Saturday, July 23, 2005

Finally Finished!

That's right...I'm a geek and I stayed up till 3am lastnight just so that I could finish Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince hehe I'm so addicted to those books! And yes, I do know that I'm not 5 thank you very much...they're actually VERY good books if you guys would give them a chance. This one was so much darker than the rest but at the same time so good! I can't wait till the next movie comes out. Shut up..I told you I was a geek. other news Janelle's world of happiness (which I was beginning to enjoy) died yesterday. Fucking guys...they suck lol no offense to anyone who may be reading this that is of the male gender but I'm not having the greatest of luck in the love department. Grrr. You know who is back together with you know who and it pisses me off royally! He doesn't even say anything...just shows up for a couple weeks, makes it very clear that he's single blah blah blah and then gets back together with her with no word. I probably won't hear anything from him for weeks was his 19th birthday yesterday and I couldn't even call him to wish him a happy birthday because of the bitch.

I hungout with my sister, Phil, Chelsea and Alex yesterday, we went to Coombs and I bought everyone lunch and Phil, Crysta and I ice cream. It was delicious but half of mine fell off of my cone, rolled down my arm and fell to the ground. It was sad. After dinner everyone played tonnes of Nintendo and then at about 11pm I went over to Andrea's and hungout with her and Caley for a while. Caley was being psycho and rather bitchy so I didn't hang around for too long. So, instead of partying it up with them I came back across the street and went and finished reading my book.

That's all for now folks, don't forget to come to the fireworks tonight, ya Bathtub Weekend!

PS Megan Call Me ASAP I need to know if I have to prebuy the tickets for Suessical!


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