Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Interesting Evening In Victoria

I'm pretty much just killing time at this point...yes, it's 6:45 in the morning and I'm writing in my blog. Why oh why did I agree to go to campaigners this morning lol it's too early! But I told people that I'd go so I've gotta live up to that...can't just ditch out.

So lastnight 9 of us all piled into two vehicles and headed down to Victoria to visit the Victoria Young Life people and see their club. It was pretty awesome, saw some people that I knew from camp, met some new people...saw some hot guys lol Everyone went to McDonalds afterwords like we always do here and it was good times, then everyone headed home. The ride home wasn't so awesome...on the way there I had gone in Andrea's car with her and her sister but on the way home I went in Alastair's van with Sam, Jesslyn, Steven, Holly, Jason and Alastair. I sat in the back with Sam and Jesslyn and ended up stuck there with the two of them sleeping and nothing to do and no one to talk to. Everyone else was having big conversations and I was pretty much sitting there staring out of a window. Once Holly got out I was able to move up an isle and join in the convo though which was cool, but only lasted about 10 minutes before we got back to Alastair's. Steven gave us a ride home and then I came and sat on the computer and talked to people, mostly Jason.

We were talking about how I was in a very emo mood and remeniscing about the past. We also ended up talking about how I don't really have a whole lot in common with most of my friends which is kinda weird...cause at first I thought that I did but then when I really started to think about it I realized that I don't. I guess that if we were all alike it wouldn't be any fun though hey? Oh, apparently Jason's gunna find me a boyfriend lol he made me tell him my criteria and said he'd start looking haha it was a rather funny conversation none the less.

Well, Andrea should be here in a minute or so...so I should probably get going...don't ya'll forget that my birthday is on Thursday! and my party is on Friday!!!! whoohoo so excited.


At 7:51 PM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

you're as bad as bailey hilchey for reminding people of your birthday!


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