Sunday, September 17, 2006

Shakin' That Ass On The Floor, Bumpin' And Grindin' That Pole, I Think I'm Losin' Control!

Best fucking night lastnight, it rocked...sooooo much fun. Totally worth still being drunk this morning at work for lol. We all had way too much to drink, danced way too hard, some of us fell on their asses right infront of the entire bar full of people...well ok maybe that one was only me. It wasn't my fault! the guy took it right out from under me and then he didn't even play Shake That again to make it up to me like he told Alyssa he would. That was very disappointing. The boys actually danced which was awesome...completely due to the fact that they were all shit faced. The bartender made Tasha and I some really awesome drinks that we have no idea what they were made of or what they're called. I must say the best one was the martini that Henry got him to make for us. So good. Damn whatever the shots he bought us were, were nasty though haha but by that point it just didn't matter. After the bar, at about 2am we all headed back to Dominos to see Chris and Loren and Josh made a huge mess haha Tasha slept on the hood of Chris' car and the rest of us pretty much just chilled. It was an awesome night and I had a blast. Definately felt it this morning however. I had to work at 9am and when I woke up after only 4 hours of sleep I was still drunk. It was nice. I'm supposed to be going out tomorrow night with a bunch of girls from work too, I dunno if I can handle another night of drinking lol nor can I afford it! It's too damn expensive. Well I need to get something to eat, and then header to the leader's meeting at Alastairs. Andrea's picking me up so that we can chat about girly things like boys and such hehe. *girls blushy smile* Umm ya.. so I'm out, off tuesday and wednesday if anyone's interested in doing something. See ya'll!


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