Sunday, December 18, 2005

Josh: "Will...and straight" lmao!

Well the past few days have can I say it....ROCKED :D This is me really happy lol. Ok so yesterday we celebrated Will and Josh's birthday which totally kicked ass. Eric picked me up at about 3pm when he got off of work and then we went over to their house. Dan was like the only one home so we watched some of 40 Year Old Virgin until Sacha and the other guys returned. Then we headed out to Cyber City for a good old game of Lazer Tag!!! Sacha and I lost horribly even though we teamed up against all of the guys but that's OK! So after we were done that we headed back to their place and put up the christmas tree. We decorated it with lights and tinsle and some glass balls that we had to tie on with tinsel cause we had no hooks. Will broke one cause he dropped it so we banned him. At about 6:30 we headed downtown where Sacha proceeded to continuely get us lost until we found the parking lot. Then we took the LONG way to get to the friggen ferry place lol didn't know that the dock would take us there so we walked around. Umm we waited for the boat and harrassed a lovely couple that were obviously on a romantic date and then headed to Protection Island to have dinner at the Dingy Dock Pub. Food was very good, we had a few drinks and hungout. Then we headed on home.I got home and Crysta convinced me to play Disney Trivial Persuit with her but we all ended up quiting and they watched Stealth and I went to bed lol.

I got up this morning and got ready for Church, then Sacha, Will and Nina picked me up. We went to First Baptist Church cause it's Will's church and he wanted to go there this week. It was pretty good, kinda weird since it's the Christmas season and all. Some people played Christmas carols with bells and it was cool and Sacha and I decided that our lives were complete failures because we couldn't do it haha. After that Jason called and we all decided to go back to Sacha's for grilled cheese sandwiches. This is where it gets interesting so it's time for a new paragraph.

So we head to Quality Foods to pick up said materials for grilled cheese (we forgot ketchup!) and one of the guys called Sacha to tell her that her Christmas tree was full of spiders and that they were invading their house. I told her it wasn't going to be a scene from Aracnaphobia but she didn't believe me and continued freaking out...she also threatened to never go home again unless they threw the tree outside lol They didn't do that...but there was a lot of spider killing. So, we get back to her place and Jason and Andrew come over. We make grilled cheese and Josh decides to start drinking. (His reasoning was that we were expecting it lastnight so he didn't and so he had to make up for it this afternoon). By about 3:30ish he was completely tanked and absolutely hillarious. A couple of the other guys had a bit to drink to and we watched Sorority Boys. It's such a funny movie...and then Josh started threatening to poor his Scotch on my head...he didn't though. There was some dancing on Will's part and many many gay jokes lol. Those guys crack me up. Once the movie was over Josh decided that he absolutely needed McDonalds and so Eric was driving him so they gave me a ride home. He's such a funny drunk lolSo I'm home now, have been for about an hour..just kinda chilling, waiting for dinner and then I might go back out again...Jason wants me to go over to his place cause he doesn't wanna be a third wheel. Apparently 4 wheels is better than 3. Well I'm off for tonight, bye!


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