Thursday, July 21, 2005

"Hands Go Up, Runs Like A Girl!" (Bryan Talking About Phil hehe)

This is gunna be a pretty quick update, I don't have TOO much time to spare. Things have been going pretty well lately...Andrea, Caley and Jesslyn are all back from Princeton which is pretty sweet. They're having a welcome back party tonight or something but I doubt I'm gunna go. I think I'm gunna spend most of the day just relaxing on my own...maybe read my book outside for a while, spend some time in the pool. Oh how I do love days like this. The guys might come around at some point, Phil said he'd probably stop by. I can't believe that he actually went to hangout with everyone lastnight without Crysta or I there...he probably lost his mind...or got really drunk haha.

We all went to Swyalana lastnight which was fun, ran into Bryan and he decided that Phil could not possibly be straight and harrassed the hell out of him. It was pretty damn hillarious. Then Phil decided to say that I looked like a man in my prom pictures...apparently he was joking but I got really mad anyways. I hit him with my purse several times and he grabbed me and wouldn't stop "hugging" me until I laughed and wasn't mad at him anymore. Umm other than that, it was just a typical evening.

I'm being attacked by kittens and it's starting to really piss me, I'm gunna go and get my chores done so I'll talk to you guys later...don't forget to comment, even if there's not much to comment on. I like having something to read, and since you guys never update YOUR blogs, comments will have to do haha buh bye.


At 2:00 PM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

werd up mofo, i've been updating my blog religiously, so FUCK OFF! jk, i shall be back tomorrow, i passed my exam and all is good in the world of tasha again. later my little homie.

ps) you're sexy and i want you.


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