Thursday, December 01, 2005

mmm mmm roommates...

Phew..that was a kinda crazy day over with haha crazy, but good times. I skipped contact work this morning cause I had to clean and wasn't really feeling very well so then I hungout at home and got some stuff done. The afternoon was then spent hanging out with Jason at the dentist office while Andrea got her teeth cleaned...we played a shit load of Ms. Pacman. After that we went over to Jason's and hungout with his super cool hot roommates lol and then at 5pm Alastair called and informed us that club was going to be cancelled because of the friggen time 7pm came it wasn't even snowing anymore anyways lol but oh well. So we hungout a while longer and then went over to Sacha's where we hungout for a bit and then Me, Andrea, Sacha, Holly, Will, Will (yes there's two of them), Eric, Josh and Dan(?) I think that was his name...went and had a snow ball fight at this empty little lot area down the street. There was a lot of mud but overall good times. We were all geared up in snow gear so we didn't get TOO cold or wet. After that Andrea and I headed back home where we proceeded to watch Raise Your Voice (ya cheesy Hillary Duff movies). Now I'm sitting here on my computer contemplating taking Nyquil to knock me out and then going to bed. So, was a good day filled with hot roommates. Andrea...we need to move out and get US some hot roommates like all of them!


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