Thursday, January 12, 2006

So Sober I Was DRUNK

Brody: Are you drunk???
Me: No I'm not DRUNK!
Will M: Ya! High 5 to being drunk!!!!
*me and Will high 5*
Me *whispers*: No no Will...that was LAST weekend ;)

Haha that was such a great conversation...but really...we weren't DRUNK lastweekend, just drinking a little. Another great convo tonight was as fallows...

Me: hey the milk supposed to be on the counter...?
Will: I just finished using it for my 5 minutes ago...*gives weird look*
Me: Well it tends to go bad after a little while...
Will: I personally like day old milk thank you very much. *Puts milk in fridge*
*a minute passes*
Eric: hey..where'd the milk go?!
Will: Way to wreck everything Janelle!
Me: Well I'm sorry...I just can't help it sometimes.
Will: That's the LAST time I let you sleep in MY bed with me!
*me laughing my ass off*
Eric: Did you just say that it's the last time you'll sleep with men...?
*Will sad face and then quietly walks away*
*I begin mocking Eric about putting random flavored candycane in his tea*

Anyways...enough of those tonight we were supposed to go you can tell it didn't turn out that way. We all got there to discover that it was completely packed with league bowlers and there was no room for us whatsoever. Nor was there room for us at the other bowling alley. So, all 25 of us decided to head over the Sacha's house to watch a movie instead. We watched Dodgeball which is totally awesome and had a grand old time. Alastair drove Sam and I home and the entire drive was absolutely hillarious. Oh man does he ever need to teach us the art of mocking people like he does. Sam kept telling him things and he kept mocking her and I laughed. It was great.

So supposed to be girls night at the Press Room...doesn't appear as though that's the way it's going to be however. Alex is insisting on coming so we're probably going to end up inviting other guys as well. It sucks but what can you do...besides murder him or take away his ID...both ideas of mine which were shot down rather quickly. Well I keep spacing out so I think that's my cue to go to beeeeed. Bye ya'll


At 11:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Janelle, you can forget about living with me and my husband, in his house...where I will spend my days poolside...watching hockey.

Habs lost yesterday against Colorado!!! So sad...


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