Friday, July 29, 2005

Everyone Together Now!

I just realized that I hadn't updated in a couple days and since I'm sitting here, wishing this pain in my stomach would go away and that I didn't still have to vacuum, what better a time to update?

We'll start with Wednesday, that's where the fun begins. It all started at about 10:30 in the morning when the phone rang. My sister answered and it was Andrew. He asked if she knew where Phil was and she told him that he was at work and they hung up. Approximately a half hour later there was a knock on the door (so I pressume, I was still in the shower). Crysta actually came in and told me that it was him and asked if I wanted her to slam the door in his face lol I said no, to let him in. So I get out of the shower, run downstairs to get dressed and then come upstairs and say hi. We end up hanging out for a while and about an hour later Andrea arrived. The 4 of us partied it up for a bit (aka played pool, listened to music and danced to the Time Warp on top of the sofa bed hehe).

A while later Tasha came over and we decided to go to the Mac's for candy and such. Andrew then departed us and we headed for the Liquidation World VIP opening. Tasha had to drop Me and Crysta off and go pick up Chelsea, Krystal and Kelly (Chelsea's cousins from Sask.). Once they all got back, like an hour later! we all headed inside to start shopping. Andrea bought an awesome disco ball and a shit load of other stuff and eventually Andrew showed back up to hangout again. We departed the store at about 7:30 and headed to Westwood Lake. Tasha went swimming, and Andrea and I waided in the water, but the two of them ganged up and got me completely soked.

As we were leaving Tasha discovered that she locked her keys in her car and after 20 of attempting to solve the problem ourselves we had to call a towtruck (sp?) to get them to unlock it for us. As we were backing out of the parking lot this ass hole decided to do 70km/h through the parking lot right behind Andrew and before we even saw him, there was a collision. The guy was a total jack ass and really ugly for that matter lol His gf wasn't much better...there was like no damage to his car, way more to Andrew's, but still not much.

Once we finally got to leave we went to A&W and Cyber City and Andrea and I did the dance game which is awesome, then she did it with Andrew and he kicked her ass. We also all played the Adams Family game and electricuted ourself lol it was awesome. Andrew dropped Andrea and I off at my house and headed to pick up the devil from work. Tasha and them drove Kelly back to Lantzville and then met us back at Andrea's where we had some pizza and chatted it up for a while. Krystal's really nice and I wish she wasn't going back to Sask. today! A certain couple began what ended up being a very long, drawn out fight that continued once we all went to Swyalana. The rest of us played on the playground and there was much humpage of the purple dinosaur. I threatened to beat Phil on the head with my purse, that was fun! Hehe it was pretty emotional though do to the certain fight and conversations that that lead to. At about 12 we all ended up heading home for a good night's sleep.

Now, as for yesterday...I went with Andrea to her ortho appointment at 9:30 in the morning and then we went and investigated the Christian Book Store which we both love. Andrea bought some stuff for herself and this really cute poster for me which is now on my bedroom wall. After that we went over to the used book store where Andrea bought a shit load of Harlequin Romance novels. I called my dad on a pay phone that looked like it had been puked on....lovely huh? Then we sat and read until he arrived to drive us home. Andrea went home and I sat and read some more.

At 12 I went and had a nap that lasted 3 hours lol and then I read some more and just chilled with my sister. Tracy and Junes (From Victoria Humane Society) showed up at about 4:30 and kidnapped us to go shopping and such. We went to Paws & Jaws and rescued one of the bunnies, I think Tracy's going to make a complaint about the animal conditions in there. (Yay for Tracy!) Then we headed to Petcetera where saddly we did not run into satin. We looked around for a bit and then went to Michael's Craft store and bought a shit load of beads and purse making stuff. After that we headed to Montana's where we enjoyed a lovely meal served by the exceptionally hot waiter named Chris and we talked about boys lol It was so great.

We went to Liquidation World afterwords and Tracy harrassed Phil. She also bought a hell of a lot of stuff, pretty much anything cat related that was in the store. I talk to Alex for a bit while he "showed me the wicker baskets" lol and I was really bitchy to Phil once again. Once the store closed we came back here and Crysta tried to burn Tracy a CD but it wouldn't work and Junes was getting angry cause it was getting late. Andrea came over and met them and we chilled and then they left and Andrea and I hungout for a while longer. I went to bed and then got woken up by the phone once again this morning...guess who...PHIL! That kid's gunna die I swear. Anyways, I should go vacuum now and make a grocery list hehe I'll talk to ya'll later, buh bye.


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