Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Slight Disappointment

It's been a few days so I thought that I should probably update. I also just got home from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire so I have a few minutes before exaustion sets in. I went with Sam, Andrea, Caley, Steven, Jason and Rebecca, it was good but slightly disappointing. It was really dark and not really what I was hoping for, kinda what I was expecting though. Seriously ugly and nasty were those mermaids?? And they really cut a lot saddened me deeply. But then again I also kinda started in a bitter mood because a certain someone's refused to move down the isle further, causing another certain someone to move and go to the other end because they got a crappy seat! Still kinda bitter about that if you couldn't notice lol oh well, some good times were had tonight anyways...the leader's meeting was was really funny. Well that's about all for now, I'll update more tomorrow when my throat's not killing me.

Friday, November 25, 2005

My Hair's All Gone!

I cut all of my hair off!!! Whoohooo! I love it so much. I didn't exactly cut it ALL off but about 4-5 inches, it's pretty awesome and makes me very happy. Thank you Andrea for making me do it! I've been in such a great mood lately and I'm loving it!

So yesterday I went to the Dr's and he said that I'm on the mend and should be 100% very soon. Then I went and did some contact work with Andrea and Holly at Welly and visited people. After that Andrea, Jesslyn and I went and got some subway and chatted, then Jesslyn went back to school. Andrea and I ended up heading to the mall where I ended up getting my hair all chopped off. After that we went to Liquidation World so that I could show my mom and then we came back her/to Andrea's and got ready for club. Went to YL for about 5 and it went pretty well...the kids seemed to have fun but it kept seeming like things just weren't as good as they really could be. Nothing went really badly but nothing went amazingly. After club was over people drove kids home and then Andrea, Jason, Steven and I decided to go to Boston Pizza for dessert and it was a tonne of fun. Many laughs were had and a good time was had by all. I got home at about 11:45pm and then went to bed about 1am.

Now as for today, I'm chillin' at home, cleaning and doing laundry. Right now I'm just kinda listening to music and enjoying my little bit of alone time. Crysta and Sam will be home soon, then Meagan and her mom are picking Sam up cause she's going to Duncan for the weekend. I may or may not go out and do something this evening, depends on if Jason finds something to do and other people to hangout with.

Tomorrow's going to be so scary! Ok so here's the deal. There's a big benefit banquet for YL tomorrow night and all of the donors and such are going to be there. Holly, Alastair, Jason, Steven and I are all doing a skit called "I'm glad I'm a Young Life leader" and it's really hillarious but I'm so scared I'm gunna screw up! lol I'm sure it'll be ok but it's slightly nerve racking performing for a bunch of rich, important people. Jason has to wear a tutu mwhahaha. so ya, scariness!

For all those who don't know, my birthday party is on the 9th! We're going bowling, then to dinner at MGM for when Andrea gets off of work around 9pm and then to the Press Room. I've heard it's the only decent dance club in town. If anyone knows of a better one let me know. So that's very exciting, I'm so excited, lots of people are coming...I think that a lot of the old gang will be there. Makes me happy. Even Erin's probably coming up from Victoria! Yay! Haha anyways...enough about that, I should probably get going ta ta for now.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Venting and Birthday Excitement!

Holy fucking hell. Is this self pity month or what? Sure as hell seems that way! It seems as though everyone I talk to or every blog I read is all "poor one likes me friends all realized I'm an ass hole and I'm too prideful to actually go and appologize to them." Seriously people, what is wrong with you!?!?! I've had my fair share of bullshit lately but I've been sucking it up...been really sick and injured yet I've still fullfilled all of my responsibilities and dealt with it.

I really hope that a certain someone is reading this because I really need to tell her to 'get over it'! I'm sorry...but you expect me to forgive you for the horrible way you treated me, just because you appologized on your blog. Sorry, not gunna happen. You could email, msn, call, come over...any meathod of communication that might be SLIGHTLY more personal than that. You say that all your friends turned into assholes but maybe it's just YOU. I'm sure that every person you ever knew or was friends with didn't instantly have a stick shoved up their ass.

And what's with people claiming to be 'ditched' or 'avoided' just because people already have other plans? We're not 5 anymore people. I go home early from YL on thursday because I'm sick and someone gets totally pissed off at me because I didn't go to McDonalds and talk to them.

That felt good. I'm sorry, but it did. As for other news, I quit my job lastnight because I'm unable to do it due to health issues and working there is just making me sicker. I'm quite happy with my decision and I'm sure I'll find another job soon enough. I'm going over to Holly's tonight with Andrea and Sacha for our mini bible study that I'm very excited about. The boys feel left out which I feel bad about but I think we're going to hangout with them after words. Should be tonnes of fun.

My birthday is in about 2.5 weeks and I'm really excited, hopefully gunna go out and party it up...I know that lots of people want to lol. Whoohoo, can't wait! I'm almost 19 *dances*.

I haven't seen Megan in forever! and Megan, if you're reading this I miss you! lol We must hangout very soon...go for dinner or something. Call me and let me know when you're free. Well that's about all for today, I still haven't gotten dressed and I should probably do that. I also need to finish up a couple of things around the house before I go out for the evening. Ta ta for now.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

So Much Pain...

Update time! woohooo, but not so much the excited woohooo, more the sarcastic one. I've been working a lot...doing YL shiat...really sick right now. I'm not too sure what it is but it feels like an extremely horrible ear infection and my ear hurts so much. I can also barely hear out of it. I also found out on thursday that I'll probably be having to have surgery on my knee in the near future. My doctor looked at the x-rays from the hospital two weeks ago and said that there's a growth on the bone that I must of hit when I fell and it will probably have to be removed. Yay...I just love surgery. Especially since I'll probably have to spend a lot of time either on crutches or in a wheel chair after that. Ugh my ear's hurting way too much to do this right now, I'll finish updating later, bye.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

"I'm sorry I couldn't understand you" .. "That's because I just hit myself in the head with my phone.."

Whoohoo! First two days of GMA training under my belt and answering the phones is becoming much easier. I never would have thought that this job would be as stressful as it is. My first call yesterday was some lady screaming at me because she is a single mom and has to support her kids and needed to activate her damn phone. I wanted so badly to say "well I didn't knock you up now did I?!" but I didn't. I got through the day much better than certain friends of mine who are now considering quiting. I really don't want them to quit!

Ok so yesterday, I went over to Holly's and we all hungout and played Settlers which is always good times. Then while driving home Jason and Devon decided that it would be fun for Jason to do the shifting and pettles and for Devon to stear...that was scary. I'm rather suprised I made it home alive! Then I was supposed to go out for dinner with people from work, but Sarah couldn't go and I couldn't get ahold of Lindsay. I didn't really wanna just go and take the chance that people were there. I ended up going to Liquidation World with my dad for a few minutes to take my mom some food and I got to see Alex for a bit. That was pretty cool. Then when I got home Andrea called me cause she got off of work 2 hours early so we decided to rent a movie. We got to the movie store and there were NO copies of any movie we wanted to see. So, we decided to try the other movie store...STILL no copies of any of the movies...then we drove past Galaxy to see if anything was playing but the next show time wasn't till 9:45 and we didn't want to wait that long. After a while we decided to just go to Moxies and get some food/dessert/berry island blends and it was wonderful. We had a good time. Then we both went home and went to sleep lol

Now I'm awake, not dressed or showered and waiting for my sister to leave for work. Hopefully I'll find something fun to do today. My birthday's in less than a month guys!!! YAY! I'm hoping to find somewhere to have a party, but it definately won't be here since my mom's having her Christmas Staff party here the Saturday Night after my birthday. I will let you all know what is decided upon and we can party it up. I can't wait to turn 19! Well I should go and get dressed and stuff. Buh bye!

(PS: My name was the beginning of a conversation with a custom yesterday and I actually wasn't the one hitting themself with a phone!)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Want some nuts?!

Time for an update I presume. It's been a few days. Not a whole lot has really was my last day of in class training and I'm so scared! I have to answer phone calls tomorrow! What if I fuck up royally?!?! I'm so frightened. Apparently most people end up puking a lot on their first day...I don't wanna puke. I don't like puking. I went over to Holly's lastnight and we had soup for dinner, then Sacha and Andrea came over and we had Girl Time. It was fun, we chatted lots and made plans to start our own bible study. I'm really looking forward to it, I've never done one before. I got home from Holly's and went straight to bed. Got up and then went to work. It was kinda blah day at work but definately had it's good times. Some of the highlights were:

Lindsay: "Jordan can I have some more nuts?" (he had sun flower seeds...)
then Matt: "you want some nuts?!?" *thrusting*
(About 5 minutes later) Me: "Can I have some sunflower seeds?"
*Jordan hands me some*
Matt: "how does it feel to be holding Jordan's nuts?"
Me: "They're really tiny but plentiful"

lmao oh man that was so good and Sarah totally missed all of it. I feel so sorry for Jordan's gf sometimes haha. One of my favorite moments was probably Matt walking straight into the Bootlegger wall/window. I think I almost died laughing. There was also Sarah and I refusing to let people back in the class without getting a massage first so Aaryn gave me a 15 minute massage during last break and Les came in and "massaged" my arm with his bald head and then compaired it to a sperm trying to enter an egg. Oh how I love Les lol. Today was a good day.

Now for the ventage about something totally unrelated to work. I don't understand how someone can appologize on a blog and then expect to get a response and have everything ok? I really don't get it...a phone call...and email...ANYTHING would be better than that. But that's just me. I realized today that I really only have one friend from highschool left that I hangout with and that's Andrea. Maybe I was never really as close as I thought to certain people...especially since certain ones come to hangout with my sister now instead. Good times. Hmm I just dunno what's gunna happen. Erin might be coming up for a visit this weekend which is exciting, people will probably get together..I'm just not too sure who. I need to get ahold of Geoff to find out if he's still having a b-day bash at his place cause that'd be totally awesome. I dunno if I'll ever get Alex to go but I'm damn well gunna try. As for me, I am now going to go and rock out to some music and then have a nap. See ya'll later!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Waiting Time Randomness

Here's to killing time on Andrea's computer while she gets her lazy butt out of bed and makes us late for church :D haha well actually...we're not gunna be late because we're going to go to a later service but that's not the point. I called and woke her up promptly at 8am and she was SUPPOSED to get up and get a shower like I did...but nooooo she went back to bed and then didn't answer her phone when I tried to call and see if she was ready. So, I walked across the street and woke her up anyways. If I'm gunna be awake and dressed and ready for church, so is she! mwha. ya, we're going to a later service so I have some time to kill while she's in the shower and how better to kill time than to write a completely random and meaningless blog entry? So today is the last of my two days off and they've been quite wonderful if I do say so myself. Friday afternoon Meagan, Sam and I went shopping for a bit, then first thing yesterday morning Sam and I dyed eachother's hair! woohoo! so much fun. Mine went pretty much black but I actually like it anyways. Sam's is like bright red and awesome. So then, we spent the majority of the day just lounging around in our sweat, we watched "The Longest Yard" which is an absolutely awesome movie. I loved it so much...I'm tempted to watch it again today. I think I just might...if I find time that is. So ya, we lounged, that about covers it. Today I'm going to church, then Andrea and I are going to do a little bit of shopping and then we're meeting Holly for coffee at the Chapters Starbucks. It shall be grand. Back to work tomorrow, but I've got some hot new clothes to wear so I'm actually pretty stoked. My dad's going to try and find me crutches today even though my mom doesn't think I need them. My knee's not as bad as it was but I don't want to go through another 5 month healing process because I didn't use crutches and kept fucking up my knee. Makes sense right? I didn't use em for my right knee and I still have problems with it. Well it seems as though she is out of the shower so I should get going, buh bye!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

The Way Things Go

Mexico seems to be a go!!! Yay! I got my deposit in to Alastair lastnight, well my dad did it for me cause I really didn't feel like leaving my house. My knees are totally fucked...I am supposed to use crutches for the next I don't know how long because of my latest injury. Sucks big time.

I've only got another 3 days of in class training which is slightly sad because I love most of the people that I'm working with. I hope that we all get fairly similar shifts. There's this one guy in my class that I'm slightly interested in but yes, he is a fair bit older than I am. Some people seem to think that it's weird but most don't. Then again it's most of the girls from work that think we should hook up lol.

Yesterday I got home from work and Meagan and Malachi were still here from dropping Sam off so we all decided to go shopping for a bit. I bought three really awesome party shirts and some pizza pockets. Sam and I got hair dye so we're dying our hair sometime today. I think it will be a good day. What else..I dunno, things are nice...and calm. They're going rather well.

Someone that I used to be friends with seems to be wanting to reconsile and I'm not sure if I can do that. I think that some things would really have to change before that could happen and honestly...I think that if she really wanted it she would come and see me. Talk to me in person and sort things out. There's just some things that I really don't want back in my life and I dunno what to do.

Anyways. I should get going, gotta do some cleaning and figure out where my day's going from here. Talk to ya'll later, Megan please call me! Buh bye

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Mexico Mayhem

Ok, so I'm sitting here waiting to go to work..yes it really is 4:25 am...Sacha should be here to get me within the next 20 minutes. I'm ready really early because I didn't have to make a lunch. A bunch of us are having "The Breakfast Club" today, which consists of approximately 10 people and we're all bringing a bunch of breakfast foods and we're going to have a feast on our lunch break. It shall be good times. I cooked a bunch of hashbrowns lastnight so I'm taking those (we have microwaves to heat stuff up) and people are bringing bacon, eggs, a toaster, bread, english muffins etc. I'm looking very forward to it. I'm slightly worried though because I'm lacking in the day time cold meds department today...I ran out. I hope that I will survive...I've got YL if I don't survive work..I'm screwed. It looks like I'm going to make it onto the Mexico list after all...after a long agonizing day of not knowing. I found out yesterday that I may have to quit my job if I wanna go but...I don't really care that much about my job anyways so I'm going to Mexico people. But then I also found out that Alastair hadn't put me on the list yet even though I told him that I would for sure have the money for him on friday, not maybe...for sure. So, I emailed him yesterday and he still had one spot left so he put me in it. Yay. Hopefully no more stress for Janelle. Well, I should get going..I've got to make my tea and find my jacket. Talk to ya'll later!