Monday, January 30, 2006

It's Gunna Be Worth It (mmm ice cream)

It seems as though God has sorted things out for me and it's pretty wonderful. A huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and I feel as though it's only going to get better. Plus I got a blizzard out of Colin just for washing some dishes lol.

This week is going to be really long and possibly stressful but also fun. We're organizing and planning a huge dessert banquet to raise money for the YL Mexico trip and it's going to be awesome but tiring at the same time. There's so much to do and so little time! But it will be worth it. My entire week is completely planned out with Andrea so that we can get as much done as soon as possible. I think I'm going to be too busy to think about not having a boyfriend for Valentine's Day lol.

I should really head off to bed though, I have to get up at 6am for Campaigners, then write donor letters with Andrea, then contact work at Wellington, clean my house and then a leaders meeting. I might have some free time in the afternoon but apparently I also have to "help" my sister with her homework, aka do it for her. I feel like a highschool student, single mom and event coordinater all at one. That's pretty messed up. to ya'll later, buh bye.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

How Do You Know What To Do When You Don't Know How You Feel?

I really need to figure out how I feel and decide what I want. I hate feeling jealous but I just can't help it...what's going on with me people?? Well only one of you even knows what I'm talking about but that's not the point. Must make up mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I Had A Turtle Named After Chuck Norris...

Here I am once again blogging out of boredom and confusion as the what my heart's feeling right now. Why do I get so confused, I need a users manual for my own heart.

Anyways as for my day today, I got up, I got my hair cut, fought with my mom, went to Welly with Jason and met up with Holly and talked to a bunch of people. Then I went with Jason over to his place and hungout with him, Andrew and Colin. Andrew was still sleeping and it was like noon. We just hungout for a while and then Reyna came over. We hungout some more and then went and picked Sam up from school. Ended up going downtown so that Reyna could show me the prom dress she wants. We drove around for a while and then went home. Had dinner, wrote Sam's psych essay for her, went to Alastair's for games night, hungout with people..went over to Jason's. Jason had to drive a bunch of people home so he gave us his keys and dropped us off so we raided his appartment while he was gone. When I say raided I really mean just compared the comfortableness of his and Colin's beds. Colin wins. Then he got back and we watched the end of the OC/hockey game. Then we watched CSI and just chilled. Then we came home.

Now I'm just sitting here, talking to Wes...looking at funny animal cartoons that he insisted I see. And now he's telling me funny quotes about Chuck Norris...Good times, good times. But I think that I'm just about ready for bed, I'll see ya'll later.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Boredom Leads To Rambling.

Not much is really new but I was bored so I figured I'd update and hope that someone comes online while I'm doing so.

Ok so yesterday Jason and Tasha came over and we all hungout and played some Apples to Apples and I won..and it was great. Then Tasha headed out and Jason, Sam, Crysta and I watched Saved which is a hillarious movie and I began making dinner. Jason went home shortly after my mom got home from work, we ate and then Sam and I went over to Jason's to hangout with him, Andrew and Colin. Steven ended up coming over at about 9:30 and we all watched American Idol and made fun of the contestants. Then the guys jammed and it was hot lol. Boys with musical talent just get to me and I can't help it. Reyna then picked us up and we headed home.

As for today...I've been in PJ's all day, didn't even get up till like 1:30pm. Well I got up earlier than that and felt sick so I went back to bed, then I woke up and couldn't was like every joint in my body had totally seized up and my knee has been hurting like a mother fucker ever since. I just don't even hurts soooo much.

Tomorrow's thursday and I'm supposed to be getting my hair cut in the morning...then doing Contact work at Welly and then doing something YL related in the evening. I suggested bon fire on Lantzville Beach so I hope that we get to do that. I think it would be tonnes of fun. Friday night there's a Swing Dance thing with the Port Alberni YL so I'm excited about that, Sam's coming and it's going to be good times. Well that's about all I may get bored later and try and come up with something else to write about...

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Ain't No Mountain High Enough!

This weekend ROCKED!!!

Ok so I don't think that I can write out EVERYTHING that happened this weekend so I've decided to write about my favorites.

"Does he come in pink?!?" - Wade when talking about how we can't pick what our god is like.

Alastair (talking about the colour of Holly's face while talking about relationships in the presence of Wade, her bf's little brother): "I think red means stop!?"
Sacha: "No! Red means GOOO!"
Holly: "Remind me to never let you drive my car hahah"

At classy night tapping our glasses with our spoons to "prepare Holly and Marcus for marrage" and then having the Peninsula table join in and Marcus kiss Holly infront of everyone and then her go bright red.

Our entire table then busting out singing Can You Feel The Love Tonight from the Lion King to Holly and Marcus infront of a room full of people.

Walking down the streets of Ucluelet screaming the words to I Will Survive and getting a tour from Peter (a boy from there that people knew from camp)

Sacha pretending to touch Steven's butt and Jason getting jealous and then Sacha accidentally fully cupping Jason's ass and freaking out because she touched his butt.

The car ride home with Steven and Jason where they entertained me greatly. They sang If I Had A Million Dollars for me as well as various other songs like Weird Al. They crack me up.

Ok so those were probably my favorites, there are soooooo many more good times but it would take forever to type them all out. I'm sure you'll all hear all about them sometime anyways. I was pretty sick throughout the weekend but it was still awesome. We went for a hike through the forest and watched cartoons in the morning while making breakfast. Got to know people a fair bit better, lots of laughs and fun.

Apparently I have a future husband named John...he's a leader from Victoria. Alastair decided that it would be much easier to get the number of leaders up if they just hooked us up with other leaders from other towns that are already trained. They also told John this and they worked out a contract for once he's finished college in a few weeks lol Anyways...must go get ready for Full Circle so I'll think of more stories to tell you about and get back to ya guys. Buh bye!

PS: The theme song of the weekend was Ain't No Mountain High Enough and it's an awesome song.

Ain't no mountain high enough, aint no valley low enough, aint no river wide keep me from getting to you babe!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

It's like watching paint dry...ON YOUR EYES!

"Have you ever waited for a woman to make up her mind? It's like watching paint dry...ON YOUR EYES!" lol That was a line from Crossing Jordan (a show on tv that I watched tonight) and it made me laugh cause no matter how much we deny it's so true.

So, as for this weekend it's been kinda interesting...went dancing friday night, had my jacket stolen, got into a huge fight with Shawn...came home and went to bed. Don't really wanna elaborate on that right now. Yesterday I didn't do anything cause I felt I pretty much lounged around in sweats and watched tv. That's pretty much all I did today as well...again because I've been sick. Dancing totally fucked my knee over so I can barely walk and I woke up this morning with a lovely reoccurrance of the stomach pains I had believed to have gotten rid of. Apparently they decided to make an appearance. Which is just wonderful if I do say so myself. I pretty much just layed on the couch and watched movies all weekend. I watched Stepmom lastnight, Then today I watched Blast From The Past, part of Save the Last Dance, Freaky Friday, and then a special 2 hour episode of Extreme Makeover Home Edition that made me cry several times. It was good times...

That about sums up my weekend...had it's bad moments...had it's good. I got a little time to relax, too bad I felt like shit. But meh maybe I'll be feeling a bit better tomorrow. I'm gunna head off to bed now though so if anything exciting happens I'll let ya know.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

So Sober I Was DRUNK

Brody: Are you drunk???
Me: No I'm not DRUNK!
Will M: Ya! High 5 to being drunk!!!!
*me and Will high 5*
Me *whispers*: No no Will...that was LAST weekend ;)

Haha that was such a great conversation...but really...we weren't DRUNK lastweekend, just drinking a little. Another great convo tonight was as fallows...

Me: hey the milk supposed to be on the counter...?
Will: I just finished using it for my 5 minutes ago...*gives weird look*
Me: Well it tends to go bad after a little while...
Will: I personally like day old milk thank you very much. *Puts milk in fridge*
*a minute passes*
Eric: hey..where'd the milk go?!
Will: Way to wreck everything Janelle!
Me: Well I'm sorry...I just can't help it sometimes.
Will: That's the LAST time I let you sleep in MY bed with me!
*me laughing my ass off*
Eric: Did you just say that it's the last time you'll sleep with men...?
*Will sad face and then quietly walks away*
*I begin mocking Eric about putting random flavored candycane in his tea*

Anyways...enough of those tonight we were supposed to go you can tell it didn't turn out that way. We all got there to discover that it was completely packed with league bowlers and there was no room for us whatsoever. Nor was there room for us at the other bowling alley. So, all 25 of us decided to head over the Sacha's house to watch a movie instead. We watched Dodgeball which is totally awesome and had a grand old time. Alastair drove Sam and I home and the entire drive was absolutely hillarious. Oh man does he ever need to teach us the art of mocking people like he does. Sam kept telling him things and he kept mocking her and I laughed. It was great.

So supposed to be girls night at the Press Room...doesn't appear as though that's the way it's going to be however. Alex is insisting on coming so we're probably going to end up inviting other guys as well. It sucks but what can you do...besides murder him or take away his ID...both ideas of mine which were shot down rather quickly. Well I keep spacing out so I think that's my cue to go to beeeeed. Bye ya'll

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Amazingly Awesome Weekend

This has been a pretty amazingly awesome weekend if I do say so myself. I spent almost the entire weekend over at Sacha's...I went over friday night at about 11 and Sacha, Will M, Josh and I attempted to watch Essex Boys...oh did we try..but it was too painfully awful that we turned it off about 3/4 of the way through, Josh went to bed and the 3 of us put on Ace Ventura Pet Detective. I forgot how awesome that movie is lol. We went to bed sometime around 3am..not exactly sure...didn't get too much sleep but it was alright. Got up just before 10am to Josh attempting to do some cleaning cause his family was due to arrive anytime...we ran around frantically cleaning and eventually they arrived. All 8 of them...It was mayhem I tell you! Haha good thing I greatly enjoy his family...and he's not too bad himself ;). They all headed out to the mall and Sacha, Nina, Will, Will and I headed to the ferry terminal where we were meeting Sacha's friend Anna. Just so happened to be the wrong ferry terminal...Once we finally got all the way to the other one Sacha only had a few minutes to see her friend. We then dropped Will M off at Value Village, went back to their house and then played some Golf (the card game).

I came home for a few hours...then Sacha and Nina picked me back up at 7:30pm and we went to Will's Young Adults Church group where he was playing drums. Sacha and I had severe ADD and couldn't sit still or be quiet and we were whispering to eachother about various things and giggling when we shouldn't have been so Will kept giving us dirty looks lol. I said to Sacha "I think Will's going to ground us...or maybe give us a detention.." and she turned to me (just as the guy started praying) and whispers "or spank..." so I'm sitting there like busting a guy but trying SOO hard not to laugh out loud that I end up like I almost killed her. Then Will wanted to know what was so funny but Sacha threatened to expose my secret crush if I told him haha but she ended up telling him herself later.

We get back to their house and it's empty except a dead to the world Eric sleeping on the couch which we inadvertantly awoke while laughing at Will about his "webbed hands" for the millionth time yesterday. We finished our game of Golf and I lost horribly...We then partaked in a game of Disney Scene at which I somehow lost at..oh I know how! I WAS THE ONLY ONE WITHOUT A PARTNER! lol then we played a round of Shout About was me, Eric and Nina (who doesn't know music) against Will and Sacha...they were losing so badly, that when Josh's family got home from a play they ALL joined their team...and still lost 109 points to 0!!! ZERO! lol They had 30...but then they bet em all and lost lol. Josh and the other Will returned shortly after that from their movie and that's when the alcohol got busted out.

Josh got all the makings for Holy Water's which is pretty much a Pornstar shot in 7up. They're so good, I had one got as drunk as I was hoping they would lol I was looking forward to laughing at the guys more than I normally do. Josh's aunt then decided that his mom absolutely had to see 40 Year Old Virgin so they put it on..even his like 8 or 9 year old cousin watched it with us. And his 14 year old sister and was good times though, except for the fact that I was laying on the floor and felt like I had a fever and couldn't stop shaking. That kinda sucked. After it was over we headed to bed, Sacha and I slept on a little landing at the bottom of the stairs cause we decided that 8 girls in one room would just be too much to take. The landing was about the size of a twin size bed, surrounded with needless to say it wasn't a very peaceful night of sleep...never mind the fact that one of the guys turned the light on right above us sometime VERY early this morning. Then Will woke us up before 8am so that Sacha could drive him to church. Got outta bed bout 9 or something, got ready for church...bonded with Josh's little sis while sitting in Sacha's room which was really awesome. I love her! Then we went to church, got presents for being new, it was a good service and then I came home. Slept for a couple hours, got up..had shower, made dinner...went to Full Circle.

Full Circle was really awesome tonight, amazing atmosphere, lots of kids just a really good time in general. Then again I was stuck sitting beside Scott, the Youth Paster from Neighborhood who wouldn't stop making me laugh the entire night haha. He's so funny...before it started he was trying to get everyone to yell "Sean your fly's undone!" while he was speaking up on stage but no one would so then Scott was up there doing annoucements and one of the girls behind me (either Liz from YL or her friend) yelled "Scott your fly's undone!" and it was so funny and then he said they were just trying to look at his butt cause he turned around to check and it went downhill from there lol. Everyone was pretty crazy. After it was over, we came home and here I am...well I watched tv for an hour and sat on here for an hour but you catch my drift. But that's all for my weekend update, hope you all enjoyed it..well the like 2 of you that actually read this hehe. See ya later.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Total Randomness

Well I found this on Meg's blog and thought I'd fill it out since I had nothing better to do. The first part was kinda depressing lol but the second half brought back some gooooood memories.

stayed single the whole year
got your first kiss
kissed someone new (hehe Delainy on the cheek on New Years! lol)
made-out for the first time
made-out in/on a car
kissed in the snow
kissed in the rain
fell in love
had your heart broken
broke someone else's heart
had a stalker
had a good relationship with someone (Friends)
questioned your sexual orientation
came out of the closet
gotten pregnant
gotten someone else pregnant
had an abortion
gotten married
had a divorce
had a gay marriage
kissed someone of the same sex
dated someone you'll never forget
done something you've regretted
lost your true love
lost faith in love
kissed under mistletoe
got a promotion
got a pay raise
changed jobs
lost your job
quit your job
dated a co-worker
dated your boss
dated your boss' daughter/son
got fired from your job
got straight As
met one teacher you really like
met one teacher you really hated
found the subject you love
failed a class
cut class
skipped school
got into a fight with a classmate
did something you were proud of
discovered a new talent
gave the teachers a reason to teach
proved yourself an idiot
embarassed yourself in front of the class
fell in love with a teacher
got a lead in the school play
made a varsity team
were involved in something you'll never forget
got sent to the office
painted a picture
wrote a poem
ran a mile
listened to music you couldn't stand
went to a sleepover
went to camp
threw a surprise party
laughed till you cried
laughed till you peed in your pants
flirted shamelessly
visited a foreign country
visted a foreign state
cooked a disasterous meal
lost something important to you (But I got it back!!!)
got a gift you adore
realized something new about yourself
went on a diet
tried to gain weight
dyed your hair
came close to losing your life
someone close to you died (not really close, more when I was younger)
went to a party
drank alchohol
drank alchohol underage
did drug(s)
got drunk
got arrested
read a great book
saw a great movie
saw a movie so scary that it made you cry
saw your favorite band/artist live
saw someone famous in person
did something you want to tell everyone
enjoyed this

So as for what's been happening my entire family has been sick so we've just been vegging around the house. I haven't been too bad so I went to a movie lastnight with Jason, Rebecca and Colin. It was good times, we saw Fun With Dick and Jane which was really good and then went to Timmy's for a bit. We decided that Sam's future profession is going to be a perverted clown and she's going to play at Jason's kids' birthday parties and make dirty things out of balloons. "Hey! That's not a Giraffe!" lmao oh man..good times. Then when I got home Sam went on msn and told Colin and Jason that she apparently walked in on me standing infront of a mirror naked singing Like A Virgin (which she so didn't lol) and it was really funny, and I'm glad that they knew that she was joking lol otherwise it coulda been bad.

Trying to get a bunch of people together to go out dancing on Friday night, hopefully certain boys will come. I'm gunna see if Sacha wants to have a slumber party this weekend. I think her roommates are starting to get used to having me around haha they've started picking on me...which according to Sacha just means they care lol. They're all really funny, I love them. Well I should get going, maybe play some more Need For Speed!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Best New Years Ever

Whooohoooo New Years!!!! My New Years totally rocked. There were a few hickups which I'll explain but over all it was amazing. Jason and I got a little lost on the way to the Church but eventually found it and the guys were practicing so Sacha and I tried on our costumes. Then we went and got food and headed over to the Church where we were doing games and worship. Some of the games didn't go so well...the kids weren't as into it as we thought they'd be...we're a little too used to the YL kids that'll do whatever we want them too lol These kids were a little more skeptical. We did games for a couple hours, then sang worship for an hour, then more games and cleanup and then headed over to the Vineyard Church where the guys were all set up for the concert.

This is where the real fun begins lol. The guys had been practicing all day so everyone figured the concert would go smoothly. The first song was Thunderstruck by ACDC and about halfway through there's a weird noise from the drums and the music stops. Will's peddle had gone right THROUGH the drum skin on his bass drum (kick drum). They tried to tape it up with masking tape but there wasn't much hope so Sacha, Jason and I booked it to the other side of town to Will's house to get his drum and then booked it back. At this point it was 11:30pm and we made it back about 5 minutes before the New Year. We got the bass drum set up but the Toms were a different make so they wouldn't fit! Sacha even thought about bringing Wills with us too but decided against he had to play the night without them.

While we were gone one of the Youth Pasters threw a hissy fit about how there shouldn't be secular music at a Christian Youth gathering and tried to convince all her youth to go home...I'm pretty sure not many did. The guys decided to make a little bit of peace and whipped some worship songs out of their asses and rocked out. That was pretty awesome and then after I think 4 worship songs they got back to the 80's. Josh sang Message In A Bottle by Sting and sounded JUST like him and I was like in aw. They also sang Strange Animal by Gowan which was absolutely amazing aswell. Same with some Def Leopard and various other songs. They only got about a third of the songs they were gunna play done and then everyone had to go home. The kids all cleared out and we all just sat around and talked for a while.

I was mad at someone for something they said and ended up running my foot over with a bunch of chairs cause I wasn't paying attention out of frustration. Then Will M asked if I needed a huge and said that Will W was offering and I laughed. I love those boys lol. Most of the guys were beating themselves up pretty badly about the down points in the evening but they were really amazing anyways. We finally headed home at about 2am. Got to Josh's at about 2:30am and then sat around talking while we waited for Sacha to get back from driving the Wills home. We (me, Jason, Josh, Sacha, John + Jeremy [Josh's bros] and Dave their friend) all stayed up till sometime between 3:30 and 4am and then went to bed. Woke up somewhere between 8 and 9 and stayed awake till people had left for church, then I just kinda dozed in and out of consceousness till about 12 when Sacha and Will got back and woke me up. Josh and Jason were still asleep so the three of us headed over to Will's for dinner with his family. His family's really awesome and we played some Scene It? after eating. Headed back to Josh's cause the guys had awoken and were wondering where we were.

Jason and I headed out to come back to Nanaimo at about 3pm and didn't get home till 5pm. This was due to poor directions, apparently taking the "scenic" route by accident, almost running out of gas, trying to find a gas station and not finding one for 15 minutes EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS A SIGN! lol we were kinda bitter about that. Ended up having to drive all the way through Qualicum Beach...and then finally home. I left my runners in CR so I'm really hoping Sacha can find them and get them too me...there's my only runners.

All together this weekend was an amazing adventure and the best New Years I've every had!