Saturday, September 16, 2006

Not A Good Way To Start Your Day

Update time, although I'm not too sure that there's a whole lot to update. Work's been going pretty well, had a couple crappy days but it picked up again today. I'm learning how to close and such now which is awesome. Getting tonnes of hours and actually enjoying it. umm been staying up way too late for no freaking reason..just hanging out. Watching lots of movies with the guys. Umm today my day started by almost missing my bus and then a block up the street having to have the bus' break's slammed on because a guy on a motorcycle was hit by a van RIGHT in front of us. The bus driver had to call 911 and it was really scary. I'm pretty sure that the guy's either in ICU or was really freaky and a very bad way to start off my day. Things got a bit better after that, I bought a hot chocolate and a chocolate chip muffin and then went into work early to chat with Ashley for a bit till Nadine got there. I'm hoping to find something to do tonight, dunno what that'll be cause no one seems to be answering their cell phones. Anyways, I think I should go get cleaned up in case someone decides they wanna do something. Beach party at the Griz's a possibility. Call me!


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