Monday, September 11, 2006

Bring Back The YMCA

Since I'm already up pretty late for having to work in the morning I figure that I might as well postpone my much needed rest and provide a little update for the few of you who actually read this. I've been working full time at Woodgrove Shoe Warehouse but instead of being third key like I was told I'd be...they gave it to this other girl that works there. So, I don't really know if I get benefits or not or what's going on...but I think I'm going to be making pretty good money fairly soon. I have above store average scores in every freaking category (only person to do so in the store, including management) and so I should be getting some bonus'. If this happens I've decided that Tasha needs to take me shopping and help me buy some sexy clothes for our outings to the clubs. Speaking of which. Last weekend Alex, Chelsea, Crysta, Shawn, Rachel and I all went to the Griz and I had way too much to drink considering I had to go to Victoria the next morning but it was a total blast. Lastnight Tasha, Alyssa, Henry and I went to 70 Below and met up with Loren, Ian and Lindsay and Henry was EXTREMELY drunk and hillarious and we all danced and had a grand ol' time. Doing the YMCA in the gay bar...definately a highlight. Best convo consisted of Henry singing along to the YMCA but saying "why are you gay." and Tasha going "Henry!! shhh! you're in a gay bar!" For being sober that was a pretty hillarious night lol. Wish I coulda drank but I had to work at 9am this morning surprise surprise. I work 10-6:30 tomorrow and then I get 2 days off!!!!! Ya! I'm so excited, this is my first two consecutive days off in months. I think that I'm supposed to be going to 70 Below tomorrow night with a bunch of girls from work because the asst. manager of Sterling is leaving and we all apparently need to get really drunk. I believe it's country night...could be fun, those girls are rather entertaining.

On another note, I dyed my hair this evening, it's pretty hot. Dark red, I love it. Colin called me right after I finished doing so and asked if I wanted to hangout with him and Jason so I agree and they came and picked me up. We went and harrassed Andrew and Andrea and then decided to rent a movie. We chose (really I chose) She's The Man (They didn't resist...) and it was pretty funny...Andrew came over half way through and then a while later there was a knock on the door. Open the door and who do we find....Andy, Brook and Brad! It's a party! lol not really...more like the biggest geek in the universe convention because they came possessing about 5 million play stations with an equal amount of tv's so that they could have some massive geek off. I have no idea what they do in their spare time but I decided not to find out and got Colin to drive me home lol. I have a huge feeling that they're all going to show up at the mall tomorrow and come say hi to me, it's a good thing that both my boss' are off tomorrow hehe.

Anyways, I must depart and go to bed before I die of sleep deprevation. Hopefully I'll be able to actually sleep tonight. That's all for now folks, tune in later for another installment of Janelle's boring yet slightly amusing life!


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