Saturday, November 05, 2005

The Way Things Go

Mexico seems to be a go!!! Yay! I got my deposit in to Alastair lastnight, well my dad did it for me cause I really didn't feel like leaving my house. My knees are totally fucked...I am supposed to use crutches for the next I don't know how long because of my latest injury. Sucks big time.

I've only got another 3 days of in class training which is slightly sad because I love most of the people that I'm working with. I hope that we all get fairly similar shifts. There's this one guy in my class that I'm slightly interested in but yes, he is a fair bit older than I am. Some people seem to think that it's weird but most don't. Then again it's most of the girls from work that think we should hook up lol.

Yesterday I got home from work and Meagan and Malachi were still here from dropping Sam off so we all decided to go shopping for a bit. I bought three really awesome party shirts and some pizza pockets. Sam and I got hair dye so we're dying our hair sometime today. I think it will be a good day. What else..I dunno, things are nice...and calm. They're going rather well.

Someone that I used to be friends with seems to be wanting to reconsile and I'm not sure if I can do that. I think that some things would really have to change before that could happen and honestly...I think that if she really wanted it she would come and see me. Talk to me in person and sort things out. There's just some things that I really don't want back in my life and I dunno what to do.

Anyways. I should get going, gotta do some cleaning and figure out where my day's going from here. Talk to ya'll later, Megan please call me! Buh bye


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