Sunday, January 01, 2006

Best New Years Ever

Whooohoooo New Years!!!! My New Years totally rocked. There were a few hickups which I'll explain but over all it was amazing. Jason and I got a little lost on the way to the Church but eventually found it and the guys were practicing so Sacha and I tried on our costumes. Then we went and got food and headed over to the Church where we were doing games and worship. Some of the games didn't go so well...the kids weren't as into it as we thought they'd be...we're a little too used to the YL kids that'll do whatever we want them too lol These kids were a little more skeptical. We did games for a couple hours, then sang worship for an hour, then more games and cleanup and then headed over to the Vineyard Church where the guys were all set up for the concert.

This is where the real fun begins lol. The guys had been practicing all day so everyone figured the concert would go smoothly. The first song was Thunderstruck by ACDC and about halfway through there's a weird noise from the drums and the music stops. Will's peddle had gone right THROUGH the drum skin on his bass drum (kick drum). They tried to tape it up with masking tape but there wasn't much hope so Sacha, Jason and I booked it to the other side of town to Will's house to get his drum and then booked it back. At this point it was 11:30pm and we made it back about 5 minutes before the New Year. We got the bass drum set up but the Toms were a different make so they wouldn't fit! Sacha even thought about bringing Wills with us too but decided against he had to play the night without them.

While we were gone one of the Youth Pasters threw a hissy fit about how there shouldn't be secular music at a Christian Youth gathering and tried to convince all her youth to go home...I'm pretty sure not many did. The guys decided to make a little bit of peace and whipped some worship songs out of their asses and rocked out. That was pretty awesome and then after I think 4 worship songs they got back to the 80's. Josh sang Message In A Bottle by Sting and sounded JUST like him and I was like in aw. They also sang Strange Animal by Gowan which was absolutely amazing aswell. Same with some Def Leopard and various other songs. They only got about a third of the songs they were gunna play done and then everyone had to go home. The kids all cleared out and we all just sat around and talked for a while.

I was mad at someone for something they said and ended up running my foot over with a bunch of chairs cause I wasn't paying attention out of frustration. Then Will M asked if I needed a huge and said that Will W was offering and I laughed. I love those boys lol. Most of the guys were beating themselves up pretty badly about the down points in the evening but they were really amazing anyways. We finally headed home at about 2am. Got to Josh's at about 2:30am and then sat around talking while we waited for Sacha to get back from driving the Wills home. We (me, Jason, Josh, Sacha, John + Jeremy [Josh's bros] and Dave their friend) all stayed up till sometime between 3:30 and 4am and then went to bed. Woke up somewhere between 8 and 9 and stayed awake till people had left for church, then I just kinda dozed in and out of consceousness till about 12 when Sacha and Will got back and woke me up. Josh and Jason were still asleep so the three of us headed over to Will's for dinner with his family. His family's really awesome and we played some Scene It? after eating. Headed back to Josh's cause the guys had awoken and were wondering where we were.

Jason and I headed out to come back to Nanaimo at about 3pm and didn't get home till 5pm. This was due to poor directions, apparently taking the "scenic" route by accident, almost running out of gas, trying to find a gas station and not finding one for 15 minutes EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS A SIGN! lol we were kinda bitter about that. Ended up having to drive all the way through Qualicum Beach...and then finally home. I left my runners in CR so I'm really hoping Sacha can find them and get them too me...there's my only runners.

All together this weekend was an amazing adventure and the best New Years I've every had!


At 8:52 PM, Blogger tashalaughs said...

commenting on your own journal? what is the world coming to?


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