Sunday, January 08, 2006

Amazingly Awesome Weekend

This has been a pretty amazingly awesome weekend if I do say so myself. I spent almost the entire weekend over at Sacha's...I went over friday night at about 11 and Sacha, Will M, Josh and I attempted to watch Essex Boys...oh did we try..but it was too painfully awful that we turned it off about 3/4 of the way through, Josh went to bed and the 3 of us put on Ace Ventura Pet Detective. I forgot how awesome that movie is lol. We went to bed sometime around 3am..not exactly sure...didn't get too much sleep but it was alright. Got up just before 10am to Josh attempting to do some cleaning cause his family was due to arrive anytime...we ran around frantically cleaning and eventually they arrived. All 8 of them...It was mayhem I tell you! Haha good thing I greatly enjoy his family...and he's not too bad himself ;). They all headed out to the mall and Sacha, Nina, Will, Will and I headed to the ferry terminal where we were meeting Sacha's friend Anna. Just so happened to be the wrong ferry terminal...Once we finally got all the way to the other one Sacha only had a few minutes to see her friend. We then dropped Will M off at Value Village, went back to their house and then played some Golf (the card game).

I came home for a few hours...then Sacha and Nina picked me back up at 7:30pm and we went to Will's Young Adults Church group where he was playing drums. Sacha and I had severe ADD and couldn't sit still or be quiet and we were whispering to eachother about various things and giggling when we shouldn't have been so Will kept giving us dirty looks lol. I said to Sacha "I think Will's going to ground us...or maybe give us a detention.." and she turned to me (just as the guy started praying) and whispers "or spank..." so I'm sitting there like busting a guy but trying SOO hard not to laugh out loud that I end up like I almost killed her. Then Will wanted to know what was so funny but Sacha threatened to expose my secret crush if I told him haha but she ended up telling him herself later.

We get back to their house and it's empty except a dead to the world Eric sleeping on the couch which we inadvertantly awoke while laughing at Will about his "webbed hands" for the millionth time yesterday. We finished our game of Golf and I lost horribly...We then partaked in a game of Disney Scene at which I somehow lost at..oh I know how! I WAS THE ONLY ONE WITHOUT A PARTNER! lol then we played a round of Shout About was me, Eric and Nina (who doesn't know music) against Will and Sacha...they were losing so badly, that when Josh's family got home from a play they ALL joined their team...and still lost 109 points to 0!!! ZERO! lol They had 30...but then they bet em all and lost lol. Josh and the other Will returned shortly after that from their movie and that's when the alcohol got busted out.

Josh got all the makings for Holy Water's which is pretty much a Pornstar shot in 7up. They're so good, I had one got as drunk as I was hoping they would lol I was looking forward to laughing at the guys more than I normally do. Josh's aunt then decided that his mom absolutely had to see 40 Year Old Virgin so they put it on..even his like 8 or 9 year old cousin watched it with us. And his 14 year old sister and was good times though, except for the fact that I was laying on the floor and felt like I had a fever and couldn't stop shaking. That kinda sucked. After it was over we headed to bed, Sacha and I slept on a little landing at the bottom of the stairs cause we decided that 8 girls in one room would just be too much to take. The landing was about the size of a twin size bed, surrounded with needless to say it wasn't a very peaceful night of sleep...never mind the fact that one of the guys turned the light on right above us sometime VERY early this morning. Then Will woke us up before 8am so that Sacha could drive him to church. Got outta bed bout 9 or something, got ready for church...bonded with Josh's little sis while sitting in Sacha's room which was really awesome. I love her! Then we went to church, got presents for being new, it was a good service and then I came home. Slept for a couple hours, got up..had shower, made dinner...went to Full Circle.

Full Circle was really awesome tonight, amazing atmosphere, lots of kids just a really good time in general. Then again I was stuck sitting beside Scott, the Youth Paster from Neighborhood who wouldn't stop making me laugh the entire night haha. He's so funny...before it started he was trying to get everyone to yell "Sean your fly's undone!" while he was speaking up on stage but no one would so then Scott was up there doing annoucements and one of the girls behind me (either Liz from YL or her friend) yelled "Scott your fly's undone!" and it was so funny and then he said they were just trying to look at his butt cause he turned around to check and it went downhill from there lol. Everyone was pretty crazy. After it was over, we came home and here I am...well I watched tv for an hour and sat on here for an hour but you catch my drift. But that's all for my weekend update, hope you all enjoyed it..well the like 2 of you that actually read this hehe. See ya later.


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