Friday, September 22, 2006

Boob Cake, Bronchitus and Blogging Good Times

I guess that I should probably update, it's been about a week or so...I've been sick. It was Jason's birthday on tuesday so I decided that we needed to do something for him and so Colin and I began planning a bit of a surprise party. (we decided to do this the night before..) and so Virginia and I spent all of tuesday afternoon baking and decorating a boob shaped caked..which turned out mightily amazing I might add. Carleen attempted to keep Jason preoccupied at the mall and then the guys all took him out for dinner while we put the finishing touches on the cake and waited for everyone else to arrive. We had a really good turn out, actually pretty much everyone we invited showed up and we managed to pull off the surprise nicely. We ate cake, played DDR and just sat and chatted marrily. I ended up getting really sick by time the party got underway...I had felt it coming on through out the day but didn't expect the high fever and just over all crappy feeling that took over my body. Virginia was really tired cause she'd been up since 4am for school and so we both subtly disappeared into Colin's room where we proceeded to nap. Everyone kinda meandered out the door at about midnight (yes I know we party hard lol but the other tenants in the appartment building kept complaining) and so we all (Colin, Jason, me, Virginia, Sam and Caley) all piled (rather illegally I might add) into Colin's jeep and proceeded to drive people home. On the way to drive Sam home there was a cat on the road and the conversation proceeded as such:

Janelle: Colin look out there's a cat!
Colin: what?! huh?! (slams on breaks to see cat on the OTHER side of the road)
Colin: If I can't see the cat and the cat is in the OTHER lain...there IS NO CAT!


umm so yes. Came home, ended up really sick all night and into the next day. Went to the doctors to be told that I have Bronchitus, a chest infection of sort AND a virus. Yay for multiple illnesses. So the doctor put me on some antibiotics to get ride of the infections and told me to rest lots. I've ended up having to call in sick for the past too days due to lack of proper breathing, major coughing attacks and the fact that I'm so light headed and wacked out on cold meds that I feel like a 5 year old mental patient. I'm pretty sure I've lost all of my motor skills and I can't remember anything. I'll do something one minute and then a minute later I will have completely forgotten. I'm having a really hard time even putting sentances together right now. This is taking me much much longer that it normally ever would. It's like my brain is no longer connected to my finger tips or like there's a 5 minute delay between the two.

In other news, Tracy got released from the hospital yesterday so my mom went to go help her get settled in and get the house all cleaned and everything only to walk in and find Brendan and Colin (two guys from Vic that Tracy has taken under her wing) both drunk and stoned with two girls lounging in the living room. They both refused to help with anything and my mom got so pissed off and FINALLY got mad at them. They both spent the night at our house tuesday night cause they had no where to go and they're just ungratefully useless bastards. They got Tracy into all of this mess and are now claiming that they've helped her so much to stay out of trouble. Bull shit. They're the reason WHY she was in trouble in the first place. Tracy woulda been just fine if Brendan hadn't started dealing coke out of her house. Fuck I hate people. But my mom yelled at them and then got mad at Tracy for not giving a shit about anything anymore and instead of staying there for a week like planned Junes drove my mom home. I'm really glad because tomorrow is my mom's birthday and she doesn't need to be dealing with all of who knows what the hell could happend down there in the next week. Obviously Brendan's not as squeeky clean now as he claims to be, I don't even wanna know what's gunna happen.

If you've ever met someone before who you could just stop and look at and the first thought to come to your mind would be "wow...they're fake" well Brendan is 100x's worse. I really don't understand what's up with people being so fake these days. I realized this yesterday, why do people try so hard to be something they're not. Can they not accept the fact that they are who they are and no matter what they do that's not going to change. You were created the way you are for a reason people, you weren't created one way so that you can go and make yourself completely different. When you try to be or act like someone you're not, it shows, you can't fool're only fooling yourself and what for? the chance that someone might like you? If they do they'd be a fool for not noticing you in the first place. You should never have to change yourself just to gain someone's attention, if they don't notice the real you then they're not worth striving for. This may seem like a completely random rant but it's something that's been weighing on my heart for a long time, especially in regards to some of my closest friends. I love you all to pieces, I just wish that you could learn to love yourselves like I love you. You're all amazingly wonderful girls and deserve to be treated like princesses. You should never have to change who you are just to be apprechiated. Be the you that I know and love and learn to love yourselves. You don't need a guy to love you to know that you're worthy. You're amazing and remember that.

That's all for now, call me if you need anything, I'll be here...


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