Saturday, December 10, 2005

I'm a Geek

Lastnight fucking rocked! lol It was pretty damn awesome I must say. Bowling was kinda slow but we had some fun. MGM was pretty good too, lots of chatting and Andrea made me do a muff diver which was sooooo grose! and then her mom made Tasha and I martinis which she named "the Andrea" and it was pretty nasty too. We finally headed to the Press Room at about 11:30 and it was really dead so we all got rather drunk and partied it up anyways. We pretty much had the dance floor to ourselves the whole night which was kinda cool but the lack of hot guys was slightly disappointing. So was the lack of certain people who didn't show up :( but...I did discover a birthday text message once I got home which made up for it. Hehe I'm such a geek.

So after the club..that's kinda when the real fun began...well not really but we're not gunna get into that...lets just say I didn't get to bed till 4:30 and then got up at 7. Yay me! And since then I've gotten a little bit more sleep, but very little and I've been cleaning and decorating for my mom's christmas party. All I wanna do is go to bed! Well I should get going, lots more to do...see ya'll later.

ps. Thanks for all the awesome presents and good times guys! I love you all


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