Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Blur Of The Holiday Season

Apparently I'm not as awake as I thought I was....took like three tries just to sign into this damn thing. I apologize now for any typos, my hands just don't seem to want to work. Maybe it's a sign that I should go back to bed lol.

As for my life, things seem to be atleast looking up a bit. Christmas Day ended up being really good...brunch at my Aunt's went really well...my cousins were actually nice to be around and talked to me. My Oma was in a good mood too which was nice. After brunch my dad and I came back home, Crysta and Shawn went to Duncan. They came back in time for dinner at 6pm in which Shawn's friend Chris also joined us. It was nice, but my mom wouldn't let me wear my pink cow pj's at the dinner table so I had to get dressed. (I'd been in bed for a few hours because I got really sick) Then after dinner Shawn, Chris and I played Need For Speed Most Wanted, which is a great game.

Yesterday was boxing day, usually my favorite day of the year...the year it was well...interesting. I went to the mall with Sam and her family, her mom and bro went to EB Games so her sister tagged along with us. We met up with Reyna and Dave just up the mall and started "shopping" which included me trying to shop which they all bitched at me about being bored and telling me to hurry up, us looking Becky several times...me giving up, going and seeing Tasha and then running into Phil. Kinda awkward at first..but then my mouth started without thinking and I invited him to have lunch with us. He said he'd catch up after saying hi to Tasha but he didn't find us. We ended up running into him again in Walmart and then he came and hungout with us. We had to meet Sam's mom outside of Walmart to get rid of Becky so we were waiting for like forever..and some guy started smoking a joint right outside the doors...and as most people know the smell makes me puke. I've been feeling nausious for like a week now so it was bad...and everyone refused to move away from the people smoking up so I ended up just walking away and going to Reitmans to shop by myself. When I came out they were all gone so I went back into the mall and began shopping alone. Ended up running into Phil again so we shopped together. I must say it is the one thing that we have always done well together lol We may never get along but we can always shop. We got some food, I bought a bunch of clothes and Phil got some jeans which were pretty snazzy. Saw some other people like Amy and Phil (for some reason I only see them in HMV) and I saw Sacha's hot roommates but traffic was too heavy in the mall so I never got to say hi. I also ran into Laryssa who's in town till the 3rd or something.

By time shopping was done the mall was closing so I got a ride home with Crysta and Shawn. (Crysta was working yesterday and Shawn was picking her up) I got home, dyed my hair...which is now a really dark cherry red. Then I sat around on the computer. Apparently people went over to Andrew's but I wasn't invited. I just kinda sat around and talked to a few people on the computer till finally going to bed at like 11:30pm. At this point I got a major urge to go for a run but decided that since it was so late the streets would be ice and it was probably a horrible idea...so I did some sit ups instead and then fell fast asleep. I haven't fallen asleep that quickly in forever.

My plans for today pretty much include cleaning my room, doing laundry, cleaning the upstairs of my house...and sitting around doing nothing. If anyone has any ideas please let me know!


At 1:29 PM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

ah the p-man never stops suprising us, does he?


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