Sunday, December 04, 2005

Super Happy Good Times To Come!

It's been a few days so I thought that I would update...not really a whole lot has happened. Here's what I've done in the past week or so. I'll start with Tuesday cause I don't remember my last post and don't really remember much before that.

Tuesday - Had a leaders meeting and then went to HP4 (where Andrea did NOT take one for the team lol sorry hun, had to)

Wednesday - Umm don't really remember actually...what did I do...? Oh well couldn't have been important.

Thursday - Hungout with Andrea and Jason, went over to Jason's place and hungout with him and his roommate. YL got cancelled cause of the snow and then it ended up not snowing anymore. So, we hungout at his place for a bit longer and then went and had a snowball fight with Sacha and her roommates.

Friday - Hmm friday, what happened on my memory is horrible. I honestly can't remember what I did TWO days ago!!!! It doesn't seem to be wanting to come to me right now. Mustn't have been too great.

Saturday (Yesterday) - I went to the mall with Sam, Reyna, little Chelsea and Jason and then Jason left us. The four of us hungout at the mall for quite a while and I got lots of my shopping done. Then we ran into Chelsea and decided to all head to Liquidation World where I found some awesome stuff. After that, we parted with Chelsea and then decided to go get something to eat at the MGM. Once we were done it was time for Andrea to get off work so we all headed home. At about 10pm we found out that the dorm party was cancelled so we just went over to Jason's and played cards and who wants to be a millionaire instead. We decided to drink some of the alcohol that we'd already bought anyways lol and it was fairly good times. We played a lot of poker and I kicked ass, then Jason's roommate Andrew came home with 3 friends of his (all girls) and we all hungout. Listened to some music and the guys decided to shotgun some beer...Jason not so good at it, Andrew too good at it lol. Andrea and I headed home just before 2am and then I went to sleep.

Now as for today, not too too exciting, but I got up at 9am so that I could go to Kalina's baptism at 11am. It was really good and she had written a song so she sang that and we were all really proud of her. After church was over I came home...didn't do much...Jason picked me up at 2:30pm for the Mexico meeting...went to that, wasn't very important...came home. Sam and I started getting our Christmas tree set up and now I'm pretty much avoiding 3/4 of my family cause they're really miserable, specifically my sister and dad.


OK, so if you didn't all know...there's only like 2.5 days till my birthday!!!! Whoohooo! I'm not really doing much for my birthday ON my birthday because I have Young Life but we're gunna party it up on the friday. I'm so unbelievably excited! You guys better all show up...or I'll be really sad. But ya, so excited. It's going to be "radtacular" as the kid at Full Circle would say. Well that's all for now, gotta go revise my donor letter and get it sent out so I'll cya all later.


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