrew does the things he wants to do and says the things that he thinks he should say. Or something like that. He also told me that he knows what Andrew wants and he knows what Andrew thinks but that there's nothing he can do. I was confusing and really just confused me more.

Yesterday we just kinda hungout and did nothing...then after dinner we all went down to the beach by Chelsea's house and had a campfire. We roasted marshmallows and ate chips. Chelsea and Crysta roasted a dead crab until it was crispy fried and then threw it in the ocean. The guys burnt shit...Alex filled a pop can with marshallows and put it in the fire. It all bubbled out and was like tar, it was hillarious. Chelsea's mom showed up..that was interesting. Oh ya, I played in a little pond with the fishies. Hehe they were jumping out of the water and they wouldn't let me take pictures of them.

Anyways...I got my last paycheck today! Woot, it was more than I was expecting, I'm guessing it's got my holiday pay on it. I really wanna go shopping but no one will get their lazy asses out of bed. Anyways...I'm off to do who knows what so I'll talk to you guys later, buh bye.

Monday, July 11, 2005

I'll Miss You :( (The Words I Could Never Say)

Worst fucking week of my life. That about sums it up. So, I go and fuck up my knee right...oh well I'll walk it off. Ya right. I tore the short, I can't get into school for September. So, another year's going to be spent feeling dumb, having no education and wondering what else I could be doing with my life.

In other news. I quit my job this morning. Great huh? Only if it was actually what I wanted, but I was going to get fired tonight why suffer through another day of fucking hell? Now I guess I should explain huh? It all started yesterday when Alayna was helping a guy, showing him Jewelry and shit and Kevin and I were both off doing other stuff. Alayna went into the buy shop to help someone and the guy came back. He was just like "ok I wanna get this adaptor and that ring right there" and I was just like "ok well I'll ring it in for you since Alayna's busy" So Kevin's standing right there too and I ring it in the till and Kevin takes the ring, takes the tag off of it and puts it into a box. The guy leaves and Alayna comes back out. We tell her about her sale and she's all excited. Then she asks which ring and we said the one for $245 or whatever and she said "the one with the black stone?" and we said "no the diamond clustery one" and she said that that one should have been more than that and she checks and the rings had gotten put into the wrong boxes. Either she did it, or the guy did it and she wasn't paying attention. So, she gets mad at US and says that we should have known how much that ring cost and blah blah blah...ya, how are we supposed to know the price of EVERY ring when we have almost 200? So from then on everyone stops talking to eachother...Kevin even stopped talking to me and I overheard a bit of a phone convo between Alayna and Igor which gave me a huge impression that I was going to get fired and that would have explained Kevin's sudden change in mood. Alayna chears up towards me by the end of the day and then asks me to stay 15 minutes after work the next day (being today).

Today comes having had no sleep and dreading going to work. I finally get to work and Alayna lets me in. She doesn't even say hello to me and I realize it's going to be worse that expected. Kevin was in the buy shop and the two of them already weren't talking to eachother. The silent treatment continued for 3 fucking hours before I finally gave in and quit. I couldn't take it anymore. So I asked Alayna if I could talk to her and just told her that I quit and all she said was "Ok, are you leaving now?" and I said yes. As I was waiting for my dad to pick me up, Kevin came in the buy shop and was like "oh, are you going?" like he had no clue what was going on or something. Then he offered to buy me an ice tea but I said no (I felt like puking as it was). He went back to work behind the counter, I cried while standing at the dad got there, I said a quick buy without looking at him and then left. That was my morning, great huh? Yup fantastic. I've never felt so horrible. Anyways..that's all for now, I guess I'll talk to you guys later, I need to brush my hair. I just had a shower and it's all tangly. Buh bye for now.

"Want an ice tea?"
"No thanks"
"Are you sure? They're pretty tasty"
"I'm sure"

That may just be the last conversation had between the two of us. Sad huh?

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Cotton Candy Anyone?

Well, since it's been a few days I thought that I ought to update and let ya'll know what's been going down in the hood, although I'm pretty sure most of you already know. I've been working...lots as usual. I've worked the past 3 days and I still have 4 more to go in my 7 day stretch, woot! Hehe well all but one should be atleast enjoyable ;) mwha today was really good, I had a lot of fun. Rob was mean to me though :( Kevin said that Hillary Duff has horrible hair and then Rob said that it's just like mine. I threatened to slap him. Kevin seemed to really want to see me slap him lol he kept trying to get me to throughout the day but I never did. It was Rob's last day and he was really sick...I told him that Andrea, Tasha and I ended up in Nanoose lastnight and he said that we should have payed him a little visit and that we coulda gone in his hot tub lol ya right. I decided that I wanted to go swimming when I got home and Kevin offered to drive me cause we wanted to come too lol. I already had a ride coming and had to have dinner anyways :( Hmm what else..oh we got a cotton candy machine today! lol we wanted to try it out pretty badly but never got around to it. Other than that I don't think too much else really happened.

In other news...I still have a 14 year old living with well as a pomerania, which I have warmed up to a bit, she's actually pretty cute. Her name is Keiko, the whale. Tasha came over to the island lastnight so her, me and Andrea all chilled and gabbed lots. We all had certain guys that we HAD to talk about lol I still say that mine's the best :P He offered to kill Phil and for that...he wins. Andrew apparently came over to my house again today...I was at work. I still haven't spoken to him since he came into my work last weekend. Surprise surprise. Umm what else...nothing I'm gunna go get my dad to help me take the cover off of my pool and go for a little dip aka get makeup all over my face. I'll write again eventually...and comment damn you!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Look In My Eyes..What Do You See? Not Just The Colour..Look Inside Of Me.

Basically...shit has hit the fan. That about covers it. Lastnight was a pretty rough night for me and I really could have used a real friend but there weren't any in sight. I'm lucky that Tasha was online, would have been nice to have had someone a little bit closer though. I found out that one friend of mine either has Crohns or a Tumor and he's pretty scared to find out the results. At the same time I was finding out that apparently Phil has a drug dealer after him because he owes him money for weed. He now denies that any of this is true and says that the person that told me was just making it up, which of course I don't believe. My sister was out with Phil, Andrew, Krista, Shelby and a bunch of other people having a grand ol' time out in the fucking bushes apparently building a fort. Apparently Andrew and Krista were the only ones that smoked up but I don't believe her for a minute. I also tend to not believe that they were just building a fort, considering when my mom called Andrew's cell he said he didn't know if Crysta was still there or not because he was outside...make any sense to anyone? So mom made my sister come home and they fought for about 2 hours straight and I had to keep my mouth shut cause I promised my mom I'd stay out of it. I ended up going to bed at about 9:30 after resisting the urgh to scream and burst into tears all at once.

I woke up this morning to a quiet house because my mom and dad are both at work and my sister was still in bed. I got my shower and chilled on my comp for a bit. My sister got up and started telling me stories about how much fun she had lastnight and how well her and Krista got along and I lost it. I blew up, I couldn't take it anymore. I yelled at her for not giving a shit about any one else's feelings...and asked her how she thought it made me feel, hearing about how much fun she has hanging out with Andrew when I haven't even been able to speak to him for over 4 months. Actually, I think it might be 5 months. Anyways..ya I didn't give her a chance to speak and I just walked away.

I've been listening to More Than Anyone by Gavin DeGraw over and over again this morning, it's such a beautiful song and makes me wanna cry. It also makes me want to be in love. *sigh* for the other half of my life that doesn't involve quite as much has been good. It's been really hard working with my leg hurting like hell but I've managed. I've had this constant "little bird" on my shoulder telling me to go sit down everytime I rub my knee lol. The guys have been really great about it and have been helping me out a lot. Dave was pretty concerned yesterday but I assured him I'd be fine. I think Kevin's tried to send me home every day since now lol It's just been too busy and I didn't wanna leave them short handed. Plus I can deal with the pain if it means having some fun with the guys. I really do enjoy working with them. I have so many stories that I'd love to spill but I don't wanna type them all out on here so phone me if you wanna know. I'm on my two days off now which is pretty nice...still pretty curious to find out what was up with Andrew's random appearing can he mess with my head so much just by appearing once?!?!?!?! It's not fair.

Anyways...I'm gunna go and listen to this song some more and day dream. Maybe I'll call Meagan back, she's always good for a good chat. I'll talk to ya'll later. Bye

You need a friend, I'll be around...Don't let this end, before I see you again...what can I say, to convince you to change your mind. Me, I'm gunna love you more than anyone...I'm gunna hold you closer than before. And when I kiss you so your body be free, i'll be free for you anytime, I'm gunna love you more than anyone. Look in my eyes, what do you see...not just the colour, look inside of me. Tell me all you need and I will try...I will try. I'm gunna love you more than anyone...I'm gunna hold you closer than before. And when I kiss you so your body be free, I'll be free for you anytime, I'm gunna love you more than anyone. Free for you, whenever you need. We'll be free together baby, free together baby...I'm gunna love you more than anyone..I'm gunna hold you closer than before. And when I kiss you so your body be free, I be free for you anytime, I'm gunna love you more than anyone, I'm gunna love you more than anyone....

Ok so ya, that was the whole song...I probably screwed up the lyrics and Megan will correct me but it's hard to type them out while listening to the song! Anyways, listen to it...More Than Anyone - Gavin DeGraw. It's beautiful.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

My Appology

This is me appologizing for the previous post...I swear I'm pmsing or something. So moody! It's crazy. I'm really sorry Andrea...I dunno, I was in a bad mood, please forgive me.

In other news...I tore the tendon in my knee lastnight while I was picking up laundry in my room. I bent over and heard this terrible tearing noise and all of a sudden couldn't walk at all. I iced it for a bit and went to bed. I got up this morning and went to work while still barely being able to walk. It was worth it though. I had a really good day dispite the intense pain. The guys crack me up sooo much, they're all hillarious, it's pretty sad that Rob's leaving soon. Chelsea and Alex came in for a little visit and I convinced them to buy some stuff while hobbling around the store. The guys helped me out alot and didn't make me doing a whole lot of walking. They also tried to send me home but it was sooo busy that I didn't wanna leave them short handed.

I came home and then headed to the hospital at about 7:30 to get my knee checked out. Saw the doctor, got the x-ray, saw the doctor again, finally left. My dad and I went and picked up a few groceries on our way home, many items involving chocolate of sorts. I got home, pigged out on two bite brownies, phoned Phil back and now I'm here, contemplating going to bed and thinking about how I'm still wearing my work pants and they should probably go in the wash.

Well that's all for tonight, again I'm sorry...I love you all, goodnight!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Lost & Lonely

Well I've been in a bad mood lately. That about sums it up. Yesterday was shit. I spent my day off at home with my sister...and then home alone. Today was a bit better...went to my aunt's this morning for brunch with my Oma, Opa, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin and relatives that are over from Holland. There was way too much dutch for my liking and I wanted to shoot myself. I got home and then headed out shopping with my mom which was generally good, yet disappointing since neither of us found much. We both managed to find new bras and underwear (yes you all needed to know that) and I found a pair of black capris at Reitmans which I love, but then I couldn't find any black sandles under $80 to go with them. I want to wear them to work but that's not gunna happen till I get the shoes. Andrea called me back but was too tired to do anything today. Chelsea and Alex are watching movies, Tasha's in New West...Megan's probably either at work or sleeping cause lastnight was dry grad. Phil called but I haven't phoned him back yet. I feel as though my friendship with Andrea has become a joke...almost like it means nothing to her I'm some obligation that she couldn't care less about. I'm sorry but that's the truth. I miss Tasha like crazy, Phil's driving me insane, I hate my sister for not giving a shit about our family, I wish Megan lived closer and didn't work when I'm not so that we could actually see eachother, I wish Meagan wasn't pregnant and married and living in Duncan. I wish so much that things could just be OK for once. Is it me? Am I going crazy??? I get two days off and I see no one. I feel like I have no one to see. Is anyone out there?! Argh! I just dunno anymore. I hope that no one takes offense by this blog entry, I really do love you all, but I also miss you all more than anything. Well it's almost time to wash my hair dye out so I gtg. Talk to you guys later.