Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Blur Of The Holiday Season

Apparently I'm not as awake as I thought I was....took like three tries just to sign into this damn thing. I apologize now for any typos, my hands just don't seem to want to work. Maybe it's a sign that I should go back to bed lol.

As for my life, things seem to be atleast looking up a bit. Christmas Day ended up being really good...brunch at my Aunt's went really well...my cousins were actually nice to be around and talked to me. My Oma was in a good mood too which was nice. After brunch my dad and I came back home, Crysta and Shawn went to Duncan. They came back in time for dinner at 6pm in which Shawn's friend Chris also joined us. It was nice, but my mom wouldn't let me wear my pink cow pj's at the dinner table so I had to get dressed. (I'd been in bed for a few hours because I got really sick) Then after dinner Shawn, Chris and I played Need For Speed Most Wanted, which is a great game.

Yesterday was boxing day, usually my favorite day of the year...the year it was well...interesting. I went to the mall with Sam and her family, her mom and bro went to EB Games so her sister tagged along with us. We met up with Reyna and Dave just up the mall and started "shopping" which included me trying to shop which they all bitched at me about being bored and telling me to hurry up, us looking Becky several times...me giving up, going and seeing Tasha and then running into Phil. Kinda awkward at first..but then my mouth started without thinking and I invited him to have lunch with us. He said he'd catch up after saying hi to Tasha but he didn't find us. We ended up running into him again in Walmart and then he came and hungout with us. We had to meet Sam's mom outside of Walmart to get rid of Becky so we were waiting for like forever..and some guy started smoking a joint right outside the doors...and as most people know the smell makes me puke. I've been feeling nausious for like a week now so it was bad...and everyone refused to move away from the people smoking up so I ended up just walking away and going to Reitmans to shop by myself. When I came out they were all gone so I went back into the mall and began shopping alone. Ended up running into Phil again so we shopped together. I must say it is the one thing that we have always done well together lol We may never get along but we can always shop. We got some food, I bought a bunch of clothes and Phil got some jeans which were pretty snazzy. Saw some other people like Amy and Phil (for some reason I only see them in HMV) and I saw Sacha's hot roommates but traffic was too heavy in the mall so I never got to say hi. I also ran into Laryssa who's in town till the 3rd or something.

By time shopping was done the mall was closing so I got a ride home with Crysta and Shawn. (Crysta was working yesterday and Shawn was picking her up) I got home, dyed my hair...which is now a really dark cherry red. Then I sat around on the computer. Apparently people went over to Andrew's but I wasn't invited. I just kinda sat around and talked to a few people on the computer till finally going to bed at like 11:30pm. At this point I got a major urge to go for a run but decided that since it was so late the streets would be ice and it was probably a horrible idea...so I did some sit ups instead and then fell fast asleep. I haven't fallen asleep that quickly in forever.

My plans for today pretty much include cleaning my room, doing laundry, cleaning the upstairs of my house...and sitting around doing nothing. If anyone has any ideas please let me know!

Saturday, December 24, 2005


I'm feeling emo and unhappy and trying really hard not to rage on my family. I forgot how much I dislike the combination of my family and holidays. It's like we get 10x as disfunctional around special times of the year (aka Christmas). Certain members get greedy and selfish, other's get "stressed", most get depressed, others get bitter and angry...and there's only really 4 of us so that says a lot. I'm trying my hardest to be positive and in a good mood but it's so hard when all I wanna do is scream at them.

They decided that we all needed to open a present tonight (my sister's decision cause she can't friggen wait) and so they FORCE me to open one even though I didn't really want to. So, I open it and it's Settlers, my favorite game ever and my mom tells me that it's the present I'll probably be the most excited about so now that's over with. I got really excited about it and wanted to play but every member of my family refuses...so what good's a game that noone will play with you? Anyways...so now my dad and Shawn are playing their racing game that my mom got them and Crysta's playing with her fucking playdough.

Ok so as for the rest of the week/day, my sister's been throwing temper tantroms about pretty much anything humanly possible. Mostly lack of traditions, my mom being around, my grandparents being dead...and so my mom was off today and they were gunna do a bunch of baking like we used to and my sister took off and didn't come home till like 6pm so my mom was pissed off all day and raging about that. My dad's been in a miserable mood for the past week cause he hurt his back.......and all I've wanted to do is crawl into bed and sleep for a very very long time. I still don't feel well, totally wacked out and I have absolutely no energy. My knees hurt like FUCK and there's nothing I can do about it. All I can do is sit back and listen to everyone in my family bitch and rage and keep my mouth shut. I don't wanna create more conflict so I'm trying to stay quiet and it's eating me up inside!

I am so glad that I'm going out of town for New Years Eve...going to be with friends and away from family and all the drama around here. It's the only thing I'm really looking forward to right now. Isn't that sad? I'm not even looking forward to Christmas! I asked my mom today if she's coming to my Oma's today and I got "Hell....God no!" lovely...just lovely...needless to say I've been retreating to my bedroom a lot the past few days.

Well that's my lovely rant lol about how much I love Christmas...just not it combined with my family. Well hopefully tomorrow's better, if not you'll be hearing about it!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

What's Wrong With Me?!

I feel like shit...I don't understand...I can barely get out of bed..I feel like I've been run over by a truck. All I wanna do is sleep but my entire body hurts. I've only been able to stay awake for a few hours all day and it's all I can do just to keep my eyes open. I just don't understand. If anyone has any ideas please tell me. I feel like I'm going to pass out.

Needless to say today has sucked...yesterday was good, shopping at the mall then saw Narnia but I can't stay on here any longer. I'll write more later, bye.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Josh: "Will...and Will....gay...and straight" lmao!

Well the past few days have well...how can I say it....ROCKED :D This is me really happy lol. Ok so yesterday we celebrated Will and Josh's birthday which totally kicked ass. Eric picked me up at about 3pm when he got off of work and then we went over to their house. Dan was like the only one home so we watched some of 40 Year Old Virgin until Sacha and the other guys returned. Then we headed out to Cyber City for a good old game of Lazer Tag!!! Sacha and I lost horribly even though we teamed up against all of the guys but that's OK! So after we were done that we headed back to their place and put up the christmas tree. We decorated it with lights and tinsle and some glass balls that we had to tie on with tinsel cause we had no hooks. Will broke one cause he dropped it so we banned him. At about 6:30 we headed downtown where Sacha proceeded to continuely get us lost until we found the parking lot. Then we took the LONG way to get to the friggen ferry place lol didn't know that the dock would take us there so we walked around. Umm we waited for the boat and harrassed a lovely couple that were obviously on a romantic date and then headed to Protection Island to have dinner at the Dingy Dock Pub. Food was very good, we had a few drinks and hungout. Then we headed on home.I got home and Crysta convinced me to play Disney Trivial Persuit with her but we all ended up quiting and they watched Stealth and I went to bed lol.

I got up this morning and got ready for Church, then Sacha, Will and Nina picked me up. We went to First Baptist Church cause it's Will's church and he wanted to go there this week. It was pretty good, kinda weird since it's the Christmas season and all. Some people played Christmas carols with bells and it was cool and Sacha and I decided that our lives were complete failures because we couldn't do it haha. After that Jason called and we all decided to go back to Sacha's for grilled cheese sandwiches. This is where it gets interesting so it's time for a new paragraph.

So we head to Quality Foods to pick up said materials for grilled cheese (we forgot ketchup!) and one of the guys called Sacha to tell her that her Christmas tree was full of spiders and that they were invading their house. I told her it wasn't going to be a scene from Aracnaphobia but she didn't believe me and continued freaking out...she also threatened to never go home again unless they threw the tree outside lol They didn't do that...but there was a lot of spider killing. So, we get back to her place and Jason and Andrew come over. We make grilled cheese and Josh decides to start drinking. (His reasoning was that we were expecting it lastnight so he didn't and so he had to make up for it this afternoon). By about 3:30ish he was completely tanked and absolutely hillarious. A couple of the other guys had a bit to drink to and we watched Sorority Boys. It's such a funny movie...and then Josh started threatening to poor his Scotch on my head...he didn't though. There was some dancing on Will's part and many many gay jokes lol. Those guys crack me up. Once the movie was over Josh decided that he absolutely needed McDonalds and so Eric was driving him so they gave me a ride home. He's such a funny drunk lolSo I'm home now, have been for about an hour..just kinda chilling, waiting for dinner and then I might go back out again...Jason wants me to go over to his place cause he doesn't wanna be a third wheel. Apparently 4 wheels is better than 3. Well I'm off for tonight, bye!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Andrea Has Non Stick Skin!

Hmm what to write about...well the past week has been pretty awesome...lots of dancing, lots of partying and lots of hot guys. The only downside to the last one is that they're all TAKEN. I think I have some rare disease where I'm only attracted to guys that already have girlfriends. Take lastnight for example...hanging out at Jason's place. Me, Andrea, Jason, Andrew, Steven and Colin. I was attracted to 2/4 of the guys and they just so happen to be the two with girlfriends!

Argh the frustration lol. On another note, we had a leader's meeting lastnight and it was pretty short and then we all headed over to Moxies for desert which was awesome. Steven, Jason and I all had the White Chocolate Brownie which is by far the best desert there and we ruled because of it. Alastair told the guys that text messaging is gay and that if he ever sees them doing it he'll smack them lol so Sacha, Andrea and I started texting everyone like crazy just to piss them off.

After Moxies, me, Andrea, Jason and Steven headed over to Jason's appartment and hungout with his roommates Andrew and Colin. I personally found the latter quite delicious lol but shhh. It was good times, there was a lot of chocolate flinging around the room and mocking on mine, Steven and Colin's behalf. We can't help it if it's just so easy to make fun of them...just like Colin and I can't help it if we're dead inside lol.

Well I should head off and go shower and shiat so I'll talk to ya'll later. If you wanna do something just give me a call.

Oh yes and PS: Andrea has Teflon skin...it's non stick! haha

Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Dancing Queens! Yah That's Right

Ok, so I know that I said that Friday fucking rocked....but so did lastnight! Oh man it's been a great weekend. Lastnight was my mom's staff Christmas Party that I wasn't totally looking forward to but it was awesome! I had a few drinks, but it didn't affect me really at all...and we were dancing for like 4 hours lol pretty much non stop. Certain people got REALLY drunk...I'm rather glad that he's feeling all better now...:) Andrea came over after work and danced it up with us which was cool...*Girls just wanna have fuuuuun* hahaha good times. We tought the girls from my mom's work the Pretty Fly For A White Guy dance and I scared my mom with my dance moves. I also got a bunch of people (including my mom's boss' wife [aka Tylor's step mom]) to all do the Time Warp with me lol even Sonya! whoohoo. We also all did the macarana which was great. Those girls cracked me up. I finally went to bed at about 1ish and then got up at 8 to go to my grandparent's. Well, my aunt's to see my grandparents. My aunt accused me of being hungover lol but I was just really tired from two nights of partying. I could also barely walk but that's not the point.

As for today, went to aunt's...hungout in the truck while my dad and Shawn did a satelite instal...came home, napped for an hour...got up. Help with some cleaning, went in the hot tub for 15 minutes and then went to Full Circle. It was pretty good tonight, really small though. Not a lot of people showed up for some reason. Maybe cause it's the last one of the year and they forgot? Oh well. So starting in January FC is moving to ET (Evangelistic Tabernacle) I dunno if I spelt that right...they're big words.

That's about all I've got to say for today, maybe something exciting will happen tomorrow!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

I'm a Geek

Lastnight fucking rocked! lol It was pretty damn awesome I must say. Bowling was kinda slow but we had some fun. MGM was pretty good too, lots of chatting and Andrea made me do a muff diver which was sooooo grose! and then her mom made Tasha and I martinis which she named "the Andrea" and it was pretty nasty too. We finally headed to the Press Room at about 11:30 and it was really dead so we all got rather drunk and partied it up anyways. We pretty much had the dance floor to ourselves the whole night which was kinda cool but the lack of hot guys was slightly disappointing. So was the lack of certain people who didn't show up :( but...I did discover a birthday text message once I got home which made up for it. Hehe I'm such a geek.

So after the club..that's kinda when the real fun began...well not really but we're not gunna get into that...lets just say I didn't get to bed till 4:30 and then got up at 7. Yay me! And since then I've gotten a little bit more sleep, but very little and I've been cleaning and decorating for my mom's christmas party. All I wanna do is go to bed! Well I should get going, lots more to do...see ya'll later.

ps. Thanks for all the awesome presents and good times guys! I love you all

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Interesting Evening In Victoria

I'm pretty much just killing time at this point...yes, it's 6:45 in the morning and I'm writing in my blog. Why oh why did I agree to go to campaigners this morning lol it's too early! But I told people that I'd go so I've gotta live up to that...can't just ditch out.

So lastnight 9 of us all piled into two vehicles and headed down to Victoria to visit the Victoria Young Life people and see their club. It was pretty awesome, saw some people that I knew from camp, met some new people...saw some hot guys lol Everyone went to McDonalds afterwords like we always do here and it was good times, then everyone headed home. The ride home wasn't so awesome...on the way there I had gone in Andrea's car with her and her sister but on the way home I went in Alastair's van with Sam, Jesslyn, Steven, Holly, Jason and Alastair. I sat in the back with Sam and Jesslyn and ended up stuck there with the two of them sleeping and nothing to do and no one to talk to. Everyone else was having big conversations and I was pretty much sitting there staring out of a window. Once Holly got out I was able to move up an isle and join in the convo though which was cool, but only lasted about 10 minutes before we got back to Alastair's. Steven gave us a ride home and then I came and sat on the computer and talked to people, mostly Jason.

We were talking about how I was in a very emo mood and remeniscing about the past. We also ended up talking about how I don't really have a whole lot in common with most of my friends which is kinda weird...cause at first I thought that I did but then when I really started to think about it I realized that I don't. I guess that if we were all alike it wouldn't be any fun though hey? Oh, apparently Jason's gunna find me a boyfriend lol he made me tell him my criteria and said he'd start looking haha it was a rather funny conversation none the less.

Well, Andrea should be here in a minute or so...so I should probably get going...don't ya'll forget that my birthday is on Thursday! and my party is on Friday!!!! whoohoo so excited.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Super Happy Good Times To Come!

It's been a few days so I thought that I would update...not really a whole lot has happened. Here's what I've done in the past week or so. I'll start with Tuesday cause I don't remember my last post and don't really remember much before that.

Tuesday - Had a leaders meeting and then went to HP4 (where Andrea did NOT take one for the team lol sorry hun, had to)

Wednesday - Umm don't really remember actually...what did I do...? Oh well couldn't have been important.

Thursday - Hungout with Andrea and Jason, went over to Jason's place and hungout with him and his roommate. YL got cancelled cause of the snow and then it ended up not snowing anymore. So, we hungout at his place for a bit longer and then went and had a snowball fight with Sacha and her roommates.

Friday - Hmm friday, what happened on friday...wow my memory is horrible. I honestly can't remember what I did TWO days ago!!!! It doesn't seem to be wanting to come to me right now. Mustn't have been too great.

Saturday (Yesterday) - I went to the mall with Sam, Reyna, little Chelsea and Jason and then Jason left us. The four of us hungout at the mall for quite a while and I got lots of my shopping done. Then we ran into Chelsea and decided to all head to Liquidation World where I found some awesome stuff. After that, we parted with Chelsea and then decided to go get something to eat at the MGM. Once we were done it was time for Andrea to get off work so we all headed home. At about 10pm we found out that the dorm party was cancelled so we just went over to Jason's and played cards and who wants to be a millionaire instead. We decided to drink some of the alcohol that we'd already bought anyways lol and it was fairly good times. We played a lot of poker and I kicked ass, then Jason's roommate Andrew came home with 3 friends of his (all girls) and we all hungout. Listened to some music and the guys decided to shotgun some beer...Jason not so good at it, Andrew too good at it lol. Andrea and I headed home just before 2am and then I went to sleep.

Now as for today, not too too exciting, but I got up at 9am so that I could go to Kalina's baptism at 11am. It was really good and she had written a song so she sang that and we were all really proud of her. After church was over I came home...didn't do much...Jason picked me up at 2:30pm for the Mexico meeting...went to that, wasn't very important...came home. Sam and I started getting our Christmas tree set up and now I'm pretty much avoiding 3/4 of my family cause they're really miserable, specifically my sister and dad.


OK, so if you didn't all know...there's only like 2.5 days till my birthday!!!! Whoohooo! I'm not really doing much for my birthday ON my birthday because I have Young Life but we're gunna party it up on the friday. I'm so unbelievably excited! You guys better all show up...or I'll be really sad. But ya, so excited. It's going to be "radtacular" as the kid at Full Circle would say. Well that's all for now, gotta go revise my donor letter and get it sent out so I'll cya all later.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

mmm mmm roommates...

Phew..that was a kinda crazy day over with haha crazy, but good times. I skipped contact work this morning cause I had to clean and wasn't really feeling very well so then I hungout at home and got some stuff done. The afternoon was then spent hanging out with Jason at the dentist office while Andrea got her teeth cleaned...we played a shit load of Ms. Pacman. After that we went over to Jason's and hungout with his super cool hot roommates lol and then at 5pm Alastair called and informed us that club was going to be cancelled because of the friggen show...by time 7pm came it wasn't even snowing anymore anyways lol but oh well. So we hungout a while longer and then went over to Sacha's where we hungout for a bit and then Me, Andrea, Sacha, Holly, Will, Will (yes there's two of them), Eric, Josh and Dan(?) I think that was his name...went and had a snow ball fight at this empty little lot area down the street. There was a lot of mud but overall good times. We were all geared up in snow gear so we didn't get TOO cold or wet. After that Andrea and I headed back home where we proceeded to watch Raise Your Voice (ya cheesy Hillary Duff movies). Now I'm sitting here on my computer contemplating taking Nyquil to knock me out and then going to bed. So, overall...today was a good day filled with hot roommates. Andrea...we need to move out and get US some hot roommates like all of them!