Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Total Randomness

Well I found this on Meg's blog and thought I'd fill it out since I had nothing better to do. The first part was kinda depressing lol but the second half brought back some gooooood memories.

stayed single the whole year
got your first kiss
kissed someone new (hehe Delainy on the cheek on New Years! lol)
made-out for the first time
made-out in/on a car
kissed in the snow
kissed in the rain
fell in love
had your heart broken
broke someone else's heart
had a stalker
had a good relationship with someone (Friends)
questioned your sexual orientation
came out of the closet
gotten pregnant
gotten someone else pregnant
had an abortion
gotten married
had a divorce
had a gay marriage
kissed someone of the same sex
dated someone you'll never forget
done something you've regretted
lost your true love
lost faith in love
kissed under mistletoe
got a promotion
got a pay raise
changed jobs
lost your job
quit your job
dated a co-worker
dated your boss
dated your boss' daughter/son
got fired from your job
got straight As
met one teacher you really like
met one teacher you really hated
found the subject you love
failed a class
cut class
skipped school
got into a fight with a classmate
did something you were proud of
discovered a new talent
gave the teachers a reason to teach
proved yourself an idiot
embarassed yourself in front of the class
fell in love with a teacher
got a lead in the school play
made a varsity team
were involved in something you'll never forget
got sent to the office
painted a picture
wrote a poem
ran a mile
listened to music you couldn't stand
went to a sleepover
went to camp
threw a surprise party
laughed till you cried
laughed till you peed in your pants
flirted shamelessly
visited a foreign country
visted a foreign state
cooked a disasterous meal
lost something important to you (But I got it back!!!)
got a gift you adore
realized something new about yourself
went on a diet
tried to gain weight
dyed your hair
came close to losing your life
someone close to you died (not really close, more when I was younger)
went to a party
drank alchohol
drank alchohol underage
did drug(s)
got drunk
got arrested
read a great book
saw a great movie
saw a movie so scary that it made you cry
saw your favorite band/artist live
saw someone famous in person
did something you want to tell everyone
enjoyed this

So as for what's been happening my entire family has been sick so we've just been vegging around the house. I haven't been too bad so I went to a movie lastnight with Jason, Rebecca and Colin. It was good times, we saw Fun With Dick and Jane which was really good and then went to Timmy's for a bit. We decided that Sam's future profession is going to be a perverted clown and she's going to play at Jason's kids' birthday parties and make dirty things out of balloons. "Hey! That's not a Giraffe!" lmao oh man..good times. Then when I got home Sam went on msn and told Colin and Jason that she apparently walked in on me standing infront of a mirror naked singing Like A Virgin (which she so didn't lol) and it was really funny, and I'm glad that they knew that she was joking lol otherwise it coulda been bad.

Trying to get a bunch of people together to go out dancing on Friday night, hopefully certain boys will come. I'm gunna see if Sacha wants to have a slumber party this weekend. I think her roommates are starting to get used to having me around haha they've started picking on me...which according to Sacha just means they care lol. They're all really funny, I love them. Well I should get going, maybe play some more Need For Speed!


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