Thursday, September 28, 2006

If Only This Weight Off Of My Chest Would Actually Take A Weight Off Of My Chest

This is my, I'm going to rant, I'm going to bitch and I'm going to complain and if you don't like it, just don't read. I've had a really horrible past while and I'm really sick of it. Isn't there a theory that bad things happen in 3's? so why is it that they never stop for my family??? To start off, my Opa's kidney's are failing and he's probably going to die very very soon and I haven't been able to visit him and I don't know when I'll be able to because I've been sick and I can't take the chance of making him sick because his immune system is really low. Tracy (for anyone who doesn't know, Tracy is pretty much my aunt, she's more of an aunt than my biological ones have ever been) well Tracy was in a massive car accident about 2 months ago or so and her leg was broken in 3 places, her lungs collapsed and she almost didn't survive. There had been rumors going around that she was using cocain and then after the accident she told us that she wasn't using that my cousin (her 15 year old son) was and that Brendan (the 22 year old living in her house) had been dealing out of her house in order to pay off some drug debts and that Tracy had been helping him get out of trouble. Tracy was released from the hospital all of a week ago and was found in a crack house with a crack pipe in her mouth by her friend Terry, Brendan and Colin (who are now supposedly clean). The past week has been full of long phone calls to Victoria, Tracy raging on my mom for "Abandoning her" and we're pretty sure she's either really cracked out or going through withdrawl. Now, as for my mom...she's not handling this all too well and for any of you that know about my mom and such you know what that means.

So Saturday was my mom's birthday..and now begins a whole new batch of fun. My mom's friend Junes comes up from Victoria to visit for the day because it was my mom's birthday and she needed to do some shopping. My mom was tired so she went to lay down while Crysta and Junes went and did some errands. A while later the phone rings and it's Alex on the other end telling me that Shawn's been in a really bad motorcycle accident and that the ambulance was there to take him to emergency. So my mom and I get ahold of my sister and Junes and they come to pick up my mom...I wait here incase my dad calls and end up not being able to breath...and collapse on my livingroom floor twice before I manage to get ahold of Tasha to get her to come and stay with me until my dad gets home. My dad and Shawn's friend Chris get home from picking up the bike and so Tasha heads to work and I head to the hospital with my dad to see Shawn. We get there and I end up having to check myself in because I couldn't breath and was on the verge of passing out again. I get whisked off for chest xrays and such while we're waiting to find out what's happening with Shawn. Find out that he was impaled by a stick or something and that they were just going to stitch him up and send him home. I find out that not only did I have Bronchitis and a chest infection like the doctor earlier in the week had told me..but I also had pneumonia. Yay for highly over infected lungs. Eventually we were both released and all headed home for some quality take out birthday dinner and cake. The next morning Shawn ended up back in emergency where he found out that he has a broken wrist. Now that ends that escapade.

Then not yesterday, the day before we discovered that Jenna and Cricket, two of our cats were beginning to be really lethargic and were really dehydrated so we ended up having to rush them both to the vets just before they closed. Cricket ended up having to be put down :( and Jenna was brought back home where my mom has had to give her IV fluids like every couple hours since to try and flush out her liver. We have no idea why but both of their livers began to fail at pretty much the exact same time..Jenna just seems to be fighting it a bit better. I still have my doubts that she'll make it but we're hoping.

Now for yesterday, my online work schedule told me I had to work at 1:30 so I got up, got all ready, went to catch my picked up by Tasha and Alyssa...went to work..found out that I didn't actually have to work, that my boss screwed up and I got sent home. So since I was all dressed and feeling pretty good I wanted to do I ended up going and hanging out with Jason and Ian for a bit. We went to the mall, saw Raechel for a bit, then went to Rogers Video, then to Dominos so that I could get bread sticks, saw Tasha, Alyssa and Loren. Then we, plus Alyssa headed to James Street only to discover that it was league night and no free we changed our plans and went bowling. It was pretty fun, had some good times. Then we dropped Alyssa off back at Dominos and I went home. I tried to go to bed but no matter what I did I couldn't sleep. I ended up staying awake all freaking night with my chest hurting like a bitch, not being able to breath very well...and then I finally came upstairs at 5am in tears from the pain and my mom told me to get a shower or sit in a chair for a while and go back to bed. Thanks mom. That didn't help at all, I almost passed out in the shower and just felt even more sick. So, I went back to bed and made my dad call in sick for me at 9am because I was really week and felt like I was dying. I got a couple hours of sleep after that and then got up to start another day full of upsetting phone calls from Victoria, Shawn watching tv and bitching about hating having a cast sitting in my pj's using my inhaler religiously and wishing I could go out and enjoy the sun.

I'm so sick of being sick, I have no life, no one calls me unless they want something from me...I'm going to have absolutely no money next pay day cause I pretty much won't have a pay I'm going to have a huge phone bill and a visa bill to pay. I'm just so damn frustrated with life. I want to live my life and not have people telling me what is good for me or what's bad for me..I want people to let me make my own decisions, make my own mistakes...take some chances for a change. I know my friends care about me and just don't want me to get hurt but I'm a big girl, I'm all grown up and I can make decisions for myself. I may need a little help once in a while but it doesn't mean I"m completely incapable. You may think something's a bad idea but maybe I don't. I'm not afraid anymore..I want to take a chance for once.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Something...anything people...come on

I'm so unbelievably frustrated. I'm sick of being sick...I can't do the simplest things without completely running out of energy. My schedule said that I was supposed to work today from 1:30-5:30 so I got up, drained myself by having a shower, then pushed myself to get ready...Tasha and Alyssa picked me up on the side of the road and drove me to work and then I get there to find out that I didn't have to work today. My boss screwed up on the schedule on the internet and wrote the hours under me when they were someone else's. So I check the bus schedule to see when I can get home and the next bus isn't for over an hour. I went and hungout at Stitches for a bit, chatted with my sister and Raechel and pretty much curled up and died on the sweetshirt table. I got home just as Tasha and Alyssa got to the mall and I was mad at myself cause I really wanted to do SOMETHING today, ANYTHING. I was actually somewhat looking forward to working because it meant doing something...seeing people. Now I'm sitting at home, wondering where everyone is and wanting to leave my house.

We found out lastnight that Tracy really is using cocain and that she's been lying to us for the past 2 months...and my mom's really upset but wants to help her so Brendan and Colin are trying to kidnap her or something to bring her to Nanaimo so that she'll be away from all of her druggie friends and we can try to get her into detox. It's such a wonderful soap opera we all live.

Well that's about all for now, I work 9-5 tomorrow and friday and I'm scared to death that I'm going to collapse in the middle of work..I'm gunna attempt to find someone to hangout with for a bit. If you want to do something call me....

Monday, September 25, 2006

Long Ass Bloody Survey Finished With A Rant

I'm FINALLY starting to feel a little bit better, it's amazing. I'm kicking pneumonia's ass and will be back at work in no time. In the mean time I stole this little survey from Tasha's block because it was awesome and her answers made me laugh and made me want to answer them myself. So here it goes.


1.What curse word do you use the most? Fuck and I use it way too much.
2. Do you own an iPod? No, I really want one but I'm broke beyond belief for the next month.
3. Who do you IM the most? Probably Shayna
4. What time is your alarm clock set for? 10, 3 and 8 so that I remember to take my meds.
5. How many suitcases do you own? None but I should probably get one
6. Do you wear flip flops outside when it's cold out? Ya, but I'm trying to stop. It's a hard habit to break.
7. Are you having a good day? Not particularily good but it could be worse.
8. What was the last movie you watched? Umm in entirety this movie yesterday morning that I can't remember the name of. It's a cheesy teen movie with Jennifer Love Hewitt and some guy has been in love with her for 4 years and writes her a letter....
9. Do any of your friends have children? Yup, Meagan's got a one year old named Malachi
10. Who is your bestfriend? Sacha if I had to name one. Tasha, Shayna, Jason, Colin, Andrea...I'd say that those are my top 6 haha
11. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster? Sometimes if I'm having a really hard time sleeping or I'm sick
12. What cd is currently in your cd player? I don't currently have a cd player..still dunno if it's completely ruined from the flood
13. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? Regular
14. Has anyone told you a secret this week? Ya, well it's not a secret anymore cause it was more of a surprise
15. When was the last time someone hit on you? lol some ass on the computer lastnight and he freaked out on me when I shot him down
16. Can you whistle? No, I've never been able to do it...I'm impaired.
17. Who was the last person to text you? Miss Sacha and Mr. Will. All the way from Cranbrook BC just to chear me up..I love those guys
18. Do you think people talk about you behind your back? I wouldn't be surprised...but if they're not my friend I really don't care and sometimes it's unavoidable when you need someone to talk to about something that's bothering you. I understand that, but completely random bashing I can't stand.
19. Did you watch cartoons as a child? Yup, still do. I watched all the classics as well as Recess and Pepper Anne...oh Gummy Bears and the Smurfs.
20. How many siblings do you have? Biological, one my sister Crysta..I'm sure you've all met her before. Non biological I have a lot....Sam is and will always be my little sister and Shawn's pretty much my brother..we fight like we are.
21. Are you shy around the opposite sex? Yeaaahh unless I already know them pretty also depends on the situation and the guy. Some I just feel fine around naturally...some I will always be shy around.
22. What movie do you know every line to? Emperor's New Groove (ya!) Austin Powers Goldmember..oh and Grind
23. What is the 4th text message on your CELL PHONE? Sacha telling me that she wishes she was here to make me feel better
24. What is your favorite salad dressing? Thousand Islands mmm
25. Do you read for fun? Absolutely..well when I have a decent book to read
26. Do you do your own dishes? My dishwasher does my dishes. Welcome to the 21st century people
27. Have you ever cried in public? Yes, I can be kind of emotional sometimes lol
28. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? Desktop...hopefully a lap top eventually
29. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? Sure are...I just need money. I want something pierced, I just don't know what...and I have 2 tattoos waiting to be funded
30. What is the weather like? It's surprisingly sunny outside
31. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos? Absolutely..I love them
32. Do you have an online journal? I'm gunna go with Tasha on the "This is my blog?"
33. When was the last time you slept on the floor? Umm it's been a while..either when I slept over at Sacha's or on my trip to Mexico (whichever came later)
34. How many hours of sleep do you need to function? 8-10, too much sleep and I'm a walking zombie
35. Do you eat breakfast daily? Hardly ever...unless there's time before work and we go for muffins...mmm mmmm muffins
36. Are your days full and fast-paced? Umm usually...unless I decide to just take a day to lounge around the house and do nothing
37. Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class? Haha ya, Tasha and I did all the time. Mrs. Stewart hated us. Oh the good old days
38. Do you pay attention to calories on the back of package? No not really
39. When was the last time you drove in a car for over 2 hours? hmm over two hours I'm not sure..probably going to Mexico
40. Are you picky about spelling and grammar? Ya, I don't often correct people but poor spelling and grammar annoys me a lot. A LOT
41. Have you ever been to Six Flags? Nope, but I'd love to some day
42. Do you often dream when you sleep? Ya, I dream a lot...sometimes I can't fall asleep until I start to dream.
43. Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex? Umm kind of both equally..sometimes guys better sometimes girls. My friends are pretty equally mixed.
44. Do you like mustard? ya but only on certain things
45. Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back? Usually on my side completely surrounded by pillows and cats
46. Last person who called you? Chelsea


1) Single, taken or crushin? Single but also very much crushing shhh
2) Are you happy with where you are? Depends what you're talking about..I'm at home and somewhat happy about that...If you're talking about the fact that I'm single, I'd prefer to not be but I'm ok with it.
3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast? Ya, sometimes way too fast.
4) Have you ever had your heart broken? Sure have...nothing like being told by a guy you liked for 2 years that you would have ended up together if you had smoked pot. Ass hole.
5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where you find cheating acceptable? No, and I could never cheat on anyone...I think it's one of the worst things you could do to a person
6) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? It would depend on the person, how sorry they were, how much I loved them and whether or not I felt as though I could trust them again.
7) Have you talked about marriage with another person? nope
8) Do you want children? Ya, but not for quite a while.
9) How many? Two or three
10) Would you consider adoption? Absolutely, I've always kinda figured I'd adopt atleast one kid
11) If somebody liked you right now, what do you think a cool way to let you know would be? Umm I dunno, something romantic haha
12) Do you enjoy playing hard to get? No I'm really bad at it lol but you have to to an extent, just don't over due it
13) Be honest, do you play the "game" when you are dating? I'm with Tasha on this one..what the hell is the "game" and why don't we know about it? Are we just that old..
14) Do you believe love at first sight existsts? I don't know if I'd call it love but feelings can definitly develop after first sight, lust definalty...but I'm not sure about love. That takes time to develop.
15) Are you romantic? I am without a doubt a hopeless romantic to the very extreme.
16) Do you believe you can change someone? No, I can honestly admit that I've tried and it doesn't work. I'm one of those girls who thinks that they can help a guy to become a better person but they never change...they just pretend to have changed to try and get in your pants.
17) If you could get married anywhere, money not an object, where would it be? Somewhere outdoors, maybe on the beach...or in a beautiful cathedral with all of my family and friends there. It would be a giant party...
19) Do you easily give in when you are fighting? Umm ya, if you know me at all you know that I give in way too easily...usually take the blame for things that aren't my fault and appologize just to make peace.
20) Do you have feelings for someone right now? Yeeess *blushes*
21) Have you ever wished you could've had someone but you didn't take advantage of your opportunity? Several times...I am horrible at not fallowing through with things. I miss opportunities way too often.
22.) Have you ever broken a heart? I dunno bout broken but definately damaged.
23.)What will happen if you come home and find another person in bed with your significant other? I would probably phone Tasha bawling my eyes out and she'd come over and kick the shit out of him. That's what I could see happening.
24.) Would you ever fight somebody over your significant other? Not physically because I'm not into the whole physical violence deal...but if someone was trying to steal my boyfriend I'd definately fight for him, who wouldn't. But if he decided to choose another girl over me I'd let him go...who wants to be with someone who doesn't want them back? That only hurts you more.
25.) What would you say your boyfriend/girlfriend does better now than your last ex and what did your last ex do better than boyfriend/girlfriend now? I don't have a boyfriend right now so...ya.


1. Hometown: Nanaimo...been here my whole life..ugh
2. Height: 5'6"
3. Hair color: Dark brown with a hint of red last I checked.
4. Hair length: Pretty much right at my shoulders
5. Hair style: Layered with "emo fringe" as my YL kids like to call it.
6. Eye color: dark brown
7. Shoe size: 8 or 9 depends on the shoe
8. Mood: Right now kind groggy but happy
9. Sexuality: Straight
10. cell phone: It's a pink samsung


1. Have you ever been in love: I've loved but never been IN love
2. Do you believe in love?: Absolutely, I just haven't found it yet.
3. Why did your last relationship fail?: Because it was really childish and never should have began in the first place.
4. Have you ever been heartbroken?: Yes, didn't we cover this one already?
5. Have you ever broken someones heart?: Again with the deja view
6. Have you ever fallen for your best friend: This is me we're talking about...the Queen of falling for her bestfriends..the male ones that is.
7. Are you planning on getting married?: At some point, definately...haven't met someone worth marrying yet though. Well besides Shayna :P lol
8. Are you afraid of commitment?: I'd like to say no because I don't want to be but something takes over inside of me and I run away screaming. Maybe I just haven't met the guy to get me over that.
9. Would you ever get married to someone of the same sex?: No...but I would joke about it.
10. Would you ever have sex with someone of the same sex? Again with the no. Just because I like to go to the gay bar it doesn't make me gay. My mom's having a hard time grasping this fact.


1. Love or lust?: Without a doubt Love. All lust does is screw things up and makes them more complicated.
3. Night or day?: Night, for anything romantic, you've got the stars and dark sky. It also means dancing and having a good time.
4. Hook-ups or relationship?: Relationships..I don't think I'm ever going to be a "hook-up" kind of's just not me.
5. Tv or internet?: Internet for MSN and such...oh and filling out stupid survey's like this...they kill so much time. But TV for watching cheesy romantic movies when I'm sick.
6. Pepsi or coke?: I'm not big on pop but if I had to choose I'd say coke. I'm more all about the ice tea.
7. Wild night out or romantic night in?: Romantic nights in with someone special, wild nights out with your friends. They're both pretty awesome.
8. Saturday or Sunday?: Saturdays because it means dancing and drinking at night and Sundays mean slacking at work hungover or still drunk (like last weekend).
9. Colored or black and white picture?: I'm all about the black and white, I think they show more emotion and have more depth.
10. Phone or in person?: In person it's way easier to get your point across and momentary silences are way less awkward.

Ok so that took me way longer than it really should have...well I did stop for half an hour to watch a show that will go unnamed for fear of future harrassment...and so that I could shower and get dressed. Speaking of which, while I was showering I thought of two rather random things that really annoy me. Now lets see if I can remember them. The first one I know was annonymos comments on blogs. They piss me off and really shouldn't be allowed. I know that you can turn them off but still. The only purpose for them is either so that someone can leave a really mean and nasty message without owning up to it or so that they can leave a message and leave you wondering for the next million years who the fuck it was. How long does it take to just right your damn name? Are people that lazy or do they really just like playing mind games that damn much. Ok so that's my rant on annonymos comments (wow I can't spell that word). And now that I've spent another 30 minutes on the phone with my bank and totally forgot about this, I've forgotten what the second thing I wanted to rant about was so I'm just gunna go. If none of this entry made any sense, I appologize and blame it on the meds and lack of sleep. See ya all later. Buh bye

Friday, September 22, 2006

Boob Cake, Bronchitus and Blogging Good Times

I guess that I should probably update, it's been about a week or so...I've been sick. It was Jason's birthday on tuesday so I decided that we needed to do something for him and so Colin and I began planning a bit of a surprise party. (we decided to do this the night before..) and so Virginia and I spent all of tuesday afternoon baking and decorating a boob shaped caked..which turned out mightily amazing I might add. Carleen attempted to keep Jason preoccupied at the mall and then the guys all took him out for dinner while we put the finishing touches on the cake and waited for everyone else to arrive. We had a really good turn out, actually pretty much everyone we invited showed up and we managed to pull off the surprise nicely. We ate cake, played DDR and just sat and chatted marrily. I ended up getting really sick by time the party got underway...I had felt it coming on through out the day but didn't expect the high fever and just over all crappy feeling that took over my body. Virginia was really tired cause she'd been up since 4am for school and so we both subtly disappeared into Colin's room where we proceeded to nap. Everyone kinda meandered out the door at about midnight (yes I know we party hard lol but the other tenants in the appartment building kept complaining) and so we all (Colin, Jason, me, Virginia, Sam and Caley) all piled (rather illegally I might add) into Colin's jeep and proceeded to drive people home. On the way to drive Sam home there was a cat on the road and the conversation proceeded as such:

Janelle: Colin look out there's a cat!
Colin: what?! huh?! (slams on breaks to see cat on the OTHER side of the road)
Colin: If I can't see the cat and the cat is in the OTHER lain...there IS NO CAT!


umm so yes. Came home, ended up really sick all night and into the next day. Went to the doctors to be told that I have Bronchitus, a chest infection of sort AND a virus. Yay for multiple illnesses. So the doctor put me on some antibiotics to get ride of the infections and told me to rest lots. I've ended up having to call in sick for the past too days due to lack of proper breathing, major coughing attacks and the fact that I'm so light headed and wacked out on cold meds that I feel like a 5 year old mental patient. I'm pretty sure I've lost all of my motor skills and I can't remember anything. I'll do something one minute and then a minute later I will have completely forgotten. I'm having a really hard time even putting sentances together right now. This is taking me much much longer that it normally ever would. It's like my brain is no longer connected to my finger tips or like there's a 5 minute delay between the two.

In other news, Tracy got released from the hospital yesterday so my mom went to go help her get settled in and get the house all cleaned and everything only to walk in and find Brendan and Colin (two guys from Vic that Tracy has taken under her wing) both drunk and stoned with two girls lounging in the living room. They both refused to help with anything and my mom got so pissed off and FINALLY got mad at them. They both spent the night at our house tuesday night cause they had no where to go and they're just ungratefully useless bastards. They got Tracy into all of this mess and are now claiming that they've helped her so much to stay out of trouble. Bull shit. They're the reason WHY she was in trouble in the first place. Tracy woulda been just fine if Brendan hadn't started dealing coke out of her house. Fuck I hate people. But my mom yelled at them and then got mad at Tracy for not giving a shit about anything anymore and instead of staying there for a week like planned Junes drove my mom home. I'm really glad because tomorrow is my mom's birthday and she doesn't need to be dealing with all of who knows what the hell could happend down there in the next week. Obviously Brendan's not as squeeky clean now as he claims to be, I don't even wanna know what's gunna happen.

If you've ever met someone before who you could just stop and look at and the first thought to come to your mind would be "wow...they're fake" well Brendan is 100x's worse. I really don't understand what's up with people being so fake these days. I realized this yesterday, why do people try so hard to be something they're not. Can they not accept the fact that they are who they are and no matter what they do that's not going to change. You were created the way you are for a reason people, you weren't created one way so that you can go and make yourself completely different. When you try to be or act like someone you're not, it shows, you can't fool're only fooling yourself and what for? the chance that someone might like you? If they do they'd be a fool for not noticing you in the first place. You should never have to change yourself just to gain someone's attention, if they don't notice the real you then they're not worth striving for. This may seem like a completely random rant but it's something that's been weighing on my heart for a long time, especially in regards to some of my closest friends. I love you all to pieces, I just wish that you could learn to love yourselves like I love you. You're all amazingly wonderful girls and deserve to be treated like princesses. You should never have to change who you are just to be apprechiated. Be the you that I know and love and learn to love yourselves. You don't need a guy to love you to know that you're worthy. You're amazing and remember that.

That's all for now, call me if you need anything, I'll be here...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Shakin' That Ass On The Floor, Bumpin' And Grindin' That Pole, I Think I'm Losin' Control!

Best fucking night lastnight, it rocked...sooooo much fun. Totally worth still being drunk this morning at work for lol. We all had way too much to drink, danced way too hard, some of us fell on their asses right infront of the entire bar full of people...well ok maybe that one was only me. It wasn't my fault! the guy took it right out from under me and then he didn't even play Shake That again to make it up to me like he told Alyssa he would. That was very disappointing. The boys actually danced which was awesome...completely due to the fact that they were all shit faced. The bartender made Tasha and I some really awesome drinks that we have no idea what they were made of or what they're called. I must say the best one was the martini that Henry got him to make for us. So good. Damn whatever the shots he bought us were, were nasty though haha but by that point it just didn't matter. After the bar, at about 2am we all headed back to Dominos to see Chris and Loren and Josh made a huge mess haha Tasha slept on the hood of Chris' car and the rest of us pretty much just chilled. It was an awesome night and I had a blast. Definately felt it this morning however. I had to work at 9am and when I woke up after only 4 hours of sleep I was still drunk. It was nice. I'm supposed to be going out tomorrow night with a bunch of girls from work too, I dunno if I can handle another night of drinking lol nor can I afford it! It's too damn expensive. Well I need to get something to eat, and then header to the leader's meeting at Alastairs. Andrea's picking me up so that we can chat about girly things like boys and such hehe. *girls blushy smile* Umm ya.. so I'm out, off tuesday and wednesday if anyone's interested in doing something. See ya'll!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Not A Good Way To Start Your Day

Update time, although I'm not too sure that there's a whole lot to update. Work's been going pretty well, had a couple crappy days but it picked up again today. I'm learning how to close and such now which is awesome. Getting tonnes of hours and actually enjoying it. umm been staying up way too late for no freaking reason..just hanging out. Watching lots of movies with the guys. Umm today my day started by almost missing my bus and then a block up the street having to have the bus' break's slammed on because a guy on a motorcycle was hit by a van RIGHT in front of us. The bus driver had to call 911 and it was really scary. I'm pretty sure that the guy's either in ICU or was really freaky and a very bad way to start off my day. Things got a bit better after that, I bought a hot chocolate and a chocolate chip muffin and then went into work early to chat with Ashley for a bit till Nadine got there. I'm hoping to find something to do tonight, dunno what that'll be cause no one seems to be answering their cell phones. Anyways, I think I should go get cleaned up in case someone decides they wanna do something. Beach party at the Griz's a possibility. Call me!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Hopefully Bringing Sexy Back....Or Getting Some To Begin With haha

Wow it's kinda late, but I'm off tomorrow so who cares! That's right I'M OFF tomorrow AND wednesday! It's amazing, purely amazing. Almost as amazing as Apples to Apples. That is by far the best game ever invented. The more players the better, the sicker the mind the better and everyone has a blast. Plus it doesn't hurt that Tasha and I kick major ass at it. Sometimes it really doesn't matter how good your card is however because as soon as a card consisting of anything to do with Jewish people, a war, racism, pedifelia, a cheesy boy band or.....Jack Nicholson gets played you're screwed. Nothing can beat those cards...ever. I just got home from spending approximately 2 hours sitting outside of Dominos Pizza on the cement playing said game with anyone and everyone who happened to show up. It was definately good times.

I have to say that I told Tasha about a little crush of mine and she took it much much better than I expected her to...unless she was just pretending to be fine with it and is really fuming on the inside, ready to burst and release her built up anger on me lol I sure as hell hope not. Umm I dyed my hair lastnight, it's dark red with a hint of purple and pretty hot. To go along with my new hot hair I am going shopping tomorrow with Tasha and maybe Alyssa? I don't really know and she/they is/are going to give me a make over and help me find sexy clothes to wear to the bar and out and such. Hopefully we have some success, they both always look amazing and so I'm hoping they can rub a little bit of that off on me. We can hope anyways. Well I"m off to bed, I need sleep. Ta Ta for now

Monday, September 11, 2006

Bring Back The YMCA

Since I'm already up pretty late for having to work in the morning I figure that I might as well postpone my much needed rest and provide a little update for the few of you who actually read this. I've been working full time at Woodgrove Shoe Warehouse but instead of being third key like I was told I'd be...they gave it to this other girl that works there. So, I don't really know if I get benefits or not or what's going on...but I think I'm going to be making pretty good money fairly soon. I have above store average scores in every freaking category (only person to do so in the store, including management) and so I should be getting some bonus'. If this happens I've decided that Tasha needs to take me shopping and help me buy some sexy clothes for our outings to the clubs. Speaking of which. Last weekend Alex, Chelsea, Crysta, Shawn, Rachel and I all went to the Griz and I had way too much to drink considering I had to go to Victoria the next morning but it was a total blast. Lastnight Tasha, Alyssa, Henry and I went to 70 Below and met up with Loren, Ian and Lindsay and Henry was EXTREMELY drunk and hillarious and we all danced and had a grand ol' time. Doing the YMCA in the gay bar...definately a highlight. Best convo consisted of Henry singing along to the YMCA but saying "why are you gay." and Tasha going "Henry!! shhh! you're in a gay bar!" For being sober that was a pretty hillarious night lol. Wish I coulda drank but I had to work at 9am this morning surprise surprise. I work 10-6:30 tomorrow and then I get 2 days off!!!!! Ya! I'm so excited, this is my first two consecutive days off in months. I think that I'm supposed to be going to 70 Below tomorrow night with a bunch of girls from work because the asst. manager of Sterling is leaving and we all apparently need to get really drunk. I believe it's country night...could be fun, those girls are rather entertaining.

On another note, I dyed my hair this evening, it's pretty hot. Dark red, I love it. Colin called me right after I finished doing so and asked if I wanted to hangout with him and Jason so I agree and they came and picked me up. We went and harrassed Andrew and Andrea and then decided to rent a movie. We chose (really I chose) She's The Man (They didn't resist...) and it was pretty funny...Andrew came over half way through and then a while later there was a knock on the door. Open the door and who do we find....Andy, Brook and Brad! It's a party! lol not really...more like the biggest geek in the universe convention because they came possessing about 5 million play stations with an equal amount of tv's so that they could have some massive geek off. I have no idea what they do in their spare time but I decided not to find out and got Colin to drive me home lol. I have a huge feeling that they're all going to show up at the mall tomorrow and come say hi to me, it's a good thing that both my boss' are off tomorrow hehe.

Anyways, I must depart and go to bed before I die of sleep deprevation. Hopefully I'll be able to actually sleep tonight. That's all for now folks, tune in later for another installment of Janelle's boring yet slightly amusing life!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Short Update

I've got 15 minutes till I gotta go catch my bus and I figured that since I hadn't updated in a while I might as well do so. I've been working tonnes lately as usual, starting monday I will be full time at Shoe Warehouse which I"m pretty excited about. It'll be nice having the security of 30+ hours a week and 2 days off every week. It gets so crazy in there sometimes though it's unbelievable. I think that's partially just because it's back to school though. I actually have tomorrow off which I'm pretty stoked about. Hoping to go out to the Griz tonight, possibly to Victoria to see Tracy tomorrow.Things are really starting to look up, no one thinks I'm going to be able to make it living on my own but it just makes me more determined to do it. Wow I really don't have much to talk about this morning, probably cause I'm so freaking tired. If I get woken up in the middle of the night by anyone or anything again I'm going to kill something. But I should probably actually get going, maybe vacuum for my mom before I leave. Bye!